Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 198 Lighting the Way Ahead

Although it is still the end of September, it is still a little cold at night in the countryside in the hinterland of the mountains.

Before going out, Mo Jingchun and Candy both added a coat.

Mo Jingchun, who has already caught a cold this year, feels that between demeanor and temperature, Mo Jingchun prefers the latter.

After all, the feeling of having a cold, dizziness, and not being able to eat is really uncomfortable.

"Candy, let's go, let's go to the uncle's house."


The little guy took the initiative to hold his brother's big hand, and waited outside the door for his brother to lock the door.

The door light was turned on, the door was locked, and Mo Jingchun walked to the uncle's house with candies.

At this time, the sky had not yet completely darkened, when Mo Jingchun and Tang Tang arrived at the uncle's house, there were already seven uncles sitting in the yard.

After Mo Jingchun walked in, he took out the cigarettes that had just been unpacked from his pocket, shouted to each of them, and handed them the cigarettes politely one by one.

"Hey, Xiaochun is indeed a person who was admitted to Beijing University. After a while, he has graduated and become a boss."


Seeing a pile of smoke rushing, Tang Tang covered his nose and hid for a long time.

Can't play with my brother, but the rhubarb of Mo Changyou's family has suffered.

After a while, Rhubarb ran out of the gate of the yard with his tail between his legs, not knowing where to hide.

Candy originally wanted to chase after him, but seeing that it was already pitch black outside, the little guy shivered and ran to the kitchen without looking back.

"Guoer, run slowly, don't fall."

"Slightly slightly~ I know brother."

Several uncles looked at Candy running around and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect the candy to be so big in a blink of an eye."

"In my impression, candy is still a little bit."

"Hahaha, no."

"I remember that everyone loved to cry when they were hugged, hey! As long as Xiaochun hugged him, the little guy would stop crying."

As time went by, the sky outside was completely dark, only the lights of every house dotted the dark land.

It was getting dark, and the neighbors and neighbors were basically all here.

Seeing Xiaochun getting along well with the big guy, without the slightest show of showing off his wealth like a nouveau riche, Mo Changyou smiled gratifiedly.

Not arrogant or impetuous, good, good!

Mo Changyou thought in his heart, Xiaochun from our old Mo's family can be considered an adult by himself.

And dragging a small tail.

When everyone was present, Mo Changyou got up and brought up the topic that brought everyone together tonight.

"Fathers and folks, two years ago, everyone helped out and raised tuition for our family Xiaochun. We remember these great kindnesses clearly in our hearts and dare not forget them."

Mo Changyou looked at Xiaochun who was holding Candy in his arms with a smile on his face, and said with relief:

"Now, Xiaochun is promising, not to mention graduating ahead of schedule, but also succeeding in starting a business."

"No, as soon as Xiaochun came back today, he told my useless uncle that he wanted to replace the cement road in the village with asphalt road."

Speaking of this, Mo Changyou touched a cup of tea that was already cold, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Building roads is a good thing."

"It is said that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Although our Mojia Village is not the poorest among the ten miles and eight villages, everyone knows it in their hearts, and it is not far behind."

"Especially if the boys in the family are not yet married, they should understand better."

"Poverty, plus some girls are here. Let's look at this road. A good marriage will be yellow if you say it is yellow. You say it's a pity, but it's not a pity."

"Xiaochun said, the road needs to be repaired, and Xiaochun will pay for it."

"However, there will be no changes to the route and no widening."

"In addition, Xiaochun also said that the asphalt road can be delivered to each household, but the roadbed is resolved by each household."

"What do you think, let's talk about it."

After finishing speaking, Mo Changyou took a sip of the already cold strong tea.

Because there are children around, the big guys are still restrained from smoking.

Although there was a smell of smoke in the living room, it was not exaggerated to the degree of smog.

Every village in the village is connected, and the roadbed is 4.5 meters. For now, it doesn't matter whether it is widened or not.

As for the good thing of delivering home on the asphalt road, no normal person would refuse.

As for letting the family build the roadbed, it is also understandable.

Who made every village have so many wonderful talents.

It was obviously for your convenience, but in the end it still refused to give up an inch of land.

When the cement roads were built in every village, there were many disputes.

It is normal and understandable to ask for compensation, but there are always people who get the money and backtrack, wanting to get more.

When the cement road was being built, it was almost not completed at that time.

All in all, everyone agrees that building roads is a good thing.

The cement road is really not working now.

Potholes, as long as it rains, there must be water.

There is no such problem with asphalt roads.

After the chat was almost over, Mo Changyou got up and went to the room to take out a notebook, a pen, and a box of ink pads.

"If you guys want to send the asphalt road home, you can count it on it, and then get a fingerprint."

After sending the neighbors away, Mo Changyou handed the notebook to Mo Jingchun.

"Take this, take it back and put it in the drawer and lock it."

Mo Changyou snorted softly, "Master, I eat more salt than you eat rice, don't look at everyone being reasonable and friendly now, with smiles all over their faces."

"When the time comes when the road is actually built, it will be hard to say."

Speaking of this, Mo Changyou sighed, "Some people can't be a family, and the mother-in-law at home changes her mind when she says it."

"At that time, if someone really talks about you, don't worry about the neighbors and neighbors, as long as the asphalt road is not delivered to your door."

Mo Jingchun hadn't seen the scene that the uncle said, but Mo Jingchun still nodded.

"Understood, sir."

Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, Mo Changyou said:

"Okay, it's getting late, take the candy and go back to bed early."

"You have to drive for more than two hours tomorrow."

When Mo Jingchun went out with the candy in his arms, the bright moon was already shining in the sky.

In such a dark night, it is barely possible to see the outlines of the surrounding things clearly.

Candy held the phone in both hands, and used the phone's flash to light the way home.

"Guo'er, hold your phone steady, brother can't even see the way."


Letting Mo Jingchun say this, Candy seriously held the phone straight and shone the light in front of it.

Candy looked at Dashan and asked curiously:

"Brother, will there be a big tiger on the mountain, ouch~ ouch~"

Mo Jingchun laughed loudly and said:

"We don't have any tigers here, um... at least my brother has never heard of them over the years."


"But what?"

"But there is a big pig Peppa on the mountain, and a cute gray rabbit."


"Brother, what is Peppa Pig?"

"It's a relative of Peppa Pig~"

"Brother is lying, and Peppa Pig has no relatives."

"Peppa Pig is so cute."

After washing the candy for sleeping, he lay on the bed and asked Mo Jingchun what the hell Peppa Pig was.

PS: Thank you Shuye Zhichun for your support. ()

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