Chapter 339 TiMi~

"Little slob, wake up~"

In the bed, not only did the little guy not intend to open his eyes, but he got into the bed directly.

get up? Hum, it's impossible to get up out of bed.

No need to go to school.

It's so warm in bed.

Besides, my little belly hasn't growled yet, so why do I have to get up.

Smelly brother, he also wanted to prevent Guoer from sleeping in.

Mo Jingchun patted the candy under the quilt lightly again, smiled lightly and said:

"Don't pretend to be asleep, I saw you opened your eyes just now."

Candy curled up in the blanket, silent.

No, Guoer didn't, Guoer didn't open his eyes.

Yes, I can't speak at this time, otherwise what would I call it...

Oh, yes, open your eyes and talk nonsense!

The little guy happily thought of a reason for himself, thinking that his brother must have nothing to do with her.

In the tent, Mo Jingchun looked at his younger sister who was still awake, with the corners of his mouth crazily raised.

I really think that my brother can't do anything with you!


Familiar music, familiar Timi~

The little guy lost his sleepiness in an instant, lifted the quilt and sat up.

That spirit, tsk tsk.

Timi~ I'm not sleepy at all.

Mo Jingchun, with the corner of his mouth raised, put the phone in his pocket under Candy's astonished eyes.

"Come here, Guo'er, we're going somewhere else in a while."

Can't pretend anymore, Candy pouted, and obediently walked towards her brother's arms weakly.

Suck ~

Suck ~

Mo Jingchun glanced at the little guy, he was so good at eating noodles.

After a long time, Mo Jingchun got up and said to everyone:

"Let's go, let's go to the house of the two little guys yesterday."

"Hana, you lead the way."

Hana nodded vigorously, full of strength.

Without him, everyone's year-end bonuses have arrived in the morning.

Although she was deducted 2,000 yuan, the year-end bonus received by her strength was a little more than she expected.

It was also a pleasant surprise.

According to Hana, it takes about ten minutes to walk from the camp to the house of the two little guys.

If it is raining and the road is slippery, it may take 20 minutes to walk.

For a few minutes, Mo Jingchun felt as if he had stepped into a movie.

Steep steps, people may fall if they don't pay attention.

"Brother, woo woo woo~ Guo'er can't move anymore."

As he said that, Tang Tang, who was still running ahead, simply stood there and refused to leave.

After a long time, when Mo Jingchun felt his back sweating, Hana, who was leading the team in front, stopped, pointed to the dilapidated wooden house in front and said:

"This is the home of Amu and Shahong."

Amu and Shahong are the names of the two little guys, sister Amu and younger sister Shahong.

When Mo Jingchun raised his head and looked in the direction Hana was pointing at, he was surprised to find that the two little guys were right there.

The younger sister hid behind her older sister, stuck out her head, and looked curiously at the group of people who frightened her yesterday.

Compared with the younger sister, the elder sister Amu looked at them with some vigilance.

If sister Hana wasn't there, Amu wanted to take his sister to his uncle's house.

Amu, who is already in the second grade of elementary school, knows what Sister Hana said to her last night. .

I also understand that these people in front of me should be the same as those who go to school, they are here to help the people in the village.

Thinking of what Sister Hana said, Amu took her sister's hand and stood there until everyone came up.

Looking at the little sister in the arms of the big brother, Sha Hong's eyes are full of envy.

It's nice to have a brother.

It is okay to wear warm clothes.

Looking at him standing in front of him, still wearing the big cotton coat he gave him yesterday, Mo Jingchun sighed inwardly.

"Amu, can I visit your house?"

Amu nodded, and led his sister to the front.

A minute later, Mo Jingchun and the others who walked into the room were a little silent.

Perhaps only Hana, who has long been used to it, feels that everything in front of her is normal.

It was just over ten o'clock at this time, almost eleven o'clock.

In the originally pitch-black room, rays of sunlight shone in, making the dark room much brighter.

However, Mo Jingchun couldn't be happy.

Sunny days can be used for lighting, but what about rainy days?

Those holes without tiles made the house a water curtain hole.

Let alone looking for a place to sit, even if it is a place to step down, you have to bow your head.

Mo Jingchun couldn't imagine how the two children survived under such conditions.

Yes, regardless of what was said, Mo Jingchun felt that it was already a miracle that the two children could survive until now.

There are several families in the village that are in a similar situation to Amu and Sha Hong's.

Looking at the black and broken bench that his younger sister Sha Hong struggled to move out, Mo Jingchun didn't dislike it, and sat on it directly.

"How old is sister?"

The piercing elder sister replied without hesitation in the Chinese she learned at school:

"I am 12 years old and my sister is 7 years old."

Twelve years old, about the same as he guessed.

"How old are you?"

"second grade."

Just when Mo Jingchun was talking with his sister with a smile, a man came outside the house.

That full head of white hair, by the look of it, should be in its fifties at least.

In fact, he was in his early forties.

After talking a lot, Mo Jingchun suddenly asked Amu:

"Amu, do you have a dream?"

"A dream is something you've always wanted to do, or something you want to achieve."

"Just like my brother, my dream is the stars and the sea."


"Yes, dream!"

After being silent for a long time, Amu whispered:

"I want to be a doctor. Is that a dream?"

Doctor... because of his dead father?


Mo Jingchun kept the smile on his face and said:


"Of course!"

"But it's not easy to be a good doctor."

"Now you are only in the second grade. If you want to become a doctor, on the basis of your excellent grades, you need to study for at least fifteen years."

"If you want to be a good doctor, you need to spend more time studying."

"Now, do you still want to be a doctor?"

Amu didn't hesitate, "I want to!"

What's wrong with going to school, you can still eat meat.

"Boss, someone came outside, claiming to be the village chief."

Outside the house, Mo Jingchun suddenly realized after listening to the information from the village chief.

Amu can go to school precisely because caring people come to the village to do charity.

It's just that they are all small teams with limited financial capacity, and they cannot help everyone go to school and graduate from college.

From the village head, Mo Jingchun also learned that in terms of funds, there are caring people who support them.

What the village really lacks is teachers.

Thinking of the situation here, Mo Jingchun felt relieved.

In this mountain, there are a few highly educated people who are willing to go to the countryside.

Even if he came down, as the village chief said, he couldn't bear the hardships here, so he left after a while.

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