Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 418 Candy: Watch me show you a mask of pain

Green Agricultural Base is the name of the company's internal branch that specializes in harvesting vegetables from the Yi people.

This is the first time I have received a file from over there.

Somewhat surprised and curious, Mo Jingchun reached out to take the blue folder, and with a smile on his lips, he said:

"I'm really curious about the documents of the Green Agriculture Base."

Mo Jingchun laughed and joked, "It can't be that there is something wrong with the vegetables over there."

After opening the blue folder, Mo Jingchun looked up at Xia Xiaomin in surprise, and said:

"live streaming?"

"Yes, boss."

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Xiaomin explained:

"After I received the document, I went to find out. Every household over there has grown May peaches. According to estimates from the Green Agriculture Base, the entire village probably has more than 200,000 catties of peaches."

"If there are only thousands of catties of peaches, it's okay. The company will buy them back and distribute them to employees."

"But more than two hundred thousand is too much."

Mo Jingchun understood what Xia Xiaomin meant. He also had May peaches in his family.

It's okay to eat a few peaches a day, but if you eat too much, you will panic.

"Live streaming." Mo Jingchun scratched his head, "The company has never brought goods live."

"Try it."

"Oh. By the way, how does the peach taste?"

"It's okay." Xia Xiaomin took out a peach directly from his pocket.

It can be seen that the peach has been washed, and the fluff on the peach is gone.

Take a bite, crunchy.

Somewhat sweet, with a little bit of bitterness.

To be honest, it is not as delicious as the peaches sold in supermarkets.

"Go and ask a few courier companies about the courier fees. If you don't talk about making money, you can't lose money."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Xiaomin blinked and said:

"Boss, it's been talked about, it's at the back of the file."

"The lowest prices offered by several courier companies are all above."


Mo Jingchun turned over and took a look, it was really true!

He was curious, how could Xia Xiaomin be so sure that he would agree to live stream the goods on the short video?

You know, he wouldn't care too much about these 200,000 catties of peaches, even if the money from the sale was his.

After thinking for a while, Mo Jingchun raised his head and said:

"Let's broadcast live after dinner tonight, there are a lot of people there."

"Everyone is at work during the day, how can I watch the live broadcast so leisurely."

"No problem, boss." Xia Xiaomin stretched out her hand and made an OK gesture with a smile.

"Boss, then I will arrange the live broadcast equipment."

"Well, let's go."

In the evening, after having dinner in the cafeteria with the reluctant candy, Mo Jingchun took the candy to the live broadcast room prepared by Xia Xiaomin.

Candy, who was still bored at first, lit up when he walked into the live broadcast room.

Wow! So many mobile phones.

Everything was ready, Mo Jingchun, who was sitting upright, took a deep breath, and nodded to Xia Xiaomin, the live broadcast commander.

"Everyone, connect the live video to each short video account."

Not long after the live broadcast was started, users in twos and threes began to enter the live broadcast room.

"Ahem, good evening everyone."

[? ? ? 】

【what happened……】

[Is this a new product launch event? Why is there no news]

[Good evening, handsome men and beautiful women]

Looking at the barrage, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"Friends who have already entered the live broadcast room, please wait for a while, we will start the live broadcast when there are more people."

Sitting on a small bench in the corner, Candy holding a bun in his arms watched his brother muttering to a bunch of mobile phones, his heart tickled curiously.

It seems like I went to have a look, but my brother told Guo'er to sit here obediently.

With the blessing of traffic, the number of people in the live broadcast room quickly exceeded 10,000+

Mo Jingchun didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"Family, good evening everyone."

"I saw a lot of family members asking if this is a new product launch event."

Mo Jingchun spread his hands, and said with a smile: "Okay, I have a showdown."

"Today is not a new product launch event."

"But today I can reveal a little news to my family. A scientific research in our laboratory has recently made new progress. I believe it will not be long before my family can experience a truly smart life."

When talking about smart life, a white figure suddenly flashed in Mo Jingchun's mind.

That's Dabai!

After remembering Dabai in his heart, Mo Jingchun continued to smile at the live broadcast mobile phone:

"Okay, let's not talk too much outside the topic, today I am here to live broadcast and bring goods."

"My family heard me right, today I'm here to live stream the goods."

"Have you seen what I'm holding in my hand? That's right! It's a peach!"

All of a sudden, the barrage on all the live streaming platforms disappeared.

In the next second, question marks filled the entire live broadcast.

The family members kept talking, but when Mo Jingchun said that the goods he was going to bring were peaches, the family members were dumbfounded.

You are a technology company, running to bring peaches?

Why, your candy technology is still so short of money?

Xia Xiaomin looked at the background data of the little yellow car, and shook his head at the boss.

"Everyone doesn't know that these peaches come from a farmer's family deep in the mountains of the Yi nationality. This is the taste of childhood."

However...the family didn't buy it.

At this moment, Tang Tang, who was holding a steamed bun, appeared in the live broadcast room with his head stretched out.

Those little eyes were full of curiosity.

The college students who were watching the live broadcast exploded in an instant.

Cute, so cute.

Adorable, with a touch of wit and eccentricity.

Looking at the peach in his brother's hand, Candy didn't pay much attention, and just took a bite.


In an instant, Candy put on the pain mask directly.

The buns in his arms were thrown to the ground.


"Brother, these peaches are so sour!"

Dumbfounded, Mo Jingchun and Xia Xiaomin were immediately dumbfounded.

I'm afraid the peaches won't be sold.

The few orders that were finally sold just now, I am afraid that they will also be returned.

【Hahaha, I laughed so hard, brother, this peach is so sour. 】

[It's the truth, peaches are sour, Candy said it himself, so it's true. 】

[Hello everyone, I am a reverse live broadcast ghost who has practiced for two and a half years! 】

【quack quack ~】

Just when Mo Jingchun and Xia Xiaomin had given up hope, a shocking scene appeared.

The family members who didn't buy it just now started placing orders frantically.

Big deal!

An order of ten catties of peaches was sold out in less than a minute for 20,000 orders.

Mo Jingchun was a little confused.

Could it be that peaches are only delicious when they are sour?

Mo Jingchun, who doubted his life, took a bite of the peach that had not been thrown away from Guoer.

Damn, why is this peach so sour? It doesn't taste the same as the one in the daytime.

Mo Jingchun, who wore a painful mask like the little guy, now doubts life even more.

On the other hand, Xia Xiaomin, who had been checking the background data, was already smiling.

The mouth is grinning almost to the ears.

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