Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 383: Busy Mo Jingchun

In the past two years, Mo Jingchun has developed a habit that every morning when he arrives at the office, as long as there is no urgent matter to start, Mo Jingchun will quickly read the news.

domestic, as well as international.

Looking at it, Mo Jingchun suddenly gasped.

"Huawei will release a new machine mate90 next month?"

"A new machine will be released next month?"

Mo Jingchun tapped his fingers, and checked the new mobile phones that will be released next month.

I don’t know if I don’t check it, but I’m shocked when I check it, good guy, everyone is scrambling to release the new flagship mobile phone, and they are not afraid of overturning.

It is said that if there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Whoever's new mobile phone overturns will be embarrassing.

Coupled with this year's new fire dragon, Mo Jingchun felt that it would be easy to overturn.

Mo Jingchun rubbed his chin and smirked, "Tsk tsk, then can I make all the major manufacturers postpone the launch of their flagship phones by myself?"

"No, I have to warm up and let them come to the door by themselves."

"That's right, let's do it!"

Mo Jingchun, whose eyes lit up, waved, "Xiao Xia, come here."

After Mo Jingchun whispered a few words into Xia Xiaomin's ear, Xia Xiaomin looked at the boss in astonishment.

Graphene battery? ? ?

"Okay, boss, I'll arrange it now."

In less than 20 minutes, several short video official accounts, Weibo, and official website of Candy Technology were updated with new content.

A pitch-black square with a large title.

[Small body, big energy. 】

[Ten seconds of charging, ten hours of video. 】

Without exception, they are all similar titles.

In the text of Weibo, there is even such a sentence.

"On May 16, meet Huo County, see you soon."

Watching the high-end and upscale short video, Mo Jingchun liked it and commented.

"Really black technology!"

The employees of the Propaganda Department must add chicken legs today, the content of the promotion is really good.

He just expressed his meaning, and the people in the Propaganda Department directly sublimated it.

"Tsk tsk, the calm before the storm." Mo Jingchun smiled and shook his head.

To be honest, Mo Jingchun was still a little scared, whether foreign missiles would suddenly fall on him.

Graphene battery, I am involved in a major issue of energy, no country will not pay attention to it.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun couldn't laugh anymore.

"It seems that the official... seems to... don't know~"

The next second Mo Jingchun was distressed, he said Cao Cao Cao Cao would be there.

The phone rang, and it was Qin Yuzhu calling.

"Brother, you are my brother, what is the latest achievement in your laboratory?"

Although it was possible to guess something from the publicity, Qin Yuzhu was not too sure until it was finalized.

From the researchers who leaked the information before, they learned that there are research batteries in the laboratory building.

But the researcher didn't know the specific situation.

Between the floors, no one has permission to enter other floors.

Mo Jingchun touched his nose, didn't play charades, and said directly:

"Then what, this year's researchers are quite powerful, and our researchers have developed a low-cost graphene battery."

Qin Yuzhu on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

"Brother, can we not be so sudden next time?"

"Ahem, do you want to find a foundry?"

Mo Jingchun frowned, how did Qin Yuzhu know that he was going to find a foundry.

Could it be that Xu Pengfei leaked the news?

It shouldn't be, Xu Pengfei is still very reliable in his work, and has never made such a low-level mistake.

"Don't get me wrong, we have studied the current structure of candy technology, and the most suitable line for candy technology is to let the foundry produce it."

"And you spend more energy on product research and development."

Mo Jingchun believed it half-doubtly, and then asked:

"Then what?"

"Then what, how about I recommend two foundries to you?"

"In terms of quality, the guarantee is not much different from that of several large foundries."

"State camp?"

"That's right."

Mo Jingchun was silent for a while, then said:

"Send me the information first, and I will refer to it."

"But let me make it clear first that I must be responsible for my product. Unlike other products, batteries must meet safety requirements."

"That's for sure." Qin Yuzhu also breathed a sigh of relief.

The importance of graphene batteries is obvious. Although various national laboratories can produce graphene batteries, the cost is too high.

A small amount of graphene batteries can only be used in sophisticated equipment such as satellites.

After agreeing with Qin Yuzhu, Mo Jingchun realized that several calls had come in in such a short period of time.

When Mo Jingchun was thinking about who to call back first, one of them called again.

Mo Jingchun answered the phone with a smile, "Hey, Mr. Yu, why did you think of calling my little brother when you have time?"

"My big boss, don't make fun of me, my heart is in my throat now."

"Break through the wind, is that thing a graphene battery?"


"Eh~" Lao Yu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Mo Jingchun to be so straightforward.

All of a sudden, he couldn't fix it.

He had already thought of a lot of rhetoric, and now that it's done, he can't use a single word.

"Then what? What's the cost? Is it energy-produced?"

Mo Jingchun, who was leaning on the chair, said with a smile:

"To tell the truth, the cost of graphene batteries must be higher than that of lithium batteries."

"However, the price is only about five times that of lithium batteries, which is within the acceptable range of consumers."

Spend a little more money, but can experience more than ten times the happiness.

Say goodbye to the fear of remaining power.

"Let's get together tomorrow. The relationship between the two of us must be left to me as the starter."

Mo Jingchun asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid of overturning the car?"

"This is the first time a graphene battery has been used in a mobile phone."

"I can still trust the products of Candy Technology."

Mo Jingchun pouted.

Although there is a lot of risk in the first round, it can also bring high returns.

Graphene batteries can be fully charged in ten seconds, just for this, and the sales of mobile phones are still rising.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yu, I love to hear that. If Warwick makes the debut, I will also send a graphene battery researcher from the laboratory to give you professional guidance."

All morning, Mo Jingchun kept calling.

One after another, not just from major factories.

Among them is the big brother of drones, Daqiang.

For drones, the first thing that constrains it is definitely the endurance.

At present, graphene batteries have solved this problem very well.

He took a sip of the water Xia Xiaomin poured to moisten his throat.

Just when Mo Jingchun felt that it was almost done, there should be no calls, and when he was about to go to lunch, the phone rang again.

Only this time, Mo Jingchun was somewhat surprised.

"Sister bald?"

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