Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 398 Hiss is also a talent

Chapter 398 Hiss~ Is also a talent......

After half a month, Mo Jingchun returned to live in the villa again.

You can sleep in the company as well, but you always feel that a lot of fun is missing.

Many of the little guy's big toys are also in the villa, and Mo Jingchun hasn't heard the little guy play the piano for a long time.

How could such a good talent be wasted.

In addition, after several major cleanings in the county, the safety level has reached its peak.

There is really no need for gifts to live in the company.

On Friday afternoon, after Mo Jingchun asked Xia Xiaomin to call Xu Pengfei, he smiled and said to the two:

"Get ready, both of you, we'll go on a business trip together tomorrow."

On business trip? Or tomorrow.

Xu Pengfei was stunned for a moment. The event that the boss had to go together should be very important. Why did he tell him and Xia Xiaomin today.

"Boss, are we going tomorrow?" Xu Pengfei asked suspiciously.

Standing aside, Xia Xiaomin in black sportswear was thoughtful.

The only ones who can let the boss run errands himself are the people above.

In addition, the boss only said that he was going on a business trip tomorrow, but he didn't mention where he was going. Obviously, the level of confidentiality is very high.

There is another possibility, emm, the boss himself doesn't know where he is going.

This possibility is still very high.

Facing Xu Pengfei's doubts, Mo Jingchun shrugged and said helplessly:

"Tomorrow we are going to inspect the foundry of graphene batteries. As for where, I don't know."

"Anyway, someone will pick us up tomorrow."

"Based on my years of experience, I personally recommend that you bring two changes of clothes."

In an instant, Xu Pengfei showed a look that I understood.

"No problem, Boss, I will go back to the dormitory tonight and prepare the things I need to bring tomorrow."

Mo Jingchun nodded, and said: "There is nothing else, if you are busy, go back to the office first."

After Xu Pengfei left, Mo Jingchun looked at Xia Xiaomin who was still standing in front of him, and asked suspiciously:

"What's the matter? Do you have anything else to do?"

Xia Xiaomin turned her head and glanced outside, and after confirming that there was no one there, she whispered:

"Boss, there is a driver in the convoy going to Dashan Village of the Yi Nationality this time who wants to open a small shop in the village."

That's it?

Mo Jingchun blinked and said with a smile:

"This is his personal problem, what does it have to do with the company?"

"The company will not get involved."

"Or he was afraid that the company would compete with him for profit, so he simply wanted the company to take a stake."

Mo Jingchun sighed, shook his head, and said:

"Xiao Xia, do you think I look like that kind of person?"

"I have to say, this person still has some brains."

"It's still very interesting to open a small shop in the village."

"However, I don't like that little profit."

After closing the leather notebook, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"So, you tell that person that the company won't intervene and can make money, that's his own ability."

From the very beginning, Xia Xiaomin knew the result, but it's better to talk to the boss about this kind of matter.

Acting beyond authority is not a good phenomenon.

On the other side, Liu Zhongquan, who received the reply, told his wife the news with joy.

Without any worries, Liu Zhongquan immediately asked his wife to come here to apply for a business license and prepare to open a canteen.

As for himself, he continued to work at Candy Technology.

When kindergarten is over in the afternoon, usually a group of little guys will stand in front of the turnstile, thinking of going out first.

And today...

Tangtang and Xiang'er, carrying small schoolbags, stood in the corridor on the first floor of the kindergarten, looking up at the sky and "splashing water".

Candy blinked, felt the rain on his face, and took another step back with his small body, almost stepping on the little feet of other friends.

"It's raining a lot."

Xiang'er, who wore a pink bow hairpin on her head, nodded in approval.

The rain was really heavy.

The drains in the kindergarten playground are too late to drain the rainwater away in the first place.

The overflowing rainwater followed the terrain and flowed to the entrance of the kindergarten at the lowest level.

"Candy, what are you doing?"

"I saw my grandma has come, why don't you come with me?"

Tang Tang, who was leaning against the wall to hide from the rain, looked at the pouring rain outside, his little head shaking like a rattle.

"No, Sister Feiyan must be outside."

"Sister Feiyan should bring an umbrella..." When the little guy said this, he lacked confidence.

She also didn't know if Sister Feiyan brought an umbrella.

At this moment, the two little guys heard the teacher calling their names at the same time.

I heard the teacher say that some parents have come.

Tangtang thought it was her brother who came, but when she looked at the door, her small eyes were as big as copper bells.

Xiang'er on the side was not much better, and was immediately stunned.

Xiang'er said with some uncertainty: "Tangtang, why do I feel that the umbrella in Sister Feiyan's hand is somewhat familiar?"

Not only is it familiar, but it is clearly seen every day.

That was clearly the huge parasol.

I saw Feiyan standing at the entrance of the kindergarten, unique, holding a large stereotyped thick umbrella with one hand, and waving frantically at Candy with the other hand.

Under the escort of the teacher, the two little guys came out.

Candy, standing under the big umbrella, raised her head, a little dazed.

"Sister Feiyan, shall we just use this?"

"Yeah, isn't this bad?"

"Look, the rain can't get in."

"Let's go, it's still tiring to hold this."

The parents nearby twitched their mouths when they heard Feiyan's words.

Are you so tired that you still hold up one hand?

I'm afraid you're not here to show off your muscles.

Under the envious eyes of a group of children, Candy followed Feiyan's footsteps and left in a daze.

The frightening thing is that Sister Feiyan, who held the umbrella in one hand, did not forget to take the scooter with her other hand when she left.

Really - Hercules!

"Brother, I'm back."

Sitting on the sofa, Mo Jingchun became curious when he saw the troubled face of the little guy who came back.

What problem can make children so troubled?

"What's wrong?"

Putting down her schoolbag, she also sat down on Tangtang on the sofa, holding her chin, and said:

"Brother, it's raining heavily outside."

She frowned, "Your sister Feiyan doesn't have an umbrella? You shouldn't."

"There is an umbrella..." The little guy hesitated to speak.

At this time, Mo Jingchun didn't know what Feiyan called a Feiyan brand umbrella.

Mo Jingchun laughed and said: "There is an umbrella, so why does our Guoer still look distressed?"

"I didn't get wet from the rain either."

The little guy patted his thigh, "Oh! Sister Feiyan's umbrella is really big, it's that... that's the very big parasol."

After being stunned for a moment, Mo Jingchun immediately realized what the umbrella Guoer was talking about.

Isn't that just an umbrella shed for the security personnel to keep out the sun and rain when they are on guard.

Hiss~ Feiyan is also a talent...

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