In the cafeteria in the Candy Science and Technology Park, the candy tasted particularly delicious today, probably because I was a little tired from playing in the morning.

Consumed a lot of physical strength.

A few minutes later, after Candy ate the last grain of rice in the bowl, he patted his belly lightly and said with a smile:

"Brother, Guo'er is full."

"I want to sleep."

Mo Jingchun took a sip of seaweed egg soup with the bowl, and nodded.

"When my brother is finished eating, I will take Guo'er to take a nap."


The well-fed candy propped his chin on the dining table, watching his brother eat with a pair of cute big eyes, and the corner of his mouth was filled with laughter.


"Ugh, what's the matter, Guo'er."

"Brother, Guo'er has graduated from university, so she won't be able to go to kindergarten."

Thinking of this, Candy frowned, "But Guoer wants to go to kindergarten to play with other children."

As soon as Candy said this, Mo Jingchun knew that it was true that Candy wanted to go to kindergarten, and more importantly, she wanted a perfect childhood.

A childhood where you can play with other children every day.

For children, the company of family members may be indispensable, but similarly, children also need to communicate with their peers.

Looking at Tang Tang's frown and worried expression, Mo Jingchun felt distressed and funny at the same time.

The little guy was really fooled by the graduation certificate made by the counselor.

The cute little guy is smart, but he is still just a two-year-old child after all.

In many respects, it is still unknown.

This wonderful world is still waiting for Candy to slowly discover and explore.

Mo Jingchun wiped his mouth dry with paper, and said with a smile: "Then brother will run a kindergarten just for Guo'er, so there will be many children."

A lot of kids?

Candy's eyes are shining, isn't it possible to take the children to play casually in the park.

"Good duck! Good duck!"

In the world of candy, as long as it is what my brother said, there is nothing that cannot be realized.

Mo Jingchun, who returned to the office with candy to prepare for his lunch break, was thinking all the way.

If you want to build a kindergarten in the park, you need at least a piece of land the size of a basketball court.

Um? basketball court?

There are a total of three basketball courts in the park. If one is missing, there should be nothing.

Anyway, when the kindergarten is completed, all the children who go to school will be the children of their own employees, and they will not need money.

In the bedroom, Candy crawled onto the bed with bare feet and fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

Mo Jingchun helped Tangtang lightly, fortunately the thin quilt, and closed the door behind him.

In the spacious office, there was originally only one desk, but with Xia Xiaomin's entry into the office, there was an additional desk in the office, but compared with Mo Jingchun's, Xia Xiaomin's desk was like a children's version, and it was still Not as big as a third.

And Xia Xiaomin's desk was placed not far from the office door.


In the morning, the nearest major cities had already received the special medicine for leukemia.

As for the reporters following the report, although they did not see Mo Jingchun, the boss of Candy Technology today, the online reports on the boss of Candy Technology are still unabated.

As the saying goes, although brother is not around, there are still legends about him.

Among them, the most popular is the report of a certain C.

Shock! On the day when the specific medicine for leukemia was launched, the boss of Candy Technology...! ! !

Others thought why Mo Jingchun went there, but they clicked in and saw that the reports of a certain department C never disappoint.

Good guy, on the day the new drug was launched, the boss of Candy Technology actually ran to take care of the baby.

In the county hospital in Huo County, Wang Yingying, who had received four courses of treatment, had already got out of bed.

His complexion looked even more like an ordinary person's.

According to the latest blood test report, the doctor said that after receiving another course of treatment, he could be discharged from the hospital. In the later period, he only needs to do regular checkups to avoid possible recurrence.

However, after returning from the gymnasium, the course of treatment will be at your own expense except for the reimbursement part.

Under Wang Yingying's strong request, her mother has already brought her younger brother back home. After all, her younger brother still has to go to school. After a long delay, she will not be able to pass the college entrance examination. Wang Yingying feels that she may regret it for the rest of her life.

Wang Yingying didn't want to delay her younger brother's future because of herself.

Since her health improved, Wang Yingying was unwilling to wear ugly hospital clothes every day.

Wang Yingying, who was wearing sportswear, was eating an apple in the corridor outside the ward.

At this time, Wang Yingying's mind was full of Candy Technology Co., Ltd.

As long as you hold your mobile phone and open your browser, you can see overwhelming news about candy technology.

Because of my own illness, my family's savings were almost exhausted.

After being discharged from the hospital, it is time to consider finding a job, and Candy Technology seems to be a good choice.

I just heard that Candy Technology has recently recruited a lot of people, and the staff may be saturated. Wang Yingying is a little worried.

Wang Yingying, who was burdened with thoughts, gritted her teeth and decided to give it a try.

Anyway, it doesn't cost much to submit a resume, and it doesn't cost much.

In the park, Mo Jingchun, who was lying on the sofa for a while, woke up to find that Xia Xiaomin had returned.

Mo Jingchun, who was a little dizzy from sleep, went to the bathroom in the bedroom and washed his face in cold water, then came out and shouted to Xia Xiaomin:

"Xiao Xia."


Mo Jingchun took a deep breath and said slowly:

"You help me draw up an announcement, saying that a basketball court in the park is going to be transformed into a kindergarten, and it is expected to be put into use next year."

"Employees' children can go to school in the park for free."

Before going to work, send the child to the kindergarten, and then pick it up after get off work.

Even if you are late from get off work, there is a place to sleep in the kindergarten.

It can be said that this is entirely a benefit for employees.

As for running a kindergarten, it is not difficult at all, and it does not require a lot of procedures and qualifications like running a high school or a university.

Xia Xiaomin was slightly surprised, but after thinking about candy, everything was figured out.

Many companies have kindergartens, and the original intention of these kindergartens is also very obvious, all of which are for their own children.

"Okay, boss."

"I will draw up the announcement now."

It didn't take long for Xia Xiaomin to hand over the prepared notice to Mo Jingchun.

Mo Jingchun looked at it, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he signed it.

"Go and stamp the official seal, and then issue a notice."


When the announcement was made, most employees were still on their lunch break.

When everyone woke up and saw the news, the employees without children didn't have much mood swings.

As for the basketball court? There are not many people who play football.

But for employees who already have children, there is something to look forward to.

With the strength of candy science and technology, kindergarten teachers are definitely not bad.

PS: Thank you Vulcan Ah Si and Gui Mi Ri Yan for their support. ()

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