Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 372 It is certain

A long time passed in the meeting room, and even the tea in the teacup was no longer steaming.

The tea is already cold, but no one puts their minds on the teacup.

"Well, there is no need to make such a fuss, what do you think?"

As soon as Chen Xihe opened his mouth, everyone in the meeting room looked over.

Looking at a piece of glasses cloth that Chen Xi took out from nowhere, and wiped his glasses in a leisurely manner, for some reason, everyone felt certain.

Chen Xihe, who put on his reading glasses again, tapped the information placed in front of him with the index finger of his left hand, and said:

"Even without amino acids found in Martian soil samples, we've always believed that aliens are 100% present, haven't we?"

"What is before us now is nothing more than the life in this universe, which may be much more than we imagined."

"Under the same star system, there are amino acids in an environment like Mars, so don't mention other outer star systems."

Chen Xihe smiled and said, "Maybe, there is our neighbor in the Canis Major dwarf galaxy closest to us."

Those who can be called neighbors by humans must be intelligent life, and the level of intelligence is not low.

"This time, the discovery of amino acids in Martian soil samples is nothing more than confirmation that aliens must exist in the universe."

After listening to Chen Xihe's Free Speech Conference, the meeting was actually a little quiet. Everyone understands the truth, but when I think of the large number of aliens in the entire universe, I shudder.

"Then why haven't we found aliens yet."

Everyone nodded. This is also the biggest problem at present. It can be said that it is directly related to the survival of human civilization.

"Ahem, this point, let me, an old man, talk about it. After all, I specialize in this area."

"As for whether there are alien creatures beyond the blue star, all countries have researched.

From the perspective of probability, aliens must exist.

And this report confirms the existence of extraterrestrial creatures. "

"Then one of the biggest questions pops up, which is why humans haven't seen aliens."

The old man took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued:

"Area 51 in the United States, I won't say more. The so-called alien corpses are just self-directed and performed by them. Those black technologies are just obtained from the former Soviet boss. Looking at it this way, it is the former Soviet boss. It is really possible that the eldest brother has captured or acquired an alien spacecraft for some unexpected reason."

"As for why no aliens have been seen, there are only a few possibilities."

Some of them pricked up their ears, and some even leaned forward slightly.

"That's the first thing. The degree of technological development of aliens is far more advanced than that of humans. Aliens have come to Blue Star a long time ago. After all, they have been observing humans in secret."

"Just like we humans have discovered a new species, the first response is to protect it and then study it."

"In this way, those missing persons who have no news of it are also plausible. Research, of course, requires samples and experimental subjects."

Chen Xihe and his old friend looked at each other, and they could see the worry in each other's eyes.

Because, once this assumption is established, there is no doubt that this secret meeting is also under the surveillance of the other party.

"The second possibility is that human beings may be the first batch of intelligent creatures born in the universe, and the development of science and technology is ahead of many alien civilizations."

The old man sighed regretfully, "This possibility is the smallest, because the Milky Way is not the center of the universe. Of course, the evolution of intelligent life cannot be completed overnight, and it is not impossible for human beings. out of wisdom."

However, neither Chen Xihe nor the others were very optimistic about the old man's analysis of this point.

The reason is simple. There are many unreasonable things about the theory of biological evolution in the evolution of human civilization.

"The third possibility is that the civilizations in our universe are highly prosperous and have formed a certain order. All new civilizations are of great significance to the entire universe. The Cosmic Civilization Alliance stipulates that for civilizations without interstellar navigation capabilities, There will be some protection."

"The last possibility is the last one that all of us researchers want to see."

Speaking of this, the old man frowned.

"The last possibility is the famous law of the dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter walking in the dark with a shotgun. The difference is that each hunter has different equipment."

"And human civilization has been in peace, it may be because more than one alien civilization has discovered human civilization."

"In this situation, no one dared to shoot first, and they were also afraid that once the torch was lit, it would attract more powerful hunters from the dark forest."

"I've finished what I want to say, you continue."

After finishing speaking, the old man just drank his tea and didn't care that the tea was cold.

"Everyone, I absolutely believe that the Nantianmen project of our galaxy defense system must be accelerated."

Everyone looked at Chen Xihe, but no one refuted.

Even very recognized.

Today is different from the past. While facing the meteorite swarm, we must also guard against alien civilizations that may appear at any time.

Once an alien civilization appears, there is no doubt that the other party's technological level will be more advanced than that of humans.

As a kind of timid and docile herbivorous animal, the rabbit generally does not bite people, but if people make it anxious, it has no way to retreat and will bite people.

Not to mention humans.

After more than half an hour of discussion.

"That's it, I will report everyone's thoughts and opinions."

The lights in the conference room dimmed, and Chen Xihe and the others dragged their exhausted bodies away.

Li Qianqian, who had been waiting in the research institute for a long time, saw the teacher come out, and hurried forward to help her.


"Oh, I'm old, I'm old, I feel tired even after a meeting."

"Take me back to the resting place and rest for a while."

Looking at the teacher's appearance, Li Qianqian was still a little worried.

In the past year, she has seen the teacher's physical condition.

It can be said that every day is not as good as one day, and compared with a year ago, it is even more different.

"Teacher, why don't I go to the doctor to check it for you."

Chen Xihe waved his hand and said, "No need, don't I understand my body?"

Walking, Chen Xihe paused, and said to Li Qianqian:

"You have been with me for so many years, and you are able to lead students by yourself. Prepare your thesis and graduate this year."

"The eagle still belongs to the sky after all."

Li Qianqian opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

The nose is sour, and the eyes are a little hazy.

As if thinking of something, Chen Xihe whispered again:

"If you really don't want to take students with you, it's a good choice to follow that kid Mo Jingchun in the future."

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