That afternoon, after all the goods were unloaded, Qin Yuzhu left with the transport convoy.

It can be seen that Qin Yuzhu, the director, is really busy.

In Mo Jingchun's impression, Qin Yuzhu seemed to have a hand in everything.

The next day, Sunday, Mo Jingchun, who had lunch, took candy to the third floor of the laboratory building to see the progress of the installation, and then went back to take a nap.

In the laboratory, everyone went to eat, and there was no one else at all, so what were they doing there.

In the afternoon, Mo Jingchun, who took candy to the street to play, passed by the door of the laboratory building. Not far from the door of the laboratory building, many wooden boxes and boards, as well as foam plastics to protect supercomputer components, had been piled up.

Of course, if it's just this, it won't be able to attract Mo Jingchun's attention.

Seeing the sharp iron nails exposed on the wooden board, Mo Jingchun called Xia Xiaomin.

"Hi, boss."

"Xiao Xia, arrange for someone to dispose of the garbage piled up outside the entrance of the laboratory building in time. I think it's full of iron nails, it's too dangerous."

Obviously, Xia Xiaomin on the other end of the phone froze for a moment.

Such a big push, who has nothing to step on it.

But in an instant, Xia Xiaomin realized it.

The boss is afraid of being naughty with candy, so he gets hurt when he climbs on it to play.

"Understood, boss."

"I'll arrange someone to clean up the trash right away."

"Okay, that's right."

After hanging up the phone, Mo Jingchun took Candy and went out together.

Once outside the gate, the little guy completely released himself.

"Brother, brother."

"Guo'er wants a balloon."

Because the candy technology company is here, with tens of thousands of employees, and today, on Sunday, the street outside the park is full of various stalls selling things.

What these people like most is setting up street stalls outside the Candy Science and Technology Park.

No other, just because the employees of Candy Technology never bargain.

Say how much, that is how much money.

If you like it, you will buy it directly.

At the beginning, there will be people who cheat employees who go out to play.

The employees of Candy Technology are all smart.

For the first time, when I was cheated, I directly admitted it without saying a word.

But next time, sorry, there will be no next time!

Even if you occupy a better booth next time, no one will come to buy it again.

After buying a balloon, Mo Jingchun quickly walked out of the road with the candy in his arms.

When passing by his physical store, Mo Jingchun stood not far away and looked at it for a while before leaving.

"Brother, look, what is that?"

Looking in the direction pointed by Candy's little finger, what did Mo Jingchun see?

It may be a duck, it may be a goose, but it may be a dolphin.

The reason was that Mo Jingchun couldn't tell the difference between these three types of poultry that looked alike.

"Brother, let's go to play too, it looks very fun."


Mo Jingchun nodded with a smile on his face. Speaking of which, Mo Jingchun hasn't played hoops for a long time.

After walking in, the little guy pointed to the animal whose feet were bound and asked:

"Brother, is this a duck or a goose?"

Mo Jingchun hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly, "It should be a duck."

But in the next second, the big white goose slapped Mo Jingchun in the face.


For a moment, the smile on Mo Jingchun's face froze.

"Brother, it said it was a goose."

"Well, brother heard it."

The speed of being slapped in the face is too fast, it is better to be slapped in the face by a goose.

If this is spread out, others will not be laughed to death.

The damn big white goose actually understood the human language and admitted that he was a goose.

Mo Jingchun decided that today he had to trap the big white goose and take it back to be stewed by his aunt who worked in the cafeteria.

"Boss, give me 100 yuan."

"Okay, handsome guy." It was a hundred yuan, the boss grinned and opened his mouth, and the missing front teeth leaked out.

After getting the circle, Candy jumped and shouted:

"Guoer also wants to play, and Guoer also wants to play."

Mo Jing circled the candy halfway through the spring equinox, "Come on, take it."

Everything is ready, Mo Jingchun has only one goal, and that is the big white goose.

Who let this guy annoy him.

aim... throw...


Without a set, the big white goose smiled straight.

"Oh? I have a bad temper!"

Mo Jingchun lost one after another, and every time he missed it by a little bit.

The last one was about to hit the big white goose.

Who knew, the big white goose turned its head...

it turned its head...


At this time, Candy has caught many nearby gadgets, but until now, Candy only has the last one left in his hand.

Candy raised the last circle high, and said cutely:

"Brother, do you want to play?"

Mo Jingchun glanced at the big white goose who was still mocking him at the "goose goose goose" and said:

"Let's play with it, my brother can't catch it anyway."

"Oh well."

The little guy looked elated, and squatted down beside the big white goose showing off its might.

In the next second, Candy threw the circle in his hand forcefully.

The big white goose, who was so complacent, didn't even notice Tangtang, who was even shorter than him.

After being caught in the trap, the big white goose's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Yeah! Brother!"

"The fruit is caught!"

"It's caught!"

"I saw it, I saw it, my brother saw it."

Mo Jingchun was also very happy,

"Boss, help me get the bag and pack it up."

"Tonight, I want to eat ground pot goose."

Despite his reluctance, the boss still gave the big white goose to Mo Jingchun.

"Sorry, I don't have a bag here."

No? Mo Jingchun had no choice but to pinch the big white goose's wings reluctantly.

On the way back, Mo Jingchun patted the head of the big white goose and said with a smile:

"How's your excitement? Huh?"

"Why don't you smile?"

"See if I won't stew you tonight."

As if knowing its own destiny, the big white goose wilted immediately.

The head is not as deep and straight as before.

In the evening, after eight o'clock, in the box of the cafeteria, Xu Pengfei, Xia Xiaomin, Li Wanning, and Su Wenyan were called by Mo Jingchun to eat ground pot goose.

A big pot full of it tastes great.

After taking a bite of goose meat, Mo Jingchun narrowed his eyes.

Oh my god, it's really delicious.

"Boss, where did you buy this goose? It tastes good."

"I also want to buy one and come back to eat."

Mo Jingchun, who took a sip of goose soup, said, "No more."

"It was in the kit when Candy was playing games in the park this afternoon."

Su Wenyan sighed regretfully and said:

"That's a real pity."

"It's no wonder that the goose tastes delicious. It turns out that this goose has been trained."

A week later, Professor Song, who had debugged the supercomputer, left with the students.

And Zero moved into his new home not long after Professor Song left with his students.

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