In the kitchen on the first floor, Mo Jingchun, who had cooked dinner, brought all the dishes to the table.

Mo Jingchun, who was holding the bowls and chopsticks in the kitchen, said to the air:

"Ling, call Guoer and the others to come down for dinner."

"Okay, boss."

On the second floor, Li Xuanyu was sitting with Candy on the hanging basket on the balcony, blowing the evening breeze.

It is hot during the day and cold at night.

On the first day of coming to Huo County, Li Xuanyu went out for a walk in short sleeves.

The gusts of cold wind almost didn't send her away.

With experience, Li Xuanyu would add clothes in advance every evening.

Just like now, the gusts of cool wind are very comfortable to blow.

"Guo'er, the old man yelled to eat."

Candy's smart watch suddenly made a sound, which startled Li Xuanyu.

The usual candy slipped down from the hanging basket, "Sister, brother called to go downstairs for dinner."

"Let's go down quickly, Guo'er is already hungry."

"You can't make brother wait in a hurry."

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Li Xuanyu smelled a fragrance.

It's delicious, it smells delicious.

Candy was not polite at all, and sat directly on her exclusive seat.

After the candy is placed on the chair, the chair slowly rises under the control of Zero.

"Brother, Guo'er wants to eat fried pork."

Before Mo Jingchun could move his chopsticks, Li Xuanyu helped the little guy pick up the food first.

The familiar feeling is back.

The other college students are all cloud-raised little milk babies at school.

And their 21 software class is different, it is directly raised.

Of the dozen or so girls in the class, none of them had brought candy or changed diapers.

At the dinner table, Li Xuanyu told Candy about playing the piano.

After listening to Li Xuanyu's words, Mo Jingchun was also very surprised.

Although the piano cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy, to be honest, the piano is more often just a decoration.

In the words of netizens, it is used to install X.

In the past, although Candy could play the piano, it was really just for fun.

Compared with playing the piano, Mo Jingchun definitely, Candy is more curious about why the piano can make sound.

If it wasn't for zero obstruction, the piano would probably be demolished by Candy.

Don't think that if someone is small, they won't be demolished.

Although the family is small, thieves will find helpers.

"I knew my sister had a very good memory, but I didn't know she could play the piano."

Mo Jingchun can say with certainty that Candy would never play the piano before today.

"Guo'er, how can you play the piano?"

Mo Jingchun smiled all over his face, looking forward to his sister's answer.

The little guy stuffed the last piece of fried meat in the bowl into his mouth, and said as a matter of course:

"It's very simple, just press the corresponding button."

"It's like drinking water, just pick up the glass."

What do you mean? The little guy wants to express, is playing the piano as easy as drinking water?

Mo Jingchun thought that he had a good memory and could remember notes.

But as long as you get started, your hands will definitely be stiff.

I can't press the piano key I want to press for half a day.

"The fruit is amazing."

Mo Jingchun kept this matter in mind.

Let Ling Duo teach Candy music in the future.

Maybe Candy can become a popular musician in the future.

"Brother, Guo'er is full."

After speaking, the little guy rubbed his eyes, his eyes were sleepy.

Mo Jingchun was not at all surprised by her sister's performance.

Playing wildly in the kindergarten during the day, with an amazing amount of exercise, at night, can you not be tired?

Why is the little guy hungry after school? Is the kindergarten lunch not enough?

How can it be!

The kindergarten not only has a free nutritious lunch at noon, but also has fruit and some food snacks after getting up in the afternoon.

After eating, Li Xuanyu waved his hand and said:

"Candy is going to bed, so I won't wash the dishes for you."

"I'm going back to the dormitory first."

"I'll have someone take you back."

"Okay." Li Xuanyu did not refuse.

For the next three days, the 1,000-person development team that was gathered to work on the 12th floor did nothing else.

It is to learn the new development language issued.

As the saying goes, the ever-changing remains the same, let the development language change ever-changing.

The logic in the development process is unchanged.

The only difference is that the expression has changed.

It can be said that everyone is basically familiar with this so-called new development language in just one day.

What really makes everyone feel embarrassed is this ugly development editor.

It's okay to be ugly.

The function is also very single.

The most important thing is that all codes can only be typed out character by character, and there is no way to intelligently complete them.

As for the most basic error reminder, let alone.

For a while, everyone seemed to be back in the freshman year, writing code with the text editor that comes with the computer.

On the contrary, Li Xuanyu, who has not yet graduated from college, got used to this development editor in just one day.

On the last day, everyone's faces were full of sadness.

As far as this editor is concerned, they all want to get the source code, optimize it by themselves, and add some functions.

"It's over, I can already imagine the progress of the development project with this editor."

"No way, the development tools on the market are not allowed to be used. I have tried them all. Our computer can no longer connect to the external network."

"Hey... just get used to it slowly."

In the office, everyone was complaining to each other, and Li Xuanyu, who was listening to their conversation, thought about it for sure.

Since it can only be developed with this editor, why don't everyone work together to optimize it?

If you want to do it, sharpen your weapon first!

Although the development progress will be delayed in the early stage, after the development efficiency increases, the progress will definitely be greatly accelerated.

In the past two days, although Mo Jingchun did not come to the twelfth floor to check on the post, to see how everyone is studying.

But Mo Jingchun was as busy as ever.

In the past three days, several companies and a dozen institutions have been communicating online.

The development of the domestic operating system has not yet started, and a big problem is in front of Mo Jingchun.

The development of artificial intelligence zero has a lot of code, right?

But Mo Jingchun led a group of novices, and it only took more than half a year to complete it.

That's because Mo Jingchun already knew all the codes of Zero.

Know the whole structure of zero more clearly.

What Mo Jingchun needed to do at the time was just to divide the entire project into small projects and hand them over to the employees to complete.

But this time the domestic operating system development is different. Candy Technology is mainly responsible for each algorithm module.

Rather than a functional module.

This means that as long as which functional module needs what kind of algorithm, Candy Technology will write the algorithm package and reserve the interface for developers of other companies.

Intricate and interspersed, it brings great difficulties to the development.

In fact, the modules each company is responsible for have their own difficulties.

For the past two days, Mo Jingchun and the others have been discussing this matter.

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