Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 223 Hello world? Hello? Hello!

The cooling fans of all the servers are rotating rapidly, and one can imagine how loud the noise in the entire computer room is.

Looking at the scene in front of them, if they hadn't been mentally prepared, the operation and maintenance engineers and maintenance engineers would have been scared to death.

After all, normally, the first thought that comes to mind is that the company's servers have been hacked.

"Master, do you just leave it alone?"

"If this continues, will the server really have no problems?"

In the computer room, a maintenance apprentice wearing a yellow hat stood behind the master in a panic.

The roar of the servers in front of him made the maintenance apprentice flustered.

You know, the price of any server here is not cheap.

"What are you panicking about?" The master, who was pretending to be calm, scolded his apprentice, but he was also a little anxious.

Nothing else, just for a short while, he already felt that the temperature in the computer room was heating up rapidly.

"Go, adjust the temperature of the air conditioner to the lowest and set the wind speed to the highest."

"Don't worry about the server not having a problem yet, we people are going to die of heat first."

"Understood, master."

Under the frantic cooling of all the air conditioners, the temperature in the computer room finally stabilized.

In the Huo County Power Supply Bureau, the on-duty personnel saw that the 35kV-Candy Science and Technology Park special line of the Candy Science and Technology Park was issuing a red warning on the big screen of the central control, and was shocked.

Especially with the power consumption at this time, the staff on duty once wondered whether the people from Candy Technology had stuffed high-voltage wires into the river for electric fish.


The director who was called by the staff on duty immediately called Xu Pengfei, the president of Candy Technology.

After learning that Candy Technology is conducting scientific research experiments, Cui Rongshun, as the director, made a decisive decision and gave priority to ensuring the power supply of Candy Technology.

"Priority is to ensure the power supply of the 35kV-Candy Science and Technology Park branch line and the backup branch line."

"In an emergency, it is allowed to temporarily cut off the power supply in townships and towns."

"Do as I say, and I will report to the superiors."

"Yes! Director!"

After ordering the staff on duty, Cui Rongshun returned to the office non-stop and contacted his superiors.

At the same time, report the situation to the county.

How much tax Candy Technology paid to the county in less than half a year last year? Although everyone does not know the exact figure yet, judging from the construction of various public facilities in the county a few years ago, it is definitely not a small amount .

If not, where does the county get the money from?

On the top floor of the Candy Building, Xu Pengfei, who hung up the phone, stood by the window, looking at the laboratory building not far away, frowning.

From last year to now, except for the boss, no one in the company knows what the company has developed.

"Is it really artificial intelligence?" Muttered to himself.

In fact, by now, Xu Pengfei had already guessed that it was related to artificial intelligence.

Apart from artificial intelligence, Xu Pengfei couldn't think of any software that required such a huge computing power.

What Xu Pengfei didn't know was that at this moment, Mo Jingchun wished that the company had a supercomputer.

In the laboratory, on the computer screen, the honeycomb-shaped brain seemed to be flickering with electricity.

Mo Jingchun was so nervous that he clenched his fists. What made Mo Jingchun nervous was that the flickering "current" would freeze occasionally.

Half an hour later, the entire honeycomb pattern was lit up.

This is the end?

No! This is just the core code of the smart housekeeper, which has completed independent operation.

At this point, Mo Jingchun has already breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, as long as there is no power outage, even if there are some minor accidents, it will not hurt.

Because the "brain" of artificial intelligence has been successfully bred.

Next is the body, hands, and feet. Only such artificial intelligence has complete capabilities.

"The system starts self-checking..."

Ten minutes later, the "brain" of all codes was self-checked, and a large number of errors were detected.

"A total of 19563 code errors were detected..."

"The system is automatically correcting the error..."

Seeing that the wrong numbers on the computer screen were rapidly decreasing, Mo Jingchun swallowed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Brother, you are sweating."

"Is it hot today?" Obviously, Candy, who couldn't empathize with her, didn't know why Mo Jingchun was sweating profusely.

When he was nervous, Mo Jingchun smiled at his sister, "Brother is fine."

At this moment, the number returned to zero!

It was also at this moment that the computer seemed to be unresponsive, and the display on the computer screen did not change.

The next moment, the screen flickered and went black for an instant.

Just when Mo Jingchun was about to blurt out the Chinese quintessence, the screen turned on again.

On the pitch-black screen, there is only one line of white text.

"Compiling... please wait..."

At 11:23 noon, there was finally a new change.

On the screen, the white text disappeared and a rainbow circle appeared.

Sometimes the circle is "O", sometimes it is "0", and sometimes it is "∞".

At this time, the careful Mo Jingchun noticed that the camera that came with the computer turned on by itself.

And... Mo Jingchun looked around... and found that all the surveillance cameras in the entire laboratory had changed their original direction, pointing at Mo Jingchun who was sitting in front of the computer.

As early as two days ago, Mo Jingchun sent someone to issue a file. Today, all employees working in the Candy Science and Technology Park are strictly prohibited from downloading large files, which will occupy the company's bandwidth.

At this moment, Mo Jingchun could already hear his own heart beating.

"Hello world." The sudden mechanical sound from the speaker startled both Mo Jingchun and Tangtang.

"Ah! He's dead."

Before Mo Jingchun could react, the mechanical sound sounded again.


In the next second, the mechanical sound seemed to have learned a new knowledge point.



"Smart butler at your service."

Candy grabbed his brother's trousers tightly and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

At the same time, the power consumption of the servers in the computer room gradually dropped.

The director of the County Power Supply Bureau, as well as the staff on duty, finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the circuit returned to normal.

Hopefully, the candy tech experiment was a success.

In the laboratory, Mo Jingchun and Tangtang chatted with Ling while eating the meal Xia Xiaomin sent downstairs.

That's right, Zero's unique pattern logo has become its name.

Mo Jingchun ate with peace of mind, because it was impossible for Ling to betray.

This is not what Ling said, but what the system told Mo Jingchun.

After eating, Mo Jingchun didn't hesitate anymore, and connected Zero to the Internet.

In order to avoid causing network fluctuations and causing unnecessary panic, Mo Jingchun also specially ordered Zero.

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