Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 321: Little Vegetable Chicken

Mo Jingchun's table should probably be the one that took the longest time to eat.

Seeing Xu Pengfei boasting there, Mo Jingchun knew that everyone had drunk too much.

Su Wenyan's face flushed even after drinking.

Based on the knowledge learned in high school, people like Su Wenyan who drink red-faced people lack acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in their bodies.

The so-called drinking can be practiced, but it also needs to be born with that ability.

Otherwise, it will be like Su Wenyan...


Mo Jingchun looked helplessly at Su Wenyan who was making a fortune holding the trash can.

Of the people at the table, only three of them didn't get dizzy.

He, the little guy, and Xia Xiaomin, who hadn't even touched a drink.

If Xia Xiaomin didn't know how to drink, he definitely wouldn't believe it.

Mo Jingchun stroked his forehead, stroked his stuffed belly, and glanced at the drowsy little guy.

He turned his head and shouted to Feiyan:

"Feiyan, go and call all the brothers up, we will find a way to send these guys back to the dormitory."

Feiyan grinned and said, "Okay, boss, I'll call them in right now."

"Don't stop me, I can still drink."

I can still drink a hammer, I'm afraid I want to be poisoned by alcohol, and I accidentally burp my fart.

That would really be a big joke.

Think about the headline news the next day that Xu Pengfei, CEO of Candy Technology, died of alcohol poisoning due to excessive drinking at the annual meeting dinner.

Mo Jingchun could not help but shudder.

A table of people, the bus pulled back one by one.

In the science and technology park, the little guy has fallen asleep in the car.

With Peter Pan staying behind in the car and turning on the air conditioner, Mo Jingchun wasn't too worried.

Seeing Su Wenyan and the girls who couldn't walk on their own at all, Mo Jingchun had a headache.

"Xiaoxia, Feiyan, you two have to work hard."

"Send them back to the dormitory one by one."

"Okay." Xia Xiaomin pursed her lips and smiled.

Everyone drank so much wine, Xia Xiaomin actually understood it very well.

From the start of candy technology, all the way.

The president and others really did not expect that in just three years, candy technology has developed to where it is today.

What's even more rare is that the boss, Mo Jingchun, never abandoned them.

Which ones are not worthy, in fact, they are very clear in their hearts.

Are they unwilling to learn?

On the contrary, it is really that the development speed of candy technology is too fast.

It is not until they learn new management knowledge that they barely keep up with the pace of the company.

Mo Jingchun leaned on the hood of the Audi car, watching short videos.

In less than twenty minutes, Feiyan and his party all came back.

"Boss, Secretary Xia said she won't come down."

Mo Jingchun nodded to Feiyan, "It's getting late, she also needs to rest."

"Okay, let's go back too."

"Everyone has been tense all day and tired."

"Go back and rest early."

On the way back, in order to take care of the little guy who had fallen asleep, the car drove very slowly.

The usual ten-minute journey took nearly eighteen minutes this time.

When I got home, it was past eleven o'clock.

Mo Jingchun carefully carried the little guy out of the car.

Going straight to the bedroom on the second floor, Mo Jingchun didn't care that the little guy didn't wash his feet or face, and put him directly on the bed, allowing the little guy to sleep comfortably.

With the bright moon in the sky, Mo Jingchun was not in the mood to appreciate it at all.

Mo Jingchun, whose eyelids were always fighting, felt much more refreshed after taking a bath.

For a while, I didn't feel sleepy.

Watching the news, the time unknowingly slipped to one o'clock in the morning.

When Mo Jingchun saw it, he immediately put down his phone and closed his eyes tightly.

It's true that he doesn't have to go to work today, but he still has one important matter to confirm.

A few minutes later, in a quiet and dark environment, Mo Jingchun fell asleep.

The next day, only two departments in the entire company were working.

One is the security department that is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

One is the logistics support department who is working overtime today.

Early in the morning, the employees of the logistics support department went to work, waiting for the employees who came to redeem the physical prizes today.

Chen Hongli, who was so excited that she didn't sleep all night, waited early in the lobby on the first floor of the office building.

Although more than ten hours have passed, Chen Hongli still feels like she is dreaming.

She really never dreamed that she would win the only special prize, a car worth millions.

It's worth a million, even if it's only a million, how long does she need to work in the factory to save enough.

If there is no opportunity, I am afraid that it will take 20 or even 30 years of work to save one million cash.

Chen Hongli, who was sitting in the hall, was laughing from ear to ear.

Naturally, she was reluctant to drive such an expensive car.

No, she asked someone to ask for a relationship overnight, contacted the 4S store, and the new car was sold at a discount.

"Hello, those who come to receive the award, please follow me."

Hearing this, Chen Hongli jumped to her feet and was the first to follow.

"Hi, please show your work card, we need to check the information."

"Ah, good good."

Chen Hongli hurriedly took out the work card hanging around her neck and handed it to the staff.

With a beep, the staff looked up at Chen Hongli in surprise.

"Auntie, you are the luckiest one who has won the special prize."

"Luck, luck."

"Haha, don't worry, Auntie. We don't dare to falsify the distribution of this kind of prizes."

"There are cameras here."

After finishing speaking, the staff turned around and shouted: "Brother Fei, this auntie is the special prize, you can take auntie to the garage to get the car."


Chen Hongli followed closely behind the young man, fearing that she would lose track and lose the prize.

In the underground garage, Chen Hongli got the car keys, and the moment she saw the car, her heart that had been on tenterhooks finally eased.

After taking a good photo, the handsome guy waved his hand and said with a smile, "Auntie, you have already received the prize, so I will leave first."

"Okay, okay, okay." Chen Hongli wished that the young man would leave quickly.

In this way, she can drive the car out of the park and trade with the 4S store.

In the dormitory building, Su Wenyan patted her headache after waking up.

Last night, it was a drink.

How come there is no memory at all.

Most importantly, who sent her back to the dormitory?

Drinking hot water, Su Wenyan looked at her pale face in the mirror, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

Oh my god, I can't drink like this anymore.

Otherwise, I won't even know when my little life is gone.

Alas, I can't find a reason to blame the boss.

It's so hard, the boss doesn't even drink alcohol.

Su Wenyan, who was sitting on a chair, regained her strength, cleaned up casually, and went downstairs.

I ate a lot of food last night, why am I still so hungry in the morning?

Trash Can: Thanks to my mother-in-law for the "delicious" food.

As soon as she left the dormitory, Su Wenyan happened to meet Cao Mingxin who was also going out.

Seeing Cao Mingxin whose face turned paler, Su Wenyan chuckled.

"Small vegetable chicken."

PS: Thanks to flynui for your support.


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