Going downstairs, the little guy looked left and right, but he didn't find his brother.

Uncle Peter Pan and the others also disappeared.

The little guy with furrowed brows found Sister Feiyan and asked:

"Sister, where is my brother?"

Fei Yan said with a smile: "I went to the street, I should be back soon."

"What? Going to the street?" The little guy was dumbfounded, then pouted and said:

"Brother smelly, you don't bring any fruit when you go to the street."

Feiyan couldn't stop laughing in her heart, I need you to get up to take you with me.

"Candy, come and brush your teeth."

"Got it, sister."

After eating the breakfast left in the pot, the little guy put a small bench in the yard, looked at the road, and sat there in a daze.

Beside the little guy, the restless little Huihui jumped back and forth.

Have fun and have fun.

Wait and wait, half an hour has passed.

My brother hasn't come back yet.

"Candy, stop sitting there, the sun is out."

"Oh~ I see."

Just as the little guy picked up the small bench and was about to turn around and go into the house, the little guy heard the sound of a car.

Sure enough, at the corner of the road, one car after another appeared in view.

It's my brother's car!

A smile appeared on the little guy's face, and the next second, the little guy thought something was wrong, he should be angry.

That's right, you must pretend to be unhappy.


After thinking about it, Candy stood where he was.

She had already thought about it, and when her brother got out of the car, unless he came to coax her, she would just stand here.

hey-hey! Everything is going according to plan!

However, the plan is doomed to never keep up with the changes.

Mo Jingchun opened the car door, and as soon as he got out of the car, he waved to the candy stuck there.

"Guo'er, come here quickly, my brother bought you a big watermelon."

"Come on~ come on~"

The little guy ran over happily holding the small bench.

All the thoughts just now, in front of the big watermelon, were directly thrown out of the little guy's mind.

As a snack food, how can I refuse the food.

Looking at one... two... three... many, many watermelons in the trunk, the little guy is already happy.

So many big watermelons!

Mo Jingchun picked a watermelon with a small pinhole and handed it to Zhou Yaling who came over.

"Take it and wash it and cut it."

The little guy hopped and followed behind his sister.

The silly little Huihui also looks like a candy and dances like a candy, but it doesn't look like it with four legs.

"Brother, eating watermelon is so sweet."

Mo Jingchun ate the piece of watermelon that the little guy handed over without reaching out.

"It's really sweet."

At eight o'clock, the aunt and the second mother came first.

As today's noon chefs, they will prepare the meal for noon.

"Auntie, all these dishes are available."

"If it's not enough, let me know, and I'll arrange someone to buy it right away."

"Enough, enough, with so many dishes, it's enough to open a floating table."

Auntie and the others are experts in this area, and Mo Jingchun felt relieved with what Auntie said.

As time went by, people came one after another.

Probably because of the hot weather, the big guys came earlier.

To be honest, Mo Jingchun didn't even know some people who came here.

If the uncle hadn't introduced them one by one, Mo Jingchun wouldn't even know what to call them.

That's what Fu has distant relatives in the mountains.

Many people who come here have already released five clothes.

Mo Jingchun greeted them one by one with a smile, no matter what, the people who come here on a day like this are all for the sake of their mother, and they also spend money.

As a son, he naturally wants to entertain him well.

When it was almost half past nine, the uncle walked up to Mo Jingchun and patted his shoulder and said:

"Take the big guys up the mountain. It's getting late. The weather is hot this year. Go early and return early."

Seeing the look in the uncle's eyes, Mo Jingchun nodded.

Compared with this time last year, there are more people coming this year.

I don't know if it's because he pulled a relative.

No matter what the purpose is, Mo Jingchun is very happy today.

My mother likes the excitement the most. There are many people, and my mother will be very happy when I think about it.

A group of people walked up the mountain mightily.

Mo Jingchun, who walked in the front, carried candy on his back.

Originally, the road up the mountain was just a mountain path, but now it is very open.

The little one, like many others, is holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Looking at the crowd behind him, the little guy was a little confused.

This year I brought flowers anyway.

Last year was not paper.

In my impression, that pile of papers burned for a long time.

A piece of white granite came into view, and Candy knew it was the right place.

A few minutes later, Mo Jingchun put his sister down.

Mo Jingchun smiled and pinched his younger sister's face, causing her to stare.

"Go ahead and put the flowers in front of the tombstone."

The little guy certainly knows what a tombstone is.

It also had her and her brother's names written on it.

Watching everyone put flowers in an orderly manner, Mo Jingchun was only a little emotional, but he didn't have the sadness of the past.

Thinking about it, this is also the scene that parents want to see most.

"Brother, grass is growing all over it, do you want to pull it out?" The little guy pointed to the grave and said.

Mo Jingchun said with a smile: "That can't be pulled out."

"As long as it's not trees and bamboo, it's fine."

The little guy nodded half-understood.

After a while, the tombstone was full of chrysanthemums.

In the bouquet, you can also see blossoming sunflowers.

Actually, Mo Jingchun was quite curious, where did so many flowers come from in the town.

There is only one flower shop in the whole town, which is very small.

Don't think that only one flower shop will have a prosperous business. It can only be said that it is almost the same to support a family with reluctance.

In rural areas, 90% of young people have gone out to work. Except for students who buy some flowers, very few people of the older generation go to buy flowers.

The fireworks were deafening, Mo Changyou walked towards Mo Jingchun, and shouted loudly in his ear:

"Xiaochun, I'll go down the mountain to accompany the guests first."


According to the etiquette, Mo Jingchun and Tangtang will be at the front when they come.

Similarly, when going back, Mo Jingchun and Tangtang had to go last.

The little guy hid under the tree, frowning and protecting his head.

It's not that I'm afraid of fireworks, it's just that the exploded fireworks will have a lot of dust falling from the sky, covering my head.

Occasionally there is a large one.

"Brother, how long will the fireworks last?"

Mo Jingchun glanced at the rows of fireworks, and said uncertainly: "It may take more than twenty minutes."

Seeing the embarrassment of the little guy, Mo Jingchun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

That's what the little guy looks like


Under the tree on the other side of the grave, Zhou Yaling was also protecting her head in distress.

The sand in my hair itch to death.

The others who hadn't left were talking and laughing about Feng Shui.

It is said that this is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

PS: Thank you book friend 20220727213621996 for your reward and support.

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