Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 231 Offline Experience Store

In fact, judging from the information collected by Zero, it is not that humans have not studied ternary computers.

As early as the 1960s, the big brother who fought against the world had already made a ternary computer called Сетунь.

This ternary computer has three expressions of 1, 0, and -1, that is, three modes of high level, zero level, and low level. Compared with the binary computer we are currently familiar with, there is one more base.

From a modern point of view, a ternary computer is more in line with artificial intelligence, because the so-called ternary computer can exist in three states, yes, no, and unknown.

The ternary computer is more suitable for the research of artificial intelligence.

Compared with the ternary computer, the binary implementation is convenient, the voltage noise tolerance is better than the ternary, and it was more stable in that era.

The information on the Internet is only a few words about the ternary computer, and the manufacturing technology of the ternary computer has also disappeared in the flames of war.

After reading the information collected by Zero, Mo Jingchun rubbed his temples.

From the current point of view, if you want to study ternary computers, there is really not much difference from starting from scratch.

1000 points, just exchanged for such a thing.


Let's put it aside for now.

At least we have to wait for Candy Technology to enter the world's top 500 before we have the strength, and interpersonal relationships to study ternary computers.

Drinking the tea made by Comrade Xiao Xia in the thermos.

Mo Jingchun felt much better.

In the central area of ​​Huoxian County, there was a long queue outside the physical store next to the only large supermarket.

Although you can already make reservations for Candy Technology's smart myopia glasses online.

But for this thing, you can only buy it with confidence if you experience it first.

It's new, and it's not cheap, so it's not an exaggeration to be cautious.

After all, for most families, more than 10,000 yuan is still a relatively large expense.

There are only so many people with a monthly income of over 10,000.

What's more, people with high incomes work hard in big cities, and the rent they pay to the landlord every month is not a small expense.

Coupled with living expenses, transportation expenses and other expenses, after a month, there are really very few people who can really save 10,000 yuan.

"All customers are requested to line up in an orderly manner. Our physical store can ensure that every customer can experience smart myopia glasses."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Outside the physical store, employees held horns and kept shouting.

Jiang Heng, who has already lined up at the door of the store, is full of expectations for the smart myopia glasses of Candy Technology.

If it really can achieve the effect of Candy Technology's publicity, Jiang Heng will definitely not hesitate to match his son who is still in the sixth grade with a pair of Candy Technology's smart myopia glasses.

Jiang Heng pushed the heavy myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose. Jiang Heng, who is nearsighted of 1,000 degrees in his left eye and 9 degrees in his right eye, plus the astigmatism of the two glasses.

The lenses are very thick, plus the lenses are made of glass, not resin.

The weight of the entire myopia glasses can be imagined.

Of course, this is actually nothing to Jiang Heng.

It's just that Jiang Heng never thought that his short-sightedness would be passed on to his son.

Since his son went to school, he has been wearing myopia glasses.

"Sir, please come inside."

"Ah? Okay, okay." Jiang Heng came back to his senses, followed the guides, and entered the physical store.

"Sir, please take the smart myopia glasses and go to the second floor to experience them."

Jiang Heng quickly caught the glasses case handed over by the guide, "Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, sir, please go upstairs."

"Upstairs, there will be professionals teaching you how to use smart myopia glasses."

A few minutes later, with the help of the staff, Jiang Heng took off his bulky glasses, and put on the smart myopia glasses of Candy Technology nervously.


gradually clear...

The originally gray world turned out to be so bright.

How many years? Jiang Heng can't remember clearly.

In Jiang Heng's memory, it seems that only when he was a child, for a short while after it rained and the weather cleared up, could he see the world so clearly.

The signboard on the roof of the building in the distance, and the text on it, can be seen clearly.

At such a distance, ordinary myopia glasses can only see a blurred mass of red.

You can probably guess that it is a sign.

But it is impossible to see as clearly as Candy Technology's smart myopia glasses.

This is especially true for people with high myopia.

"Sir? Sir?"

"I'm very sorry, the experience time is up."

Jiang Heng took off the smart myopia glasses and said apologetically:

"Sorry, lost my mind for a while."

The staff replied with a smile: "For the first time, everyone is the same."

Jiang Heng nodded in approval:

"I want to ask, I want to customize a smart myopia glasses for my son, I don't know if it is possible."

"My son is only in sixth grade."

"Sir, there is no problem at all. As long as you bring your child to our company's sales store, sir, there will be a professional master tailor-made for your child on the spot."

"If it's inconvenient, you can also upload the data to our official flagship store. After it's finished, it will be mailed to you by express."

Such a scene did not only happen in Huo County. In this small county.

The same scene happened in more than 1,000 experience stores across the country.

The last trace of worry about the Candy Technology smart glasses was completely dispelled after the experience.

There is no way, the feeling of being able to see the whole world clearly is really obsessed.

In the afternoon, Candy was still sleeping in the bedroom, and Mo Jingchun was sitting on the office seat, looking at the documents.

After Mo Jingchun read every document, he would let Zero scan it.

Mo Jingchun will sign his name on the back of the document after zero confirmation that there is no problem with the document.

As the saying goes, sailing carefully can last ten thousand years. In the past, there were no such conditions, but now there are such conditions. Of course, it takes a lot of attention.

At the door, a secretary of the president's office delivered a report to Xia Xiaomin, and said in a low voice:

"Sister Xia, this is the data report after the opening of smart myopia glasses stores across the country in the morning. The president asked me to send it over."

Xia Xiaomin opened it, took a look, nodded and said, "Okay."

"In a while, I'll show it to the boss for the purpose."

After the person in charge of the president left, Xia Xiaomin got up and walked to the boss's desk with the report.

"Boss, here are the statistics of various physical stores in the morning."

Mo Jingchun took the data sheet and looked at it, it was not bad, almost as expected.

"Xiaoxia, tell me to go on, before the smart myopia glasses are given to customers, they must be checked to see if there is any problem."

"In terms of quality, you must guarantee me."

"Okay, boss." Xia Xiaomin nodded.

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