Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 318 Can't even figure it out

Mo Jingchun's expression was complicated, and he didn't know whether the little guy's performance was too good, whether it was good or bad.

However, with this skill, even if one day he suddenly passed away, the little guy would still be able to occupy a place in this music field.

I dare not say too much, just take the ability that the little guy has shown now, even without him as an older brother, he can still live comfortably.

"Brother, does it sound good?" After the accompaniment ended, the little guy gently placed his hands on the black and white piano.

The little guy tilted his head, looking at his brother with a smile full of expectation.

Mo Jingchun stretched out his hand to stroke the little guy's black hair, and said with praise:

"It's great! You can see that my brother is smiling happily."

"Hey, let Guoer play another piano piece that Guoer imagined for his brother."

Before Mo Jingchun could react, the little guy started her performance.

A piano piece, the time is very short, less than three minutes.

However, Mo Jingchun stared at the triumphant little guy with a shocked face.

How could this happen? Just now, when he listened to the music rhythm created by the little guy, his heartbeat was actually affected.

Especially at the moment when the rhythm was at its highest, Mo Jingchun felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his body.

Mo Jingchun, whose heart was pounding, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Guo'er, you can't play this song in front of other people without my brother's permission, do you understand?"

"Why? Guo'er thinks it sounds good."

For the first time, Mo Jingchun sternly warned the little guy: "Brother will not harm Guoer, and without my brother's permission, you must never play this piece again."

The little guy pouted unhappily.

"Oh, I see."

"Why are you so fierce?"

Mo Jingchun comforted the little guy, and after handing her the phone to play games, Mo Jingchun walked into the study and locked the door.

As his study room, the sound insulation effect is still very strong.


"Here, boss."

"Did you record the piano piece Candy played just now?"

"It's recorded."

Mo Jingchun closed his eyes slightly, "Analyze the rhythm of the whole piano piece, and see if there is anything unusual about it."

A few minutes later, Zero analyzed it again and again, and the results were all normal.

"Why is this?" Mo Jingchun muttered to himself.

"Boss, Zero compared all the existing temperaments, and found that there is a section that is somewhat similar to a section of "House of Flying Daggers."

"Ambush from ten sides?" Mo Jingchun thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there really was one.


At the end of January, there is only one day left before the annual meeting.

As soon as the little guy finished his last rehearsal, Mo Jingchun took the little guy to the street to buy groceries.

At the entrance of the vegetable market, Mo Jingchun held Candy's hand, waiting for Peter Pan and others to drive over from the car parked in the parking lot.

At this moment, Tangtang suddenly broke free from Mo Jingchun's hand and ran out.

There were so many cars on the road, Mo Jingchun was taken aback, and rushed out without even thinking about it.

"Grandma, Guoer will help you cross the road."

Arched back, the old lady who was not much taller than Candy showed her only four front teeth, and said with a smile:

"What a nice boy."

Feiyan was about to go forward to replace the candy, but Mo Jingchun, who broke out in a cold sweat, shook her head and stopped her.

Good or bad.

The little guy always has to touch and experience.

Although he seems to spoil his sister like a princess, in this world, other people will not treat her well for no reason.

The old and the young walked slowly across the crosswalk without the urging of the train car honking its horn.

"Good boy..."

At this time, the old man turned around with his waist bowed, only then did he realize that a group of people followed silently behind him.

The little guy looked up at his brother suspiciously, "Brother, that old lady seems a little afraid of you."

"Is there?" Mo Jingchun rubbed his nose and smiled:

"That may be because my elder brother is more fierce."

Mo Jingchun didn't notice that the points on the system panel in his mind changed from 0 to 1.

And the system didn't sound a reminder.

In fact, the system in Mo Jingchun's mind is checking itself.

A point appeared inexplicably, and the system didn't know the reason.

At night, lying on the bed, Mo Jingchun, who was about to sleep with his eyes closed, glanced at the system interface in a daze.

Hey, how come there is an extra point.

In the next second, Mo Jingchun opened his eyes abruptly to confirm again.

It was not a dream just now, the system interface really has one more point.

When did this happen?




"Ask directly if you have anything to do, I'm busy!"

"Why is there an extra point?"


Can I say that the system is still looking for the cause, so that the bug can be fixed in time?


"Please ask the host to discover it by itself."

Mo Jingchun, who had his eyes closed, couldn't help frowning.

One point is very small, but it can accumulate a lot.

Why doesn't the system say how it came about.

After a long silence, Mo Jingchun changed his way and asked again:

"When did you get this point?"

This time, the system responded to him, and a picture appeared in his mind.

Candy helps the old lady to cross the road?

I can't figure it out!

Can you get points for helping the old lady cross the road?


The person who helped him was not him, so it could be that he is still a false host.

Mo Jingchun decided that after the annual meeting, he would take the candies and try squatting on the road.

After a few experiments, you will know whether you can get points for doing good deeds.

If so, darling, wouldn't it be possible to earn points just like recharging money.

At this time, after Mo Jingchun's reminder, the system also locked the reason.

It's just that the system is helpless in the face of the basic system with higher authority.

The next day, all employees did not go to work. Today is the annual meeting and a paid vacation.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the annual meeting that starts in the afternoon.

"The latest news, the latest news, the first prize of the annual meeting is a luxury car worth more than one million yuan!"

"And there are 10 places for the first prize."

The employees eating in the cafeteria at noon talked a lot, talking about the lucky draw for the annual meeting.

"Hey, I don't count on the first prize. I have used this broken phone for almost a year. If I can get a mobile phone, I will be very happy."

"Hey, I heard that several factory employees under the company's name can all participate in this year's annual meeting lottery."

"Isn't this normal? They are all regular employees of the company, and the company pays them five social insurances and one housing fund."

"Tsk tsk, with so many people in our company, the biggest winners are those big hotels."

"Just make a lot of money in one day."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the new gymnasium in the county was full of employees of Candy Technology.

The buses were parked neatly in the parking lot.

The uninvited media also set up long guns and short cannons in the stadium.

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