Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 429 Thirty-five thousand is not too little, and 120,000 is not too much

"Your pot!"

Zhou Yaling, who was sitting on the other side of the dining table, didn't feel embarrassed at all, but proud of it.

Zhou Yaling grinned and said, "It's all right now, it's easy to carry it to the room, and you don't need to coax it to sleep at night."

Mo Jingchun, who took a sip of the tomato and egg soup, rolled his eyes.

"You really know how to put paint on your face, Guo'er doesn't need to be coaxed to sleep at night."

"He is much more obedient than when you were a child."

Staring, Zhou Yaling just wanted to refute that Mo Jingchun was one year older than her. When she was a child, she was obviously the skinniest, and she could climb even trees without skin.

As soon as he opened his mouth, before he could say anything, Mo Jingchun blocked his mouth with one word.

"Hurry up and send it to the bed. If you catch a cold, you will be finished if uncle cuts it or not."

I will endure! Zhou Yaling clenched her fists.

"Evil capitalist." Zhou Yaling's last words were stubbornness, and she didn't dare to delay in action.

Just kidding, Mo Jingchun caught a cold, the old man would say "oh" at most, telling him to drink more hot water.

But Little Candy caught a cold, it was a big earthquake.

The old man knew that it was because of her that he caught a cold, so he would probably say, "Little bastard, how did you bring the child?"

Oh no, it should be 90%.

Carefully picked up the candy, for fear that Xiaojia would wake up.

In fact, Zhou Yaling's worries are completely unnecessary.

How much fun I had during the day, how deep I am now sleeping.

You see, you see, that little mouth is still chattering.

This is dreaming and still eating.

Zhou Yaling didn't dare to take the elevator, because she was afraid that the weightlessness brought by the elevator would wake up the little guy.

"Why are you taking the stairs?"

"What if I wake up?"

"666, then you can climb the stairs slowly."

Shrugging his shoulders, Mo Jingchun really wanted to remind Zhou Yaling that after taking the elevator so many times, didn't she feel that the elevator at home was very stable.

Ten minutes later, when Zhou Yaling came down from the elevator, Mo Jingchun had already eaten.

After pouring a cup of hot water, Mo Jingchun and Geyou lay on the sofa and said with a smile:

"My dear sister, you didn't burn the dinner, so it's okay to wash it."


It's just washing the dishes, isn't it just to clean up the dishes, anyway, there is a dishwasher.

Sitting alone at the dining table and eating, Zhou Yaling took a bite of the meal, her cheeks puffed up, and she asked vaguely:

"Wok~ What work do I go to the company for?"

"How's the front desk?"

Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes, and those who didn't know thought it was because she choked on her meal.

"Not so good."

"There is no technical content at all."

"Then you are wrong. It is not easy to be the front desk of my company."

Mo Jingchun shook his head and said, "It's important to know how to judge people, and how to speak is also very important."

"The company often comes to important people, how can it be so easy to do the front desk?"

"Do you know how much Huang Min's monthly salary is at the front desk?"

Zhou Yaling was also a little curious. She also asked when they were working together before, but Sister Huang just smiled and didn't say anything.

"How many?"

"The basic salary is fifteen thousand a month."

"Fifteen thousand... Fifteen thousand..." Zhou Yaling muttered to herself.

Fifteen thousand is enough for her eight or nine months of living expenses.

Seeing Zhou Yaling's heart fluttered, Mo Jingchun's tone changed.

"Okay, you should stay in the president's office for the time being."

"Look at your performance, so I can arrange where you will go later."

Good job, President! Zhou Yaling's eyes lit up.

"Brother, what about the salary?"

Speaking of salary, Mo Jingchun also became interested.

This stuff is usually a personnel discussion, and then Xu Pengfei makes the final decision.

Of course, if it is a high-level or senior technical staff, he will ultimately make the decision.

Mo Jingchun, who was interested for a while, said with a smile:

"How much salary do you think you can get a month?"

"Not talking about bonuses, just basic salary."

This really stumped Zhou Yaling.

In terms of majors, the salary for a fresh graduate from her major is not as high as her one-month salary for a summer job.

This time I come to my brother's company for an internship, and I definitely can't deal with it as a regular worker.

This is embarrassing, and it seems inappropriate.

Zhou Yaling wanted the higher the internship salary, the better, but she couldn't say it.

Seeing Zhou Yaling blushing and farting for a long time, Mo Jingchun suddenly laughed.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I will give you 10,000 a month first, and then I will see your performance and zero evaluation later."

"When you graduate and become a regular, your salary will increase."

Uncle's face may not be given, but grandfather's face must be given.

Grandpa is just such a granddaughter.

Zhou Yaling has already stumbled.

The basic salary of 10,000 has overwhelmed her.

How much is the internship salary for the students? No! Some are just internship subsidies.

It's only two thousand, two thousand five a month.

There is a minimum of one thousand and five.

So realistic!

Are you not going for an internship? Sorry, do you still want to graduate?

Mo Jingchun held the teacup in his left hand, stroked the cat with his right hand, and said with a smile:

"Starting on the 15th of this month, interns from various colleges and universities across the country will arrive one after another. It just so happens that when you arrive at the president's office, I will ask them to assign the interns to you. How about it?"

"Me?" Zhou Yaling pointed her index finger at herself in surprise.

"if not?"

"How much is five hundred?"

Mo Jingchun touched his chin, looked at the ceiling, and said:

"The front desk seems to be doing well."

"Don't! Brother! You can leave them to me without worry!"

"Make sure that none of them are missing arms or legs at the end of their internship."

Missing arms and legs... After all, Mo Jingchun couldn't hold back the corner of his mouth.

Listen, listen, is this what a girl said?

Mo Jingchun sighed, and said, "After they arrive, they will arrange a one-month training. I mean, I want you to arrange a meeting room and arrange classes."

"There are still missing arms and legs. Are you sure you are responsible for the safety of the family? It is still more than five hundred people."

"Ah? This..." Zhou Yaling was at a loss for words.

"Okay, don't think too much, the president's office is relatively easy."

"As for the salary, I will greet the personnel side, you don't have to worry."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun put down his teacup and got up to go upstairs.

As for Baozi, feeling the disappearance of the big hands on his body, he opened his eyes a crack, and saw the excrement shoveler leave, and closed his eyes again to continue snoring.

In the restaurant, Zhou Yaling giggled from time to time.

Zhou Yaling turned on the phone to share the happiness, but was stunned again.

She seems to have no classmates to share with.

Roommate? But pull it down, I really shared this good news, and it's almost the same as pulling hatred.

Life is precious!

You can't overturn your car in the last time period of college.

It's not too late to thank my roommate for not killing me for four years after I get my graduation certificate.

PS: Thanks to book friends 20220612012357899, Hongmeng Zilian for their rewards and support.

[A book friend in Wuyuan again? Come to Huangling to play≧≦]

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