Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 344 Because Guoer misses you

Chapter 344 Because Guoer misses you~

It was the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and there were only three days left until New Year's Eve.

The sky over the bonfire was pitch black, and the mountain stream was also shrouded in clouds and mist, so visibility was very low.

Candy, who was eating breakfast around the campfire, shrank her neck.

Some miss the broken air conditioner in my hometown.

Woooooo~ I really want Ling to turn on the air conditioner for Guoer.

Suddenly, something landed on the little guy's eyelashes, which made the little guy jump.

When the little finger touched it lightly, the thing on the eyelashes melted directly.

Candy looked up at the sky suspiciously.

The next second, Candy stood up directly, and shouted in surprise:

"It's snowing~"

"It's snowing~"

"Goose goose goose, white hair floats in green water, anthurium touches the clear waves."

"Huh? Something seems wrong."

Candy scratched her head, always feeling that something was wrong, but seeing more and more snowflakes falling, she didn't think much of it at all.

Not to mention the little guy, even Mo Jingchun and the others focused their attention on the snowflakes falling in the sky, and didn't pay much attention to what poem the little guy just chanted.

Only Ling, who was far away in the laboratory building of the Candy Science and Technology Park, heard the song "Goose Goose Goose" read by Candy inexplicably through multiple devices.

Leaving aside the poems Candy read out for the time being, I missed a few sentences.

The point is, what does Yong'e have to do with this situation?


Mo Jingchun reached out to catch a snowflake with his down jacket.

With a gentle blow, the snowflakes quickly melted into a drop of water.

"Xiao Xia, send out all the purchased materials."

Xia Xiaomin, who was biting the chicken leg and also looking at the sky, nodded and said:

"Yes, boss."

"It's all sent out."

Mo Jingchun took out the wrinkled list and glanced at it.

Behind the above names, a circle is drawn.

The circles represent that Mo Jingchun has brought people to the corresponding homes.

Passing the list to Xia Xiaomin, Mo Jingchun said:

"Keep this note safe."

"This time, it went smoother than expected."

"After dinner, everyone, work hard and pack your luggage."

Under the eyes of everyone, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"We...we should go back too."

A group of little guys, who heard the news from nowhere, or someone saw that they were tearing down the tent, all ran over.

Amu walked into the camp carrying a big bag of walnuts that her uncle had sent her.

Without saying anything, Amu just passed the walnut on his back to Mo Jingchun.

Mo Jingchun was a little surprised, but this bag of walnuts can still be exchanged for some money if sold in the county town.

For him, it might just be a drop in the bucket.

But for Amu, it was a lot of income.

Mo Jingchun squatted down, smiled and said to Amu: "You can take these walnuts home and eat them with your sister, okay?"

"Look, brother has already eaten your brother's bacon."

"Listen to brother and take it back."

"Hurry up and go back before the snow has accumulated."

Amu clasped his fingernails, just shook his head and didn't speak.

But Mo Jingchun saw Amu's tears dripping to the ground.

Like raindrops, it falls to the ground and quickly melts into the soil.

"Okay, okay, brother accepts it."

"Go back quickly."

Biting his lip, Amu summoned up the courage to raise his head, looked at Mo Jingchun with red eyes, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Brother, uncle said that you are leaving."

"Brother, will you come again in the future?"

Mo Jingchun reached out and touched Amu's little head, and said with a smile:

"Of course I will come to see you."

"Remember what my brother said? Just call if you have anything to do."

Looking back on the past few days with her big brothers and big sisters, this is the best few days she and her sister have eaten.

"Brother, I will definitely study hard and be admitted to university."


As time went on, more and more children and parents they helped gathered in the camp.

"Let's go." Mo Jingchun waved his hand, and the convoy slowly walked away along the road.

A group of people followed the convoy until they could no longer be seen.

Many people had tears on their faces.

Looking at the end of the road, the village chief took a deep breath.

I hope that the village can really live a happy and prosperous life with the help of candy technology.

I hope that in his lifetime, he can see it with his own eyes.

"Hana, do you know what kind of person Mr. Mo is?"

Hana who stood aside thought for a while and said, "He's a good person."

"In the company, the boss has a good reputation."

"Everyone says that in Candy Technology, as long as you don't provoke Candy, as long as you don't make a principled mistake, you will generally be fined and deducted a symbolic bonus."

The village chief looked at Hana in surprise, and asked, "Candy?"

The next second, the village head reacted.

Candy Tech, Candy Tech, the company's name is all Candy, which shows.

Hana nodded and said, "Yes."

"I heard that both parents passed away the year the boss graduated from high school."

"Candy was raised by the boss."

"In other words, the candy is the boss's reverse scale."

In the car, Mo Jingchun smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of his sister's eyes.

"What's the matter, isn't it time to go back? Why are you still crying sadly?"

"Hmph! Guo'er is not sad, Guo'er just... can't bear to miss the girls."

Mo Jingchun shrugged and said nothing.

Zhou Yaling on the side can be said to be the saddest one.

Compared with others, she has one more sad thing.

In the past few days, she has been cooking and washing dishes very vigorously, and Amu is there to help.

It's a pity... this life is over.

Grandpa Mao can't earn one piece a day.

It's so sad.

More than two hours later, the county seat came into view.

Thinking that this time the county leader knew they were coming, but did as he wanted and didn't bother.

It can be said that it is full of sincerity.

"Xiaoxia, contact the parent officer in the county, let's go and have a chat before we return to the company."

"Okay, boss."

Half an hour of brief meeting, both sides are smiling.

Before leaving, Mo Jingchun said with a smile: "County magistrate, don't worry, next time there is a chance for cooperation, I will definitely send someone to visit this county first."

"Good! Good! Good!"

After the two sides shook hands again, Mo Jingchun and his party left the county seat under heavy snowfall.

In the car, Mo Jingchun closed his eyes and rested his mind, Tangtang was holding his mobile phone and killing people randomly.

In the evening, when Mo Jingchun and others returned to the company campus.

Zhou Xing is still in the company and has not returned to his hometown.

Zhou Xing looked at Mo Jingchun, Candy and his daughter who got off the car, stepped forward and asked in surprise:

"Didn't you say you won't come back for the New Year?"

"Uncle, of course it's because Guo'er misses you."

"Oh, my little baby, uncle loves to hear that, hahaha."

PS: Thanks to Wulin Fengyu, book friends 20210112201916459, Mi Xu, Strangers for their support!

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