Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 354 Operating System Delivery

In the office, Sister Nan, who went to work after a nap, saw Li Xuanyu's gloomy face, still modifying the code there.

Sister Nan didn't pay too much attention to it, she thought it was because Li Xuanyu didn't finish correcting in the morning and was busy all afternoon and didn't sleep.

Thinking of how she was revising her thesis every day for her graduation design.

Hmm... final version... final version 1.0... final version 2.0... really final version... final version...

Revising papers is never ending, and the credit for it all goes to one person.

It is said that every year when it comes to the graduation season, many college students will pay homage to this great god to express their gratitude for the outstanding contributions made by this great god.

Sister Nan gave Li Xuanyu a sympathetic look, thinking that it won't be long before Li Xuanyu is going to greet that great god.

After all, it is already a tradition.

Moreover, compared with other schools, the graduation thesis of Peking University is stricter and more demanding.

The difficulty of writing a thesis is naturally several times higher.

After two o'clock, Mo Jingchun, who woke up from a nap in the bedroom, glanced at the time.


System delivery video conference at 3pm.

After washing his face casually, he walked out of the bedroom.

"Xiao Xia, I'm going to the laboratory."

"There will be an important meeting in a while, unless there is something big, I will report after the meeting is over."

"Okay, boss."

In the laboratory, Mo Jingchun didn't do anything, just sat there and watched the short video, waiting for three o'clock.

All the codes of the operating system have already been summarized, and the summarized operating system codes are there. The so-called delivery of the operating system is actually a formality, and a meeting is held to commemorate it.

The other one is that all responsible persons ensure that they have not backed up the source code of the entire operating system.

At 2:50 p.m., Mo Jingchun received an invitation for the conference video.

The first time he connected to the online video conference, Mo Jingchun consciously turned off the microphone.

A few minutes later…

"Hi Mr. Mo, please turn on the voice test microphone."

There are already big guys who have tested it before, and Mo Jingchun is naturally familiar with it.


"Okay. There is no problem with your voice over there, thank you for your cooperation."

Suddenly, an old man appeared on the video, and Mo Jingchun couldn't help but sit upright.

This is a real boss.

Although I have never seen it on TV or news, there is no doubt that this man is definitely a real boss.

Mo Jingchun thinks that such a scientist who contributes to the country in obscurity is very worthy of respect, whether he is a big boss or not.

At least, Mo Jingchun thought that he could not be so selfless.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone is here.

"Everyone, we meet again." The old man smiled kindly.

The next moment, the old man was filled with emotion.

"I still underestimated your scientific research ability."

"I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise, the old man, that the operating system was delivered half a year ahead of schedule."

"Just now, I have experienced it myself."

"To be honest, it was much, much better than I expected."

While speaking, the picture suddenly zoomed out.

The old man stood up tremblingly with the support of the staff.

It wasn't until this moment that Mo Jingchun and the others realized that the old man's body was much worse than the last time they met.

The last time we met, Mo Jingchun still remembered it as if it was yesterday.

At that time, the old man was quite energetic.

Silently, Mo Jingchun and a dozen other persons in charge stood up.

"My old man thanked you on behalf of the country."

When Mo Jingchun opened his voice and wanted to say something, he didn't know how to speak, as if something blocked his throat.

"The future is yours."

The online video conference was very short, just over half an hour.

In the laboratory, the online video conference was over, but Mo Jingchun couldn't be calm for a long time.

Will there be a chance to see this old gentleman again in the future? Most likely not.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, who can escape?

Even the thousand-year-old emperor who pursued longevity is the same, let alone others.

Mo Jingchun couldn't help but ask himself, how long can he live?

Can longevity be achieved at the end of science?

Mo Jingchun doesn't know, because Mo Jingchun doesn't know where the end of science is.

When the universe finally dies, it is a luxury to think about immortality.

Just then, the phone rang.

When he came, he told Xia Xiaomin that he would go back and take care of everything.

Mo Jingchun picked up the phone and looked, sure enough, it wasn't Xia Xiaomin who opened it.

It made Mo Jingchun a little strange, the online video conference was just over, why did Lao Yu think to call him.

"Hi, old Yu."

"Don't, shouting like that, I always feel old."

Mo Jingchun smiled lightly, "But I am born after 2000, and there are two gaps between us, so calling Lao Yu is the most appropriate."

"Forget it, forget it, let's get down to business."

After listening to Lao Yu's words, Mo Jingchun fell into deep thought for a while.

To be honest, he also couldn't figure out what this operating system was used for.

Logically speaking, with a domestic operating system, you will definitely purchase a purely domestic computer to replace the previous equipment.

After all, the purpose of developing its own operating system is to keep it confidential and prevent malicious system backdoors from being left behind.

But for so long, I have never heard of any company receiving an order.

This order is not a small quantity, but actually?

So far, I have not heard any relevant news.

This is a bit strange.

Mo Jingchun thought for a while and said: "I also find it strange, but even if the sky falls, there will be a tall person holding it up."

"Since the above didn't say it, it means that they don't want us to know. In my opinion, it's better for us not to make random guesses."

"As participants in the project, we don't know the inside story, which shows that the matter is of great importance."

After a long time, Lao Yu sighed and said: "Mr. Ren also said the same thing, but I don't know why, I am very upset."

"Hahaha, you're under so much pressure at work, it's normal for you to think too much and get upset."

"Maybe. Speaking of which, I really envy you."

"Don't, I'm doing research, and I don't feel comfortable, okay, I'm still single until now."

"Hahaha, the boss of Tangtang Candy Technology, if he really wants to find a wife, why don't he line up?"

"It's really not possible. It's just a matter of nodding your head to let the country send a target."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Who doesn't want to have a vigorous love affair.

"Hang up, I'm going to find my wife."

"Otherwise, I'll really be a bachelor in the future."

Putting down the phone, several figures appeared in Mo Jingchun's mind, but he eliminated them one by one.

"Hey, let's go."

Anyway, there is a saying, "Don't worry, the fate that belongs to you will come eventually!"

Mo Jingchun thought it made sense.

Feelings can't be forced, they can only go with the flow.

If a person is destined to be with you, he will always meet, if a person is not destined to be with you, he will eventually pass by.

People who are really destined to you will come back to you after going around and around, and those who have no fate will leave and never come back.

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