At night, after waiting for his sister Tangtang to fall asleep, Mo Jingchun gently took her hand and called out the system interface.

Host: Mo Jingchun

Age: 20 years old

Points: 100 (used to redeem lucky draw opportunities)

Number of Lucky Draws: 0

System warehouse: small controllable nuclear fusion reactor × 1


To say that after hearing the award today, what made Mo Jingchun most happy was that the system rewarded 100 points.

In Mo Jingchun's eyes, it is no longer points, but all kinds of science and technology full of infinite possibilities.

With the existence of such incredible things as the system, the various black technologies that humans have imagined should also exist in theory.

Can the human lifespan really not break the limit?

What is the outer space of the solar system like?

Where are aliens waiting for humans?

Regarding the existence of aliens, Mo Jingchun firmly believes that there must be.

Otherwise, the system can still appear out of thin air.

Mo Jingchun was full of worries when he thought that human beings launched probes and radios outside the solar system in order to find aliens.

If there are extraterrestrial life around the solar system, these behaviors of human beings are not looking for alien civilizations, but they are saying to alien civilizations, come on, we are here.

Thinking about it makes me shudder.

Mo Jingchun firmly believes in the law of the dark forest, which is the law of nature.

Any relative status is also based on the premise of equal force.

Sighing lightly, Mo Jingchun silently said in his heart:

"System, draw."

Familiar scenes, familiar tastes, and familiar routines.

Mo Jingchun quietly waited for the lottery pointer to stop.


"Congratulations to the host for winning the neuron connection technology of human civilization."

human civilization?

Mo Jingchun turned pale with astonishment, and panicked for a moment.

Why is it human civilization!


Could it be that a national secret research institute has already developed neuron connection technology.


Thinking of this possibility, Mo Jingchun turned pale instantly.

Impossible...impossible...too ridiculous.

Just when Mo Jingchun was about to ask the system what happened, the system prompted again:

"Ding~ Start instilling technical information on neuron connection."

In the next second, Mo Jingchun passed out.

The system is also hidden.

At the moment when Mo Jingchun passed out, Mo Jingchun was a little confused.

There are too many doubts in my mind.

In the past, every time he won a prize, the system would ask him whether he wanted to claim it or not. Only after he was allowed, would the system fill in the information or extract the real thing.

But this time, the system didn't.

There is an extraordinary aura everywhere.

When Mo Jingchun woke up again, the sky outside was already bright.

Looking at the bright window, Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses.

This time, instilling technical information on neuron connection, why did he sleep for so long.

Glancing at Guo'er who was still sleeping, Mo Jingchun got up on tiptoe and walked to the bathroom.



No matter how Mo Jingchun called, the system seemed to not exist.

Is this the system knowing that he wants to ask, so it is avoiding him on purpose?

Mo Jingchun couldn't help frowning.

"Brother, you are awake, why don't you call Guo'er." At this moment, Candy's dissatisfied voice suddenly came from behind.

Mo Jingchun, who turned around, looked down and saw the little guy with bare feet and rubbing his eyes with his little hands.

"Fortunately, Guo'er woke up by herself."

"Otherwise we'll be late again."


The little guy expressed his dissatisfaction slightly, then stepped on the small bench and began to squeeze toothpaste to brush his teeth.

Mo Jingchun was left alone with a bewildered expression.

The alarm clock hasn't rung yet? should.

How can you be late?

Half an hour later, at the dining table on the first floor, everyone was staring.

The beating clock hanging on the wall shows the current time.


However... the kindergarten doesn't open until nine o'clock in the morning.

"Why don't Guo'er watch cartoons for a while? When I leave, my brother will call Guoer again?"


Although the little guy is a little unhappy, his body is still very honest.

Mo Jingchun shrugged and told Ling to turn on the TV.

In the morning, after Mo Jingchun sent the little guy to the kindergarten, he went straight to the laboratory building.

Mo Jingchun, who came to the private laboratory, had a serious expression on his face, and he didn't even have the mood to check the neuron connection technology in his mind.

Mo Jingchun, who sat down in front of the computer, took a deep breath.


"Yes, yes, boss, what are your orders?"

On the computer desktop, the sometimes circular and sometimes flat pattern keeps changing.

Mo Jingchun, who forced himself to calm down, said:

"Zero, search for all relevant information on the development of human civilization, and classify the information clearly in accordance with the chronological order of human civilization."

"Finally, make all the data into a fishbone diagram."

"Received, please wait patiently, Boss, it will take a little time for Zero."

During the speech, the supercomputer located on the second floor of the laboratory building began to operate at full power.

Zero is secretly searching for information related to human civilization on the entire network.

All of a sudden, a large amount of data began to be written into the storage space of the supercomputer.

After more than ten minutes, Zero began to delete the collected data and duplicate parts.

After Mo Jingchun waited anxiously for more than 20 minutes, a super long fishbone diagram appeared in front of Mo Jingchun.

He never cared about it before, but now Mo Jingchun, looking at the fishbone diagram of human civilization, feels more frightened the more he looks at it.

The evidence of the existence of human beings on the blue star has a history of several million years. Although some believe that it is 3 million years old, and some believe that it is 6 million years old, what is certain is that it is at least 1 million years old.

Then, in such a long history, the earliest history of human civilization is only 6,000 years. Compared with the 1,000,000 years of the entire human history, 6,000 years is really too short.


In such a long history, the history of human civilization only accounts for 0.06%!

And in this short period of time, no civilization has developed to such a huge civilization today, which shows the speed of human civilization development.

So in the 1,000,000 years 6,000 years ago, did humans really not develop into civilization?

If not, then why did civilization suddenly exist and develop so rapidly, what exactly happened 6000 years ago?

Mo Jingchun was puzzled.

In other words, this is also where historical researchers are puzzled.

After watching the whole fishbone diagram, Mo Jingchun leaned weakly on the chair and muttered to himself:

"Is the Atlantis civilization really non-existent?"

"Also, are the portraits depicted on the cultural relics unearthed in the historical sites really just a coincidence?"

One or two can be a coincidence, what about three?

And prehistoric nuclear reactors, did they really form naturally?

At this moment, Mo Jingchun seemed to be in a fog where he couldn't see his fingers and couldn't see where he was going.

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