Under the official short video comment area of ​​Candy Technology, the comment with the most likes is like this.

[Did I miss something big? ? ? Can someone explain. 】

Below this comment, some netizens naturally answered the doubts of this netizen.

But more replies are "You don't even know this?" [狗头]

In fact, when most netizens first saw the video, they didn't know why.

But this does not hinder the mischievousness of this year's netizens.

Less than half an hour later, a blogger made a short video to explain.

At the same time, the reason behind this disclaimer is revealed.

Knowing this time, netizens suddenly realized.

At the same time, I also admire the foresight of candy technology.

Strangely, under the comment section of all the videos, this time, there is no one who speaks yin and yang.

"Everyone put their heads in their hands and sat in their original positions without moving."

In an office building in a small third-tier city, a group of national security personnel entered the office area and took control of the scene within moments.

The boss of the company was arrested, and all employees were taken away without exception.

All the materials in the office area were also sealed and taken away.

And waiting for the boss of this company will be life imprisonment.

And the more than 100 employees, waiting for them, are also in prison.

Such a large formation naturally alarmed other companies in the entire office building.

Originally, some people wanted to habitually take out their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene. After hearing colleagues talking about it, they were from Guoan, and everyone completely extinguished this idea.

Today, the people in the National Security Bureau are very busy.

But everyone is very excited.

Thanks to the hacker who was unwilling to disclose the real ip address.

Good life is safe!

That afternoon, while the hot search was still on, Mo Jingchun asked Xu Pengfei to release the news about the generic drug and severely condemned the manufacturing company of the generic drug.

After letting the bullet fly for a while again, Candy Technology came up with more breaking news that night.

It’s still about the news about the generic drugs of specific leukemia drugs. The difference is that this time, Candy Technology announced directly. After professional testing, it was found that all the generic drugs of specific leukemia drugs at this stage have no therapeutic effect, and the ingredients in the generic drugs, It's all just some nutrients.

People can't die if they take medicine, but when the uncontrolled disease gets worse, people will die.

In fact, there is one more thing, Mo Jingchun sees it through without telling it, sees it through without telling it through it.

With regard to the matter of the generic medicine of the specific leukemia drug, if those regional agents hadn't been involved, Mo Jingchun wouldn't believe anything he said.

You know, the emergence of generic drugs will lose their interests.

But none of them said a word.

The only explanation is that they also benefited from it.

More than 80% of the cure rate of leukemia specific drugs?

Mo Jingchun shook his head, this is really a reasonable loophole.

No way, no one can do everything.

Who would have thought that a cure rate could become a loophole that businessmen could reasonably use.

The only thing that makes Mo Jingchun feel lucky is that the price of the specific medicine for leukemia in China is not high.

Otherwise, there may be generic drugs in the country.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on those leukemia patients abroad. What is wrong with them?

They just want to survive.

The fault lies in the greed for petty gain, and the fault lies in poverty.

At night, Mo Jingchun slept soundly and even had a good dream.

On the other side of the blue star, the sun is shining in the sky.

The hot weather makes people more irritable.

After Alberto Weirshaw learned of the three consecutive news released by Candy Technology, he realized that all generic drugs must be destroyed, and no evidence should be left for Candy Technology.

"Unfortunately, the profit is less than twenty points."

This incident was temporarily brought to an end.

It's just that the background data shows that the number of people who inquired about the anti-counterfeiting code of the specific leukemia drug increased exponentially in a short period of time.

Obviously, Mo Jingchun had achieved his desired goal.

But that's all.

The anti-counterfeiting code can prevent counterfeiting, but it cannot prevent villains.

After all, the special medicine in the medicine bottle, if someone wants to change the package, there are not too many opportunities.


In the laboratory, Mo Jingchun is conducting charging and discharging experiments on graphene batteries.

Under the laboratory building, Zhang Yuanqi, who was on duty in turn to protect the boss, saw a bazooka that Wang Bing deliberately took out to wipe the "dust", and his eyes almost fell out of shock.

What are you kidding, bazooka, why did it appear here.

Can this thing be used casually in the city?

I think back then, when I performed many missions in the frontier, I only occasionally took this guy with me.

On the other side, after Tangtang went to play with Zhou Yaling, Feiyan, who was following Tangtang, finally had time to sit down for a while.

A few days later, Mo Jingchun, who was looking at the newly released experimental data in the laboratory, received a call from Qin Yuzhu.

"You asked me for help, your female classmate, I have already arranged it for you."

"I have communicated with the hospital, starting on the 15th of this month, we will start proton heavy ion therapy for Li Xuanyu."

"You can contact Li Xuanyu or his parents right now and ask them to go through the transfer procedures."

"I don't need to say, you should also know that before proton heavy ion therapy, it is necessary to tailor a plan for the patient."

"My personal suggestion is to transfer to Shanghai as soon as possible."

After waiting for Qin Yuzhu to finish speaking, Mo Jingchun said gratefully:

"Thank you, Miss Qin."

"Don't, just remember to owe me a favor."

Mo Jingchun smiled and said, "That's for sure."

"But I still have to thank you."

"Okay, you'd better inform your female classmate quickly, I've been very busy here recently, so I'll hang up first."

Mo Jingchun who was hung up by Qin Yuzhu didn't find it strange at all.

He even touched his nose in embarrassment.

After all, he is the "culprit" who caused Qin Yuzhu to be very busy.

Since Mo Jingchun came back from the capital last time, although Mo Jingchun had Li Xuanyu's phone number, he had never called her.

More, two people communicate through WeChat.

Finding out Li Xuanyu's phone number, Mo Jingchun called.

"it's me."

"I know." Li Xuanyu's voice was a little weak. The damage caused by chemotherapy to her body was too great.

"The proton heavy ion therapy is scheduled for the 15th of next month. You should discuss it with your uncle and aunt. It is best to go through the transfer procedure today or tomorrow. The sooner the better."

"When we get to Shanghai, there are still many processes to go through."


This time, Mo Jingchun did not refuse, because he could bear it.

"Haha, remember to come to work early."


PS: I failed the second subject... Grandma is so pissed, I was so mad, the first time I fell down the library and pressed the line, and the second time I was cheated by the students in front.

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