Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 191 Small automated production line

Do you regret it?

After Wang Jingtang asked himself, he shook his head.

If you don't try it, maybe my sister has no hope of surviving at all, isn't she?

Looking at the pale Wang Jingtang, Mo Jingchun asked in surprise:

"You don't regret it?"

"What you are doing is making wedding dresses for others."

"You don't regret it?"

"No regrets."

At this moment, Wang Jingtang found that there seemed to be no depression in his heart.

Even the mind is surprisingly sober at this moment.

After a long time, Mo Jingchun seemed to be unintentional, but his expression was deeply convinced.

Mo Jingchun stood up and slowly found a blank piece of paper and a pen in the Armed Police Hall.

Handing the full page of paper to Xu Pengfei, Mo Jingchun said in a serious tone:

"I don't care how much you spend or what method you use. All these equipment and herbs must be in place before six o'clock tonight."

"Go to work, let the personnel notify the employees, go to work early today, and let the company run for me."


Not everyone can wait until the day when the drug is on the market.

Nowadays, specific drugs for leukemia have been allowed to go on the market, so why not do what we can?

Although Mo Jingchun is not superstitious, Mo Jingchun is willing to accumulate virtue for candy.

Only for the healthy and happy growth of Candy.

After explaining to Xu Pengfei, Mo Jingchun got up and walked out, followed by Xu Pengfei.

At this time, Wang Bing asked:

"Mr. Mo, what should we do with this child? Should he be escorted to the capital or sent to the police station?"

Hearing Wang Bing's words, Mo Jingchun stopped, but did not turn around.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled and said:

"Instead of sending minors to the police station for attempted theft, it is better to send them to their parents and watch them be educated."

As Mo Jingchun walked, he said, "Remember the video."

After Mo Jingchun left, Wang Bing nodded to Wan Fusen and asked Wan Fusen to release the handcuffs.

"You are lucky, Mr. Mo has good intentions."

"If not, don't think you are a minor, you will be fine."

According to the theft of state secret documents, even if Wang Jingtang is a minor, I am afraid that this will be the case in this life.

Again, this is what the above is happy to see.

Wu Zhuang, who changed into casual clothes, led Wang Jingtang, who was eating buns, out of the park.

In the fifth-floor ward of the inpatient department of the county hospital, Wang Jingtang lowered his head in shame when he saw his mother and his sister on the hospital bed.

In the past, he was the pride of the family!

"Hello, Auntie. Are you Wang Jingtang's mother?"

Yang Xiaofeng looked at his son with his head down, thinking that he didn't come back last night, saying that he went to play games.

Soon, Yang Xiaofeng figured out that it was his son who made some mistakes, and they all came to him.

"Yes Yes."

Wu Zhuang saw that apart from Wang Jingtang's family, there were other patients in the ward.

Moreover, the Sleeping Beauty on the hospital bed was pale and without any color.

If I say it here, I'm afraid it will really kill people.

"Auntie, can you come out for a while? I want to talk to you about something."

Yang Xiaofeng followed Wu Zhuang's gaze, looked at his daughter on the hospital bed, and reacted.

"Good, good, good."

In the stairway, Wu Zhuang turned on the law enforcement recorder hanging on his chest.

"Auntie, it's like this..."

After Wu Zhuang finished speaking, Yang Xiaofeng's eyes were red and tears flowed down his face.

His hands kept patting Wang Jingtang's shoulders, "Why are you so uneasy! Ah!"

"Auntie, auntie, children need to be educated."

Wu Zhuang quickly grabbed his aunt's hand.

"Auntie, there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"Children make mistakes all the time, as long as it's not a big mistake, it's fine to guide the child back to the right path."

After Wu Zhuang left, Yang Xiaofeng leaned against the wall and didn't speak for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, Yang Xiaofeng looked at his son and asked:

"Tell me the truth, what are you doing?"

After his son explained, Yang Xiaofeng felt mixed feelings.

That morning, Xu Pengfei's secretary sent over the investigation report that Mo Jingchun had given.

As for Xu Pengfei himself, he was buying the items in Mo Jingchun's list.

In the office, Mo Jingchun looked at the investigation report, feeling a little lost.

It turns out that from the news release to the present. In just half a month, several hospitals in the county have been filled with leukemia patients.

It's not that no one came to ask. When they learned that the factory was still under construction, no one came to the door.

"Brother, why are you unhappy?"

Candy, who was wearing a pale yellow dress, was dragging a toy excavator, looking up at her brother suspiciously from under the desk.

Mo Jingchun touched Candy's braid, and said with a slightly sad face:

"It's okay, everything will be fine."

Candy frowned, "I don't understand."

"Brother, let's play with building blocks."


After playing with Candy for half a day, Mo Jingchun felt much better.

In the afternoon, a car delivered what Mo Jingchun requested.

A group of people took a lot of effort to transfer all the equipment to the second floor of the laboratory.

It was not until after eight o'clock in the evening that the equipment was installed.

After eating, Mo Jingchun walked on the second floor of the laboratory with candies.

Watching Wang Bing checking there with an unknown instrument.

Didi Didi~

Is there really something? Mo Jingchun stared in surprise at the small black square lying on the ground that was pulled out of the machine.

"What's this?"

After Wang Bing removed the built-in power supply of the monitor, he said aloud:

"It's a monitor."

After checking, Mo Jingchun looked at the six monitors in Wang Bing's hand, and shivered involuntarily.

Although these devices are all automated, there is no one in production.

But these devices can be hidden, what about other places?

Seemingly seeing Mo Jingchun's worry, Wang Bing said:

"Mr. Mo, we have irregular inspections in the company park."

"That's good."

After sending Wang Bing downstairs, Mo Jingchun found a small bench for Candy to sit on.

And he started to import data for the device and debug it.

At night, with the bright moon shining in the sky, Candy sat on a small bench, yawned with his chin resting on his hand, and looked at his serious brother.

"Brother, how long will it take, Guo'er wants to sleep."

"It's coming soon."

"It will be fine soon."

A few minutes later, Mo Jingchun looked at the produced and packaged special medicine for leukemia and smiled.

Fortunately, dust-free was considered in the design, otherwise, even if there is equipment, it will take two or three days to produce a specific leukemia drug that can be used.

The special medicine produced by these materials is enough to think about it.

"Guo'er, let's go back to sleep."

"Brother, don't you turn off these noisy machines?"

Mo Jingchun said with a smile: "No, the machine will automatically shut down."

Candy nodded half-understanding, and yawned again.

By the window of the hospital, Wang Jingtang was lying on the window looking at the round moon.

But I was thinking in my heart, can my sister use the special medicine for leukemia tomorrow?

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