Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 246 Internal Beta

Visually, the effect is top-notch. If you want to come to such a browser, it should be very popular with the student party, especially college students.

Leaving aside the powerful search function of the Candy Browser, the Candy Browser alone is only more than 20 megabytes after installation and the user's local cache data.

In this era when mobile browsers mostly take up hundreds of megabytes of memory, more than one gigabyte.

Candy Browser is still the same as it was ten years ago, only a few tens of megabytes in size.

In contrast, it is difficult not to let users love it.

"Zero, send it to all employees through the company's internal mailbox, mobile app installation package, and computer installation package download link, so that everyone can participate in the internal V department test."

"The test period is tentatively scheduled for one week. During the period, reasonable suggestions are made and are adopted, and a cash reward of 1,000 yuan will be rewarded."

"There is no limit to the number."

"Boss, all emails have been sent."

At the same time, all employees of Candy Technology received the email.

And a pop-up window will pop up in the lower right corner of the computer to remind you.

As more and more people are interested, the number of downloads is also increasing rapidly.

One developer after another said, what do we care about is the 1,000 yuan bonus?

Just kidding, what we care about is whether we can find the bug.

All of a sudden, the entire company, as long as they have free time, started to study Candy Browser.

Only the employees who participated in the candy browser art, front-end development and testing were trembling.

It is an honor for others to find problems and get bonuses.

But for them, emm, a proper slap in the face, okay?

At the same time as the company's internal testing, Mo Jingchun was not idle.

"Xiao Xia, go and file the ICP record for Candy Browser."

"If all goes well, the public beta will be launched after the company's internal beta is over."

"There is no problem during the public beta, let Candy Browser go online directly."

"Okay, boss."

At this moment, Candy walked in, holding the cat on a leash, and pulling Baozi.

Because of the surgery, Baozi needs more exercise. When he is free, Candy will drag Baozi around the park.

In Mo Jingchun's impression, Baozi who had undergone sterilization had a much gentler personality.

Unexpectedly, Baozi, who hadn't come to the office for more than half a month, saw Xia Xiaomin, and went straight forward to slap her crazily with her paws.

The speed was so fast that even the fleshy paws could see afterimages.

Regarding this, Xia Xiaomin just looked down and didn't make a fuss.

Obviously, Xia Xiaomin was not surprised at Baozi's performance.

Although it is the boss's intention to sterilize the steamed stuffed bun.

But she was the one who took the steamed stuffed bun for sterilization.

Fortunately, Candy reacted quickly and pulled the buns away.

"Sister, I'm sorry, Baozi really didn't mean it."

"The buns were not like this before."

Of course it wasn't like this before, Xia Xiaomin pursed her lips and smiled.


The bun was pulled away by the candy, but those little eyes kept staring at Xia Xiaomin who was smiling but not smiling.

It was this smile that frightened Baozi.

He hid directly behind Candy.

He seemed to feel that it was safer to be behind Mo Jingchun, so Baozi slid up and ran to Mo Jingchun's feet biting the rope.

At such a scene, Mo Jingchun almost couldn't laugh out loud.

From top to bottom, the internal test of the entire Candy Technology staff, plus there is no need to hide anything.

Soon the outside world got the news.

Browsers, no one really thought that they would turn around to develop browsers with technologically innovative candy technology.

The screenshot of the email that was revealed, although the download link above does not have any mosaics.

But after many netizens enter the download link to visit, it is simply an invalid address.

In fact, as long as you know some common sense, or are engaged in the field of software development, you can tell at a glance that the link above is the intranet access address.

Outsiders are normally inaccessible.

As for hacking into Candy Tech's server... Brother, stop joking.

So far, no hacker has been heard of breaking through the security firewall of Candy Technology and downloading files from the server.

There are also people who want to seek installation packages from Candy Tech employees for a fee.

However, to the astonishment of all netizens, on the Internet, no one heard of anyone getting the installation package.

Has the candy science and technology kept secret all this time?

In fact, it can only be said that the money given may not be enough.

In the small conference room dedicated to the personnel department, when Sun Yanfu was called by personnel, he had a bad feeling.

And when Sun Yanfu entered the meeting room, he saw the two policemen in the meeting room and Secretary Xia who was out of reach.

Sun Yanfu himself didn't realize that at this moment, his face was already pale and his hands and feet were shaking.

He couldn't understand what went wrong, why the installation package sent out was damaged, and it couldn't be installed normally at all.

And less than an hour later, the incident happened.

Xia Xiaomin looked up at the honest-looking Sun Yanfu who was standing at the door.

"Sun Yanfu."

"Ah?...Xia...Sister Xia..." Sun Yanfu stuttered a bit.

"Sun Yanfu, the company treats you well, why did you leak the company's commercial secrets?"

"Take a screenshot of the email, the benefits you get can't satisfy you, can you?"

"I also want to leak the installation package of Candy Browser, which is in the confidentiality stage of the closed beta, to the outside world."

"You are also a local, you should be able to feel the changes in Huo County after the company came."

Shaking her head, Xia Xiaomin didn't want to continue writing more meaningless words.

"Sun Yanfu, I officially inform you that you have been fired by the company."

The next second, two policemen stepped forward.

"Sun Yanfu, because you leaked company information, you violated..."

Sun Yanfu, who was taken away, didn't make any resistance, his face was lifeless.

resist? Sun Yanfu smiled wryly.

If the company has no evidence, how could it be possible to call the police directly.

In the afternoon of the same day, the President's Office issued a notice about Sun Yanfu's violation of the company's interests and leaking commercial information.

It has to be said that killing chickens to scare monkeys, this trick is still very effective no matter in any era and any time.

The employee, who was also a little cautious, completely gave up his thoughts.

Just kidding, after going in for two years, if you come out again, you have already derailed from society.

At that time, the chances of finding another good job were slim.

The most important thing, with records, will affect the future of the child.

A week later, the closed beta ended, and Zero also received more than 5,000 suggestions.

Based on rationality, Mo Jingchun asked Zero to optimize the candy browser again.

Candy browser version, upgraded to 1.01.

Employees whose suggestions were adopted also received bonuses on the same day.

Soon after, while the heat was still there.

Candy Technology released a public beta time notice.

Seats are limited, first come first served.

PS: Thank you Sui Yue Jing for promising you peace,

◆Sen Lai Ci. reward support.

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