Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 376 Murder weapon?

"Hey, hey, look."

Huang Min, who was sitting at the front desk and playing with his mobile phone, glanced at the little milk dog who ran over in a flash, and said calmly:

"What's so interesting, there is another master who can't be offended."

"Just be careful not to let him pee in the hall."

"Sister Huang, what if the little milk dog urinates in the hall."

Huang Min choked up for a moment, and looked at her little sister with resentment.

"What else can I do, quickly find a mop and take it off."

"Could it be that you still want the boss to come down and mop the floor?"

"Or you want to eat dog meat."


"If you know what you are asking, ask for a beating."

"Hey, Miss Huang, don't twist my waist, hahaha."

Xia Xiaomin, who accompanied the boss out of the elevator, coughed twice as she passed by the front desk.

"Cough cough."

Huang Min and the little sisters were terrified when they saw it.

Damn, why did the boss come down?

Fortunately, the boss didn't say anything, and went out directly, followed by the little milk dog bouncing around.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Huang Min gave the little sister a white look and said:

"Where else can I go? The kindergarten held a singing and drawing competition today. The boss is naturally going to the kindergarten."

The little sister nodded approvingly.

"I guess so, the boss loves candy so much."

In the kindergarten, Candy, who had just had the teacher paint her makeup, was lying by the window, looking at the door.

A small frown frowned.

"Why hasn't my brother come yet? The game will start soon."

Just when Candy was frowning, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"elder brother."

Candy hurriedly ran out of the classroom to meet his brother.

Picking up the candy that ran all the way, Mo Jingchun looked at the red face that turned into candy, and laughed loudly:

"Yo, you still put on makeup."


One second he looked arrogant, but the next second, the little guy asked expectantly:

"Does it look good?"

Mo Jingchun held back his laughter and said, "It's beautiful, of course it's extremely beautiful."

"After Guo'er is on stage, my brother will record it for Guoer."

"When Guo'er grows up in the future, I think I will be very grateful to my brother for helping me recall my childhood."

"Well, sure."

Hearing that his brother wanted to make a video record, the little guy agreed without even thinking about it.

I just don't know if Candy will chase after my brother to destroy the records after many years.

On the playground of the kindergarten, many parents have already arrived.

Unless you are very busy and can't ask for leave at all, otherwise they will all come.

Looking at the rows of small benches, Mo Jingchun couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Isn't that for children to sit on?

Director, are you sure that the small bench will not break suddenly when we adults sit on it for a long time.

Under the expectant eyes of the director, Mo Jingchun sat up gently.

After trying his strength, he was sure that it would not be broken, so Mo Jingchun sat down with confidence.

As for the candy, I was dragged back to the classroom by the teacher, not knowing what the teacher was teaching inside.

After about ten minutes, the children in the small class sat down on the top under the guidance of the teacher.

Then the middle class, and then the big class.

Fortunately, the weather today is good. After the sun came out, it was warm on people's bodies.

Neither hot nor cold, perfect for basking in the sun.

"Parents and children, good morning everyone."

"Let us welcome with warm applause Mr. Mo Jingchun, the founder of Candy Technology, to come to the site to guide the work."

Crackling, a burst of applause.

Sitting on the small bench, watching my brother's candy applaud with energy.

His little hands were flushed red, and his face was full of pride.

It seems that the teacher is not talking about Candy's brother, but Candy.

"Next, we invite the cuties from the small class (1) to bring us cheerful dance music. A flock of ducks is passing by the bridge in front of the door."

A group of little guys, dressed in yellow duck costumes, imitated ducks and walked on the stage.

Do you think it's naive? No no no, it's still funny.

Especially the little yellow duck who was wiping away tears and also kept up with the team.


Isn't it fun to perform while crying?

In fact, the performances in the kindergarten are much more joyful.

In the following performance, everyone laughed non-stop.

"Perform" on stage sleeping, runny nose, all kinds of little tricks.

It happened that the embarrassing child above was their own child, and the parents covered their faces helplessly.

There is no doubt that Candy's middle class (2) won the first place without any dispute.

In the following drawing competition, Mo Jingchun was surprised to find that many children were very good at drawing.

The curves drawn casually are just right.

Naturally, Mo Jingchun couldn't draw such a curve, so there's nothing to be ashamed about.

Human beings cannot be omnipotent.

"Brother, sister Xiang'er is very good at drawing, the teacher often praises sister Xiang'er."

Looking at Xiang'er who was seriously drawing on the stage, Mo Jingchun nodded in approval.

Before the painting came out, Mo Jingchun didn't see what he was going to paint at all.

At the back, Mo Jingchun realized that it turned out to be a landscape painting.

Xiang'er's talent for painting is just a little bit worse than Candy's talent for music.

After all, candy can affect a person's mood with music.

In the long alley, Guo Yunxiang's face was pale.

He kills.


Guo Yunxiang looked at his right hand with a blank expression.

At this moment, there were bursts of sirens outside.

It turned out that a well-meaning person saw him being pulled into the alley and chose to call the police.

want to run?

But I'm in self-defense... right?


Who knew the opponent was so careless.

"Still breathing, call emergency services."

Guo Yunxiang was controlled without any resistance.

"Boss, something happened." Xia Xiaomin, who received the emergency, whispered into Mo Jingchun's ear.

"Someone beat someone to the hospital with our smart bionic limb, and he's still in a coma."

"If the force is heavier, the person may not be in a coma, but dead."

Mo Jingchun looked at Xia Xiaomin solemnly, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, it happened just twenty minutes ago."

"Boss, this matter is already fermenting on the Internet."

"Some people say that the intelligent bionic limbs of Candy Technology are criminal tools."

Tool of crime? Mo Jingchun's face turned pale instantly.

Go TM's tool of crime.

For the sake of traffic, these self-media dare to say anything.

It seems that the previous blows were not strong enough.

"Go back to the office."

Mo Jingchun got up and left.

A group of parents and teachers looked at the boss suspiciously and just left.

On the way, Mo Jingchun's mood gradually calmed down.

"Let people from the legal department collect evidence."

"Don't let go of any of them."

PS: Thank you for your unlimited wandering, book friends 20180606151817111, Hongmeng Zilian, Lin of Time and Space in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds, Qin Shi Youlan, Xia Mulinyu, for your support on pins and needles.

After going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, I am finally about to get my driver's license...(*)

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