Technology overlord starts with baby

544. Chapter 544 Nothing to show courteousness (4)

Five seconds later, everyone heard a sonic boom, chasing after the fighter jet that had gone nowhere.

Because fighter jets do not fly at low altitudes, although everyone heard a sonic boom, it was within acceptable limits.


Hearing this voice, Mo Jingchun gasped.

The speed just now should have exceeded Mach 5.

Really incredible.

This thing is a fighter jet? Mo Jingchun wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

He doesn't even believe it, let alone those Western countries.

"Brother, what just flew over."

Candy covered her ears with a dazed expression.

"It should be a fighter jet..." Mo Jingchun himself didn't believe what he said.

"Gentlemen and ladies, what just flew over is the prototype of our country's self-developed aerospace fighter."

"There is still a long way to go to a real aerospace fighter."

However, the next sentence made the scalps of the heads of state watching through the live broadcast tingle.

"Nevertheless, the prototype of our aerospace fighter can reach any location in the world within two hours."

For some reason, when Mo Jingchun heard these words, a scene automatically appeared in his mind.

boom boom boom~

"Hello, please sign for the delivery."

Tsk tsk tsk, after Dongfeng Express, there may be another express delivery company in the future.

Thinking about it, Pretty Country used to paint big cakes for Xia Guo. Unexpectedly, Feng Shui took turns, and Xia Guo painted a bigger cake for Pretty Country.

Recently, many people are afraid that they will not be able to sleep at night.

Thinking about it, there is a sword floating above the head, and no one can fall asleep.

After the military parade, under the organization of volunteers, the masses evacuated in an orderly manner.

At this time, the mysterious fighter jet has become the number one hot search on the Internet.

As for why it is said to be mysterious, it is not only because of its speed.

What's more, there is only one picture of this fighter jet on the Internet.

And very vague.

Blurred enough to tell at a glance that the plane's wings are reversed.

So many people complained on the Internet which second-hand PS picture is this, can they have some common sense.

Before it was Mo Jingchun's turn to withdraw from the auditorium, Mo Jingchun was watching the news with his hand.

What Mo Jingchun didn't expect was that the international world was a bit eerie. not at all like their usual style.

In the afternoon of the same day, a more detailed data about this mysterious fighter appeared on the Internet.

Don't be surprised, you can also guess where these data come from.

In the hotel, Mo Jingchun looked at the data, and at least he could accept it.

This thing, code-named fighter No. 1, the most important thing is that it cannot fly out of the atmosphere.

In short, this fighter code-named No. 1 is more like a 6th generation fighter.

Intelligent, autonomous combat, high-speed movement.


Isn't this the 6th generation fighter?

Although it is not an aerospace fighter, its deterrence is not small at all.

Don't look at it can only carry one missile.

But what if the missile is a nuclear warhead?

Mo Jingchun was sitting on the sofa in a daze when he heard a beep and the door was opened by Candy.

Seeing this, Mo Jingchun frowned.

"When did you take the room card?"

Candy who walked in spread his hands and said with a smile:

"No, I asked the young lady at the front desk for another room card."

"Brother, here you are."

Suddenly there was an extra piece of A4 paper in his hand, and Mo Jingchun was immediately puzzled.

"What's this?"

Candy took off her shoes and climbed onto the sofa to beat her brother's back, and said with a smile:

“It’s a travel guide~”

"My sister spent two days sorting it out."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun opened it, and immediately called it a good guy.

This travel strategy, I was stunned to arrange the evening clearly.

Even in which tourist area, where to live, there are strategies.

But didn't Zhou Yaling think about a question in her head?

Are you sure you don't need to make an appointment in advance to stay in a hotel during the National Day?

In an instant, Mo Jingchun felt that this travel guide was not reliable at all.

He didn't want to wander the streets with candy and Li Xuanyu.

But... the candy hammer on my back is so comfortable.

"Go get me a pen."

"Brother, here it is."

Looking at the red water-based pen handed over, Mo Jingchun looked back at the blinking candy.

This is prepared.

"Forget it, let Zero analyze it directly."

Sighing, Mo Jingchun directly took a photo of the travel guide written by Zhou Yaling.

"Zero, analyze it."

"Make sure we can get home on the 7th."

"Okay, boss."

At this moment, Candy, who beat his back, interjected:

"Zero, home at night is also home~"

At this moment, even the artificial intelligence zero was silent.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, you have to be home before six o'clock in the afternoon."

Soon, a brand new travel guide appeared in the memo in Mo Jingchun's hand.

Unlike Zhou Yaling's plan to stay in a hotel, Ling's suggestions are all homestays around the scenic spot.

Looking at the illustration of the homestay, Mo Jingchun was very satisfied.

The environment of this homestay is not as good as that of a big hotel.

The key is to have enough housing.

"Sent it to your sister."

"Go and have a look."


In the next second, Candy jumped off the sofa, put on his shoes and ran outside.

Seeing that the little guy had achieved his goal and ran away in no time, Mo Jingchun shook his head helplessly.

On the other side, Zhou Yaling, Li Xuanyu, and Candy studied the new travel strategy that was just released.

Of course, the candy that is enough to look at can only be regarded as a filling.

Seeing that the number of tourist attractions has been reduced by half, Zhou Yaling is not annoyed at all.

It's great to have free food, drink and entertainment, how can you expect more.

There is one thing to say, if I knew it earlier, I would just give zero to a travel strategy.

It made her tidy up for two days.

At dinner that night, the travel guide reached unanimous agreement.

But Xu Pengfei and Li Wanning didn't go with them.

The two of them planned to drop by and go home and then go straight back to the company.

Mo Jingchun had no objection to this anyway.

It is of course great that Xu Pengfei and his wife are willing to return to the company.

As long as Xu Pengfei was in the company, Mo Jingchun felt that it would be fine for him to spend ten days and a half months outside.

Everyone seems to be very busy tonight.

After finally coming to the capital and lying on the bed, Mo Jingchun was surprised to realize that Qin Yuzhu didn't look for him.

Thinking about it carefully, they are probably the busiest group of lovely people at this time.

Everything was properly arranged, and Mo Jingchun even asked Ling to book tickets for tomorrow's scenic spot and overnight accommodation.

Just in the early hours of the morning, all plans were interrupted by a phone call.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, everyone was soundly asleep at this time, and Mo Jingchun was no exception.

In the quiet room where the smell of needles can be heard, the phone rings and vibrates.

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