Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 516 How big is the heart to forget (5)

"Ah, brother, why are you crying?"

Candy, who still had half a mooncake in her mouth, stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

Candy looked up at the moon, that’s right, it’s still the same moon, why is my brother crying.

Mo Jingchun wiped away the tears casually, and wiped off the tear stains on his face along the way.

"It's nothing, I just miss my mother a little bit."

"Oh~" Candy nodded, and then said with a smile:

"That Guoer also thought about it."

Mo Jingchun was amused by his sister, and patted her head helplessly.

Zhou Yaling looked at the two of them without interrupting.

She knew that brother really missed her mother.

As for Candy, although she has the concept of a mother, she has never experienced what a mother's love is.

What's more, the little guy heard the unfamiliar yet familiar word "mother" from his brother's mouth.

I'm afraid that in Candy's memory, the memory of her mother is more about the cold tombstone and the beautiful orchid flowers on the grave.

Mo Jingchun lay leisurely on the recliner, just quietly looking at the bright moon.

The little guy felt bored after watching it for a while, so he didn't bother to care about it.

Might as well eat more fruit from the fruit plate.

The only pity is that there is no strawberry, Guoer's favorite, in the fruit plate.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun, who was lying on the recliner, said:

"There are durians in the refrigerator, ask your sister to bring them to you."

In an instant, Zhou Yaling's face collapsed, and Tang Tang's face was full of surprise.

There are durians! She doesn't know.

Humph, I knew that bullying Guo'er couldn't reach the refrigerator door.

"Sister, Guoer wants to eat durian."

Those watery little eyes are really hard to refuse.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yaling said with a headache:


Seeing her sister get up and enter the house, Candy followed with joy.

"Sister, where is the refrigerator?"

Inside the house, Candy looked at her sister with some doubts as she walked towards the storage room.

The refrigerator is obviously on the kitchen side.

"Wait a minute."


As long as you can eat durian, Candy is very happy to wait for a while.

After a while, my sister came out of the storage room.

The difference is that my sister has an extra N95 mask on her face.

"Sister, what are you doing wearing a mask?"

Zhou Yaling couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "The durian smells too bad."

"That's not it, it's so fragrant."

In the kitchen, Zhou Yaling scolded and broke open the durian.

Such a stinky thing, I don't know what the expression of the first person who tried it was.

There must be doubts about whether it is corpse rice.

"How many?"

"One... No, Guo'er wants two." Candy licked her lips.

"Okay, it's all yours anyway."

"No one else ate it except you."

Put the remaining durians in the refrigerator, and Zhou Yaling left.

"I went out, you eat slowly at home."

Looking at her sister's back, Tangtang curled her lips.

"I don't eat such delicious fruits."


On the sofa, Baozi shook his head, jumped off the sofa and ran out of the house.

As for Xiao Huihui, she ran away when the refrigerator was opened.

When Zhou Yaling came out, she found that her brother had closed his eyes and wondered if he was asleep.

However, in the next second, Zhou Yaling knew that her brother was not asleep.

After all, people who are asleep don't ask questions.

"Zhou Yaling, what is your dream?"

dream? What a long-standing question, Zhou Yaling fell into deep thought.

I can't even remember the dream I once had.

"I don't know. Thinking about the house and car in the future, I feel out of breath."

"Dream, happiness is over for a lifetime." Zhou Yaling smiled heartlessly.

Mo Jingchun opened one eye and said lightly: "Happy for a lifetime, this dream is really difficult."

"The high probability is impossible to achieve."

"It's life, so you can't escape birth, old age, sickness and death."

Zhou Yaling took off her mask, smiled and said:

"Don't be so pessimistic, just be happy most of the time."

"Change the subject, how about you, brother?"

"What is your dream?"

"My dream?" Mo Jingchun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile:

"My dream is the dream of many boys."

Mo Jingchun pointed at the countless stars in the sky, and said calmly:

"See, we boys all have the same dream, the stars and the sea."

Following the direction of the elder brother's finger, Zhou Yaling saw many stars, some of which were twinkling, very beautiful.

"Those twinkling stars are really beautiful, and many people want to travel in the starry sky."

Mo Jingchun said in surprise: "Twinkling stars?"

"Yes, look."

Seeing the twinkling stars that Zhou Yaling mentioned were still moving, Mo Jingchun fell silent.

"Sister, that seems to be a space station, or it may be a satellite of some country."

"It's not a star anyway."

Zhou Yaling, who was holding the fruit, froze for a moment and blinked her eyes.


"Yes! I'm sure of that."

"All right."

Mo Jingchun changed his voice, "But you are right, those stars are very beautiful, they are all stars."

"That's the sun."

"Tsk tsk, with so many suns, how long will it take for Hou Yi to finish shooting?"

Mo Jingchun didn't want to speak quietly, and sure enough, the two of them were still not on the same channel.

"Sleeping, I have everything in my dream." Mo Jingchun lazily stood up and stretched.

"Although the Mid-Autumn Festival is on holiday, you and Tangtang should not sleep too late."

When Mo Jingchun walked into the house, he didn't find candy in the restaurant.

Seeing the light on in the bathroom on the first floor, Mo Jingchun knew that he was brushing his teeth after eating durian candy.

The next morning, after a morning run and bath, Mo Jingchun was feeding the big red carp in the water tank with bait.

In order not to make the big red carp too lonely, Mo Jingchun bought a few ornamental fish and put them in the tank.

The two younger sisters hadn't woken up yet, so Mo Jingchun had no choice but to cook a bowl of noodles for breakfast.

Just as Mo Jingchun put down the bait in his hand, at this moment, the phone in his trousers pocket vibrated non-stop.

Taking out his phone, Mo Jingchun was even more surprised.

"Li Yuanfang?"

Just stunned for a moment, Mo Jingchun connected the phone.

"Hey, little brother, why do you think of me, brother?"

Li Yuanfang on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, then suddenly asked:

"Brother, the locomotive cooperation project, where is the algorithm engineer you sent me?"

algorithm engineer? ? ? Mo Jingchun smiled mischievously and touched his nose.

Then he said in a low voice:

"I've been too busy recently. If you don't believe me, I forgot about it."

"I was just thinking about what you were calling me for."

Li Yuanfang thought about many possibilities, but she never thought that Mo Jingchun would forget such an important matter.

How big is this heart.

"After the Mid-Autumn Festival is over, I will arrange for someone to go to your company."

PS: Thanks to book friends 20200416210144266 and Hongmeng Zilian for their rewards and support.

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