Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 188 Regional agency

In the huge conference room, representatives of agents from various countries and regions all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Mo Jingchun's speech.

Even the representatives with poor Chinese language ability are wearing real-time translation headsets at this time.

"Let's talk about the agent first. Personally, I don't have the idea of ​​developing the company's business abroad for the time being. That is to say, in addition to my country, I will only choose one agent for each major region in the world."

Everyone knew what Mo Jingchun's words meant.

This means that most of the more than 100 agents here may have to return empty-handed, especially those agents who are relatively weak, and their faces are a bit ugly.

"In addition, I only care about the ex-factory price. As for how much the agent sells to the outside world, we, Candy Technology, don't care about it, and we are not responsible for it."

The world can be divided into East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and North Asia, North America, Latin America, Oceania, and Antarctica.

There are twelve regions in total. As for Antarctica, it was directly ignored by Mo Jingchun.

After all, in such a ghostly place, except for the people of the scientific expedition team, no one has anything to go there.

Seeing someone raise their hand in the conference room, Mo Jingchun stretched out his hand to signal the other person to speak.

"Sir, please tell me."

"Mr. Mo, I have a few questions, can you clear them up for me?"

"Of course." For "guests" who offered to give money, Mo Jingchun always welcomed them with both hands.

Fernando Caceres asked in unfluent Chinese:

"The first question, I want to ask Mr. Mo how the regions are divided. After all, there are many ways to divide regions. It can be as large as a continent or as small as a city."

Mo Jingchun shrugged, and smiled happily: "As I said just now, except for my country, I will use geographical divisions."

"This means that for everyone here, only ten delegations can return home with full rewards. As for the other delegations, here, I can only say sorry."

"After all, Candy Technology is a company dedicated to research and promoting social development. Too many agents will only waste human, material and financial resources."

"Of course, after you get the power of attorney, you can divide it into two or even three levels of power, as long as you don't want to divide it, it's all voluntary."

Eleven? Isn't it twelve?

"Mr. Mo, I'm very sorry to interrupt your speech. I really don't understand what you mean. As far as I know, shouldn't it be twelve regions?"

Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, isn't it, there are people who want places like Antarctica?

"This... er... sir, there are actually twelve regions, but Antarctica is not a suitable place, is it?"

"No, no, Mr. Mo, as long as life can be saved, there will be people who are willing to go. You really don't understand a person's desire to live."


"Well, there are twelve areas in total."

"I don't know if this gentleman still has any doubts. If not, let's continue."

Fernando Caceres was afraid that he would miss the most important doubt, after all, this doubt was what he cared most about.

"Mr. Mo, I want to know, can we cooperate with multiple companies to compete for regional agency rights?"

cooperate? Mo Jingchun frowned, probably because he wanted to dig a hole and wait for me to jump in.

If all your companies are united, then how can I be a white wolf with empty hands.

How to make you willing to spend more small money.

However, it seems inappropriate not to allow them to cooperate.

With a big company, they lost their competitiveness and directly won the regional agency rights. Doesn't this mean that they still have to pay less.

Mo Jingchun groaned slightly, his eyes brightened.

"Yes, but only three or less agents are allowed to form a group. In addition, the agency rights will be sold in the form of auction, with a starting price of 1.5 billion."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Jingchun added: "In addition, our Candy Technology only accepts payment in Chinese currency."

As soon as Mo Jingchun said this, the major agents in the conference room frowned.

At this moment, another person raised his hand and asked, "Mr. Mo, can you give us a moment to report to the headquarters?"

Mo Jingchun picked up the phone and glanced at the time, raised the phone, and said casually:

"five minutes."

The next moment, representatives of the major agencies in the meeting room began to contact the headquarters one after another, and some people began to look for partners.

And these people, without exception, are agents with relatively low strength.

Five minutes passed in a flash, and many agent representatives were so nervous that they were sweating on their foreheads.

It's a pity that five minutes is neither long nor short, and agents without courage will still miss it after all.

Some people are happy and some are sad, and the expressions on everyone's faces are different.

"Then, the auction begins now."

"Regional agency rights in East Asia, the starting price is 1.5 billion."

"Everyone, please bid."

Mo Jingchun originally thought that there would be a silence for a while, after all, everyone would first see who would bid first.

However, it was beyond Mo Jingchun's expectation.

"1.6 billion."

Directly add 100 million at a time, proud!

"Ahem, 100 million times, is there a higher price?"

Although reduced to an auctioneer, Mo Jingchun enjoyed it.

What happened to the auctioneer? This is calling out real money at a fair price.

Alberto Weirshaw watched his old rival quote the price, and thought of the boss's explanation, he directly quoted a price that surprised everyone.


For a moment, everyone was indeed shocked by Alberto Welchau.

Mo Jingchun's heart burst out with foul language.

"2 billion once! Is there anyone else bidding?"

"How high is the value of the specific medicine for leukemia, don't I need to say more? Is there a higher price?"

"2 billion times!"

However, everyone was really not good enough, which made Mo Jingchun very disappointed.

Why not continue?

"2 billion for the third time, congratulations to this agent for auctioning the agency rights in East Asia."

"Next, let's continue."



When Alberto Welchow reported 2 billion again, other agents could no longer sit still.

"Alberto Vershaw, why are you still making an offer?"

Alberto Wilsha cast a mocking glance at the exasperated Akshaye Kanner.

"Did someone say no?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, yes, it seems that they didn't say that they can't continue to shoot after they get a regional agency.


Everyone thought of Alberto Welchow's offer, and suddenly thought of a very terrible possibility.

That is, Alberto Welchau will buy all the regional agency rights.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Mo Jingchun coughed.

"Ahem, I personally have no objection. In fact, it seems good to have only one agent. This saves Candy Technology a lot of trouble."

PS: Thanks to Haolong Wang, Shiguang Haojie, 31415926585, juvenile wt, innocence and smile, Mengxiliu, Leila Henhen

, K ant, jkhukk, the tipping support of footsteps in the rain. ()

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