Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 346 The end of a person

In the courtyard of the villa, fifteen wild wolves stood in two rows.

Zhou Yaling and Tangtang squatted at the door, eating real candied haws, watching her brother talk with interest.

"Originally, according to my idea, it is enough for you to leave two of you to go back with me, and everyone else will go home for the New Year."

"After the New Year, it will not be too late for everyone to come to work again."

Mo Jingchun shrugged and said with a smile: "However, the wild wolf said that this is too dangerous. Once an emergency occurs, it will be difficult to protect me and Candy safely."

"So, I have referred to your captain Yelang's opinion. Out of the fifteen of you, the remaining seven will go back to their hometowns with me to celebrate the New Year, and the rest will go back to their own homes."

"After the second day of the new year, those who go back to celebrate the new year will come to change shifts."

"You follow me every day, and you don't have time to go back to see your relatives. You have worked hard."

Mo Jingchun turned around and looked at Zhou Yaling, squatting there to eat the candy from the refrigerator, and said:

"Guo'er, bring the things."


Candy bit the candied haws, and gave the convenience bag at his feet to his brother.


Mo Jingchun held up the transparent convenience bag that the little guy gave him.

"As you can see, there are many small paper balls inside."

"I just wrote this this morning."

"Among these small paper balls, seven wrote 'go to work', and eight wrote the word 'hui' for going home for the New Year."

Mo Jingchun smiled and said:

"This time, let's be fair. What we catch depends on luck."

Under the eyes of everyone, Mo Jingchun shook the transparent convenience bag.

"Who will come first? The probability of being the first to catch and go home for the New Year is as high as 8 out of 15!"

In the team, you look at me, I look at you, and finally everyone looks at the captain Yelang in unison.

The wild wolf took a deep breath and took a step forward.

"Then I'll go first."

You can go home for the New Year, who doesn't want to.

After all, almost everyone has less and less time to spend with their parents every year from the moment they enter the society.

Moreover, there are wives and children at home, so if you say you don’t want to, that’s all fake.

Mo Jingchun looked at the small ball of paper in the wolf's hand, and said with a smile:

"Open it and have a look, what is doomed, can't be changed anyway."

The wrinkled paper ball was opened little by little, and a word was only half-read, and the answer had already come out.

That is the word "back" for going home.

Mo Jingchun patted Yelang on the shoulder and said, "It's been hard work, go back and have a good rest for a few days."

The wild wolf nodded and said, "Okay!"

Next, everyone smiled and went forward to take small paper balls.

They all want to compare who has better luck.

But it is destined that seven people will catch the little paper ball of "going to work".

Some people are happy and some are sad.

Mo Jingchun clapped his hands and said with a smile: "The seven brothers and sisters who can't go home on New Year's Eve can eat the New Year's Eve dinner I made by myself~"


The boss cooks the New Year's Eve dinner himself?

After this wave, it seems that it is not a loss.

When it's their turn to come back to rest, can't they pretend to be X in front of their family?

The New Year's Eve dinner cooked by the boss of Candy Technology, how many people in this world can eat it.

More importantly, it is said that the boss's craftsmanship is notoriously good.

Can cook a good dish.

It's a pity that Zhou Yaling didn't know what these bodyguards were thinking, otherwise they would definitely scoff at them.

The rice cooked by my brother is just passable. Compared with the rice cooked by me, Zhou Yaling, it is more than a little worse.

As the master's apprentice, he naturally had to keep a hand.

"Feiyan, drive to the science and technology park first, and pick up uncle."

Peter Pan won the lottery to go home for the New Year, and he has already left by car with others.

The driver's seat was naturally Feiyan's turn.

"Okay, boss."

Feiyan, who hadn't driven for a long time, stepped on the accelerator, and Mo Jingchun, Tangtang, and Zhou Yaling suddenly felt a push back.

Candy, who had never felt the feeling of being pushed back, widened her eyes and held her breath.

what happened?

Mo Jingchun was also taken aback by Feiyan, thinking in his heart, Feiyan could not be driving well.

The more I think about it, the more likely it becomes.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Jingchun smiled and said, "Feiyan, why don't I drive the car."

"Boss, don't worry, my driving skills are not as good as Peter Pan's, but my skills are still good."

"I think back then, when I was driving a tank, I played Thief Six in drift."

Mo Jingchun silently pulled the safety handrail, and Zhou Yaling beside him was no exception.

Grandma has short legs, can driving a tank be the same as driving a car?

Tanks can be built with great effort, but cars can't.

Although this car has been modified, can it be compared with a tank?

"Find a place to stop in front, I'll do some shopping."

A minute later, Feiyan was "invited" from the driver's seat by Mo Jingchun with a dazed expression.

Didn't you say you want to buy something?

Why do you want me to be a driver?

The corner of Mo Jingchun's mouth twitched, "Feiyan, sit in the back, I'll let you experience what it's like to be a boss."

"I'm still driving this car."

Under the boss's threatening gaze, Feiyan timidly sat in the back row.

Compared with Feiyan, although Mo Jingchun is a novice, his driving is much smoother.



"I'm coming."

In the monitoring room, Zhou Xing ran out with a thermos.

It won't be long before I go back, and I have winter clothes at home, so I don't have anything to bring.

In the car, Mo Jingchun turned to Zhou Yaling and said, "You and uncle go to the car behind."

"When we get to town, I'll have someone take you and uncle home."

Zhou Yaling held back her mouth, opened the door and walked down.

At the same time, don't forget to take the suitcase to the car behind.


As the three vehicles left the park, the science and technology park became even quieter.

Only the security personnel on duty and the armed police in the laboratory building are standing firm.

Oh~ There is also the reserved and professional Ling, who is always paying attention to the troubles in the entire science and technology park.

On the back mountain, Feiyan and the others spread out, facing Mo Jingchun who was kneeling on the ground with their backs.

On the side, Tang Tang also knelt on the ground like his brother, and threw a piece of paper money into the warm fire from time to time.

"Mom and Dad, take the money and use it."

"Hey, there are so many people burning paper every day, and I don't know if it will cause inflation."

Unfortunately, Mo Jingchun understood very clearly.

When people die, they die.

Burning paper is nothing more than a kind of spiritual sustenance of the living to the deceased relatives.

The Buddha said that there are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, sickness and death, parting from love, long-term resentment, not being able to ask, not being able to let go.

The topic of death is eternal, and it is also a topic that everyone taboos, but no matter how we avoid it, death will always exist, and you don't know who it will be in the next moment.

It is said that there are three deaths in a person's life, and Mo Jingchun also thinks it is reasonable.

Exhale, body die;

Burial, social registration of death;

Oblivion, spiritual death.

The first is biological death, the second is when society declares you dead, and the third is when the last person who remembers you leaves this world, and you begin to be completely forgotten by the world. This is the final death.

After the third time, it is also the final destination of a person in this world.

PS: Thank you for the reward and support for the lights and no wine.

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