When I have a chance, I will go out to play, and the candy is not vague at all.

When I arrived at school the next morning, I went straight to the office to find the teacher without leaving the candy bag.

"Candy, what's wrong?"

In the office, the teachers all looked at the candy that ran in curiously.

Curious why Candy didn't go to the classroom, but ran to the office instead.

Facing so many teachers, Candy was not afraid at all, but said seriously:

"Teacher, my brother asked me to tell you that I won't come to class tomorrow."

"Brother wants to take me to the capital to see fighter jets!"

Everyone froze for a moment, and quickly reacted.

Candy said to look at the fighter jets, it should be the National Day military parade.

There is a military parade on National Day, unless there is no Internet connection in the village, no one knows.

On the recent hot search lists on various social platforms, almost all topics are related to the military parade.

As for those celebrities who usually spend money to buy popularity, they are all savvy at this time and have not shown themselves.

After all, even if there are celebrities who are so stupid, it can't be that everyone in the celebrity studio is equally stupid.

"Well, wait for the teacher and the principal to confirm whether it's okay, and the teacher will give you an answer before school ends in the afternoon."


Hearing this, Candy, who was carrying a small schoolbag, smiled and nodded.

"Teacher, I'll go to the classroom first~"

"Yeah, let's go."

"Goodbye, teachers~"

Watching Candy run out of the office, Teacher Li picked up the muted cell phone in the drawer with a headache.

She didn't have the guts to agree to a word from the full-screen candy. As for calling the boss to confirm the authenticity, she was even less confident.

Fortunately, she still has a superior, the principal of Candy Kindergarten.

It's better to leave such a headache to the director.

Anyway, the director is already bright, so there is no need to worry about hair loss.

After all, it has to have hair to fall out~

At this time, the principal hadn't come yet, and he didn't know where he was.

Picking up the phone, Teacher Li walked out of the office, found a relatively quiet place and dialed the principal.

When the bell rang, Teacher Li frowned visibly.

"Why did the director change the ringtone of the phone again?"

The call was quickly connected, and Teacher Li knew that her phone call was probably what the director was most afraid of.

As long as Candy is in her class, that's the inevitable thing to do.

"Hello? Teacher Li, what can I do for you?" In his tone, the principal was a little anxious.

Teacher Li can even hear the principal running.

"Director, Candy came to the office to look for me just now."

The director's voice was really loud, "What's wrong with the candy?"

"Director, can you let me finish my sentence, don't be so surprised."

"Okay, you said."

After organizing the needs, Mr. Li began to speak slowly to the principal.

"It's like this. Just now Candy came to the office to find me and said that she won't come to the kindergarten tomorrow, and the boss will take her to the capital to watch fighter jets."

"That's what Candy said. I guess the boss is going to participate in the military parade."

"But director, you also know that this kind of thing is not something that a small employee like me can determine, so..."

As soon as Mr. Li finished speaking, he heard the principal on the other end of the phone say in a low tone:

"So you blame me for it."

Even so, Mr. Li refused to admit it even if he was beaten to death.

"Director, what you said is that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"Thank you!" The director on the other end of the phone complained wildly.

"I said why you don't want the boss's personal phone all the time, co-author, you have already expected such a day."

"Okay, I know, I will confirm it."

"Oh, how can there be such a hard-working headmaster like me."

"Principal, please hurry up, I promised Candy to reply before school is over in the afternoon."

Director: "I want to be quiet."

"Who is Jingjing?"

The next second, the phone was hung up.

Looking at the phone that was hung up by the principal, Teacher Li smiled happily.

On the other side, the director, who just ran out from the cafeteria with a steamed bun in his hand, hung up the phone, found a cleaner step and sat down.

After a long time, after he calmed down, he took a deep breath, and then he dialed the number he didn't want to make.


There are no fancy ringtones, only the initial phone notification tone.

Soon, the call was connected.

"I'm Mo Jingchun."

"Boss, it's me..."

In the office, Mo Jingchun, who was making tea leisurely, said with a smile, "I know, the principal of Candy Science and Technology Kindergarten."

"Candy told you about not coming to school tomorrow?"

"Yes, boss, you also know that I want every child in the kindergarten to be responsible. I dare not agree easily without confirming with the parents of the children."

"You did the right thing, that's what it was meant to be."

After pouring a cup of steaming tea, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"This is also my test for you, to see if you are responsible, otherwise I will call Teacher Li directly instead of asking Candy to bring you a letter."

When the call ended, the principal could no longer remember.

The principal sitting on the steps broke out in a cold sweat.

A very common question turned out to be a test.


But Mo Jingchun in the office took a sip of tea, shook his head and said:

"This tea is a bit bitter."

"The same tea, how come it tastes different after brewing."

As for the so-called test, please, where did he put so much thought into it.

Maybe it's the right time, place and people, it just happened that such an opportunity just sounded the alarm for the director of Guangmingding.

Otherwise, someday a child will be lost, and Mo Jingchun will be the one who will take the blame.

"Xiao Xia, are you going home during the National Day holiday?"

Xia Xiaomin in front of the computer turned the chair to look at the boss, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Boss, I have to go home for three days to visit my parents during the National Day holiday."

"During the National Day holiday, the high-level duty schedule of the staying company has been issued. I will be on October 6th and 7th."

"Boss, if something happens, I won't go back."

Mo Jingchun, who was drinking tea on the coffee table, waved his hands and said with a smile:

"It's nothing, I just asked casually."

"You don't have to be so nervous. In fact, even if you tell me that you want to go home and have a look when you are not busy, I will approve it."

"Hahaha, I'm not a black-hearted boss, I'm going to squeeze you."

This is really what Mo Jingchun said in his heart, how much money can be squeezed out by squeezing the employees.

It's better to sell the company's products more expensive directly to make money faster.

What's more, Candy Technology has never been short of money since its establishment until today.

Candy Technology is also a super VIP customer of various domestic banks.

"Oh, by the way, print out a copy of the schedule and show it to me, and I can call the corresponding person directly if I have something to do."

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