Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 534 Candy: Mine is coming back? (2)

Listening to Peter Pan's words in the headset, Ye Lang's calm heart couldn't help trembling.

I can still ask for it after washing... The wild wolf is really afraid that I can't help laughing alone.

Candy and Mo Jingchun's attention was attracted by the excavator slowly climbing up from the pit. The wolf coughed and said:

"Boss, Peter Pan said, you can still ask for washing."

"What?" Mo Jingchun grinned when he realized it, "That's really good, I can find a repairman for maintenance, and I don't need to sell scrap iron."

Touching the candy that was still a bit confused, Mo Jingchun asked with a smile:

"Guo'er, are you happy now, hey, I still have an excavator."

In the distance, the excavator was already coming towards the side of the road. In order to prevent falling into the pit, Peter Pan took the same route as when he came.

Just when Tangtang was squatting on the ground with his chin in his hands and lost in thought, an accident happened.

The excavator that was walking well suddenly stopped moving, and the exhaust pipe stopped smoking.

This dramatic scene, the passers-by were all stunned.

Just when Candy's eyes lit up again, Peter Pan stepped out of the cab and shouted loudly:

"Boss, the excavator is out of gas."

Peter Pan was not at all surprised by the sudden flameout of the excavator. Last time when the candy was finished, the fuel tank bottomed out.

"come back."

"Wash it clean and then refuel."

Looking at Tangtang who was still in a daze, Mo Jingchun stretched out his hand and patted Tangtang's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Don't look, go to the kindergarten quickly, after school, you will definitely see a clean and fully fueled excavator."

"But this place is no longer for you to play with, it's all holes you dug, and it's easy to overturn if you're not careful."

Candy nodded numbly, and was dragged by Feiyan to the Science and Technology Park.

Up to now, Candy's head is still a little dizzy, why is it good for a while, bad for a while, and good for a while.

You can still ask for washing, how come this sentence sounds so familiar.

After Candy was taken away by Feiyan to go to the kindergarten, Zhou Yaling, who was standing on the curb, finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

That laughter, laugh so joyously.

"Brother, did you see that Candy has such a rich expression."

"It's not because I was looking forward to selling scrap iron, I didn't expect the excavator to be in good condition, hahaha~"

Looking at Zhou Yaling, who was laughing all over the sky, Mo Jingchun glared fiercely.

"I just know how to laugh."

Hearing her brother's words, Zhou Yaling curled her lips, thinking to herself, brother, you must want to laugh more than I do, but you're just too embarrassed to see so many passers-by.

"Zero, tell Xia Xiaomin to arrange for someone to clean up the excavator, then maintain it and fill it up with oil."

"Boss, the message has been sent."

Taking a last look at the excavator in the mud, Mo Jingchun left without looking back.

"Go, it's a shame to waste time."

Zhou Yaling, who was walking behind, looked at the time and retorted: "There are still twenty minutes until work time."

"You go to work at home, and you still pay attention to going to work on time?"


"I'm going to the laboratory, you can do whatever you want." Shrugging, Mo Jingchun walked directly towards the laboratory building.

Looking at her brother's back, Zhou Yaling, who was holding the bun, rolled her eyes.

"Hey~ It's just the two of us, let's go."

At this time, Xiao Huihui also rushed over from a distance, Zhou Yaling stopped and said in surprise:

"Send the candy to the kindergarten so soon?"


At noon, Candy looked at the chicken legs on the dinner plate and felt a little dull.


On the opposite side, Wang Haoran, who was eating a chicken leg, raised his head and said vaguely:

"Sister da~ um, I have already sighed five times."

Candy looked up at the younger brother, sighed again, and said in a faint tone:

"You are still young, you don't understand~"

"All right."

The little guy was out of shape all morning, and his abnormal behavior was discovered and reported by the teachers a long time ago.

It's just that the reply I waited for was ignored.

The director said that is how the boss replied.

But at the south gate at this time, Xia Xiaomin, who hadn't eaten yet, was standing with the boss beside the brand-new excavator.

"Boss, it has been inspected and repaired. Some of the lines that have been soaked in water have been replaced by the maintenance master just in case."

"Theoretically speaking, this excavator is still no different from the new one."

Mo Jingchun touched the spotless excavator, and said with a smile: "Just listen to the theory, but if it is true, you will lose."

"If you run out of water, it is doomed that many places are prone to rust."

"Remember, theoretical things can only be used as a reference, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

"It's a very straightforward truth. A great man told us long ago."

Xia Xiaomin nodded.

"Have you started with a full tank?"

"The maintenance master tried it, there is no problem, and all the transmission systems are normal."

Hearing this, the corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth rose slightly, and when school was over in the afternoon, I thought that Candy would be very happy to see the spotless excavator.

He doesn't know if his sister is happy or not, but he is quite happy anyway.

"Let's go and eat."

"The excavator is temporarily placed here, and it will be considered to stop there after the inspection of the candy after school in the afternoon."

"Okay." Xia Xiaomin also knew that the excavator couldn't be placed in front of the main gate all the time, and it wouldn't work on the wasteland either. According to the plan, construction on that land was about to start.

It happened to be off-duty time, and there were many thieves in the cafeteria. Mo Jingchun searched around but couldn't find an empty table.

There were quite a few vacancies, but his boss took his secretary to sit there, and he didn't let the employees feel at ease to eat.

It's useless to be amiable, as long as they are at the same table, the employees will definitely be restrained.

"Come on, let's go to the private room."

Mo Jingchun pushed open the door of the private room to see, good guy, there are several people sitting inside.

"Old Xu, you are not authentic, you sneaked here to eat by yourself."

They are all acquaintances now, Xu Pengfei is not as majestic as usual, he just said with a smile:

"I also want to eat outside, but they are afraid of me."

Pulling out the chair, Mo Jingchun sat down.

"Speaking of which, the company has more and more employees, and a canteen is really not enough."

"Well, Xu, you and Xiao Xia will go to the basement in the afternoon to see if there is any place that is suitable to be converted into a cafeteria. If there is a place, we will add another cafeteria."

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Xu Pengfei raised his head and said solemnly: "Boss, it just so happens that I have something to tell you."

"The road leading to the village was washed away by heavy rain and floods on the Yi side. Although the local county is rushing to repair it, our vegetable transportation is still affected."

"Currently vegetables can only be delivered by transshipment."

"It's okay, just watch, the road will be repaired in a maximum of two days."

Mo Jingchun did not tell lies. He was a poor village chief, but now he has become a planting base for candy technology, and even a cash cow for the local county town.

PS: I caught a cold during the change of seasons in the past two days, and I got better after getting a needle, and I will continue tomorrow.

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