Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 444 Perfect Handing In

"What's this?"

Mo Jingchun, who had just arrived at the school and was about to report to the defense team, saw the counselor downstairs.

It seems that a minute ago, Mo Jingchun thought it was a coincidence.

Now Mo Jingchun knew that the counselor was here specially waiting for him.

Mo Jingchun was very puzzled when he took the white opaque plastic bag handed to him by the counselor.

"This is?" Mo Jingchun opened it and saw it at a glance. There were clothes inside, and a touch of red could still be seen.

"Your doctor's uniform, the graduation photo of our class is specially arranged for this afternoon."

"Don't lose your clothes, you have to return them to the school after taking the photos."

Mo Jingchun froze for a moment, a little dumbfounded.

I thought that only undergraduate uniforms are worn in rotation every year, and the same is true for co-authored doctoral uniforms.

Will the school be short of this money? Obviously there is no shortage!

It can only be said that it may be for the sake of saving the environment.

Anyway, Mo Jingchun couldn't think of any other reason.

"I won't go up. The school has regulations. During the defense of graduates, counselors are not allowed to appear at the defense site."

"Oh, by the way, Li Xuanyu is not in your defense team, she should have told you."

Mo Jingchun smiled and really wanted to say no.

"Hey? Where's the candy? Why didn't I see it?"

"Isn't this a defense? I'm afraid that Candy will make trouble, so I let her stay in the hotel."

"Well, in the afternoon, remember to bring candy, how can the whole class take graduation photos without her."


Two years ago, Mo Jingchun also took graduation photos with the whole class, but at that time he was the only one wearing a bachelor's uniform.

It's different now, the whole class wears bachelor's clothes, and he wears doctor's clothes.

quack quack! I think the expressions of the students must be quite exciting when they come.

Watching Mo Jingchun go upstairs, Li Na didn't leave directly as Mo Jingchun imagined, but was still waiting for someone.

After about ten minutes, Li Na smiled and walked towards a figure running over.

"Li Xuanyu."

"Huh? Sister Na."

Li Xuanyu, who was carrying a computer, walked towards the counselor suspiciously.

"Sister Na, you are looking for me."

"You have been in the company all the time, and you were not there during the class meeting, so I just wanted to ask you a few words."

Smiling, Li Na said kindly, "Don't be too nervous during the defense, just go with your feelings."

"The respondent teacher won't embarrass you too much."

"Some of the questions asked by the professors may be a bit esoteric. Sometimes you don't have to worry too much about it. If you don't know it, just say it directly. Just ask for advice with an open mind, and it won't affect the result of your defense."

Li Xuanyu nodded seriously, and couldn't help but say:

"Sister Na, I know this, Mo Jingchun also told me."

"Defend and defend, just answer but not defend. Point out the problem and apologize crazily. The technology is not enough and the ability is limited. If you want to argue, see you next year."

"This guy." Li Na shook her head helplessly.

"That's the truth, but it can't be bad. After all, we are a capital university, and the defense requirements must be higher."

"It's getting late, you go up."

"Oh, by the way, come to my office after the defense in a while."


Walking up the stairs step by step, Li Xuanyu's mind still echoed the words of Sister Na just now.

After the defense, go to her office.

In fact, needless to say, Li Xuanyu can also guess that Sister Na probably wants to persuade her to continue her postgraduate studies instead of continuing to work in Candy Technology.

But Li Xuanyu has already seen through it. From the moment she gave up on the scientific research route, the postgraduate entrance examination has no meaning for her.

In the Internet industry, major companies do care about academic qualifications, but that is for fresh graduates who have just entered the society.

For people in the society, no matter which company they are in, they pay more attention to technical strength.


Li Xuanyu smiled, and muttered to himself: "It's never too late to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but not for love."

The spacious and bright classrooms are full of students.

In the first two rows of the classroom, there were six respondent teachers and a young man who should be the recorder.

Finding an empty seat, Li Xuanyu sat down.

I didn't feel anything just now, but from the moment I stepped into the classroom, under this tense atmosphere, Li Xuanyu's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Li Xuanyu took out the computer and started to prepare for the defense. At this moment, she could clearly feel her thumping heart beating vigorously.

nervous! Even though the air conditioner was turned on in the classroom, Li Xuanyu's palms were still sweaty.

At eight o'clock, after the young recorder said a few words, he announced that this year's graduation defense had officially started.

"Sun Dewei, the next Yang Yuxia, please prepare for your defense."

Li Xuanyu didn't know any of these two people. In this classroom, Li Xuanyu had observed it a long time ago. There were only seven of them, including her classmates.

After what happened at the hotel yesterday, Li Xuanyu went to buy a docking station, just in case there is no one in the classroom.

Facts have proved that Li Xuanyu's carefulness is right.

"Lin Xiuhui, please prepare for your defense next time Li Xuanyu speaks."

I'm almost here, so nervous.

At about fifteen minutes, with the approval of the respondent teacher, the girl on the podium confidently packed up the computer and walked down.

Without shouting from the recorder, Li Xuanyu nervously walked up to the podium with the computer in his arms, and started to use the computer to connect to the multimedia.

"Li Xuanyu, the next Luo Shaoqiang, please prepare for your defense."

Li Xuanyu has already done the preparations, and the system has been tested several times.

Opening the carefully prepared PPT, Li Xuanyu took a deep breath and said with a smile:

"Everyone, teachers and students, good morning, my graduation defense topic is..."

After a few words, I found the feeling of yesterday, and began to explain the PPT tirelessly, and then demonstrated the dormitory management system while explaining.

"Teachers, my lecture is over."

Under the podium, the six respondent teachers exchanged with each other with a smile, and then an older professor said with a smile:

"Your dormitory management system is already a mature commodity, and I have taken a look at the code. It is concise, logical, and well written."

"Visual inspection did not find any obvious bugs, you should have actually tested it?"

Is this the first question? Of course, Li Xuanyu didn't have much time to think about it.

"Yes, teacher, the system I developed has been applied to all staff dormitory buildings of Candy Technology, and has passed many simulation tests of Candy Technology's internal supercomputer."

"Not bad! Tell me about how you achieved high concurrency and large traffic."

"Okay, teacher, in fact, it is not difficult to achieve high concurrency and large traffic, all you need is..."

Li Xuanyu answered one question after another fluently, and the esoteric questions he imagined did not appear.

After returning to her seat, Li Xuanyu realized that she didn't know when she was not nervous anymore.

Heartbeat is also the same as usual.

It seems...the graduation defense is not as scary as she imagined.

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