Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 562: Something Is Missing

The person had already driven away, but Mo Jingchun was still weighing gold.

Xia Xiaomin on the side didn't know what the boss was thinking, but it was absolutely right not to bother her.

After thinking for a long time, Mo Jingchun said in a low tone: "Xiao Xia, let Cao Mingxin from the finance department come to my office later."

Looking at the gold in his hand, Mo Jingchun thought a lot. Although he couldn't understand it, Mo Jingchun knew that Qin Yuzhu was not such a joking person, and he would not trade gold for no reason.

It can only be said that there may be great market fluctuations in the future.

A new financial crisis may be on the horizon.


I don't know what the boss thought, but Xia Xiaomin didn't have any mood swings.

After getting out of the elevator, Mo Jingchun went straight back to the office, while Xia Xiaomin, who was walking behind, didn't stop, but went straight to the finance department, which was separated from the boss's office by a wall.

Xia Xiaomin, who walked into the finance department wearing sneakers, did not show her footsteps, but from the moment Xia Xiaomin stepped in, most of the financial staff subconsciously raised their heads.

Seeing that it was Sister Xia, everyone lowered their heads and continued working.

The employees who had nothing to do originally also put away their mobile phones and pretended to be doing something.

Only one person, not only did not bow his head, but also got up to greet him with a smile on his face.

"Sister Xia, please sit down, what wind brought you here."

Looking at Cao Mingxin's full smile and the fat piled up on his face, Xia Xiaomin said with a half-smile:

"You don't need to sit down. The boss is here to invite you. I think it's better for the two of us to go there quickly. We can't keep the boss waiting."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat on Cao Mingxin's face trembled uncontrollably.

Cao Mingxin hurriedly followed and asked in a low voice, "Sister Xia, what's the matter?"

"I don't know, what are you afraid of?"

What are you afraid of? Can he, the head of the finance department, not be afraid of the boss?

Especially the boss who does not evade taxes or evades taxes.

As soon as he entered, Cao Mingxin saw the boss looking at something on the desk.

The next moment, the boss looked up.

Poker face.

Cao Mingxin, who was already a little uneasy, trembled when he heard the boss speak.

"Xiao Xia, close the door."

Xia Xiaomin was also obviously taken aback, the door was closed during working hours, which had never happened in the past few years.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Xia Xiaomin nodded and pressed a control panel on the wall without saying anything.

The fingerprint recognition is successful, and the two doors are closed at the same time.

This time, not only could the sound not be heard, but even if he stood outside, he couldn't see the inside of the office.

Looking at the trembling Cao Mingxin, Mo Jingchun said innocently: "What are you afraid of? I'm not a tiger."

"How clean your hands are, don't you have any clues in your heart?"

Seeing this, Cao Mingxin gave a wry smile. His flesh was really not bribed by others, but eaten in the cafeteria.

But I can't stand what the boss will think.

Now that the boss directly said how clean his hands are, Cao Mingxin is not only not angry at the boss's surveillance, but rather grateful.

Just kidding, where he is sitting now, I don't know how many people want to drive him down.

"Okay, you both find a chair and sit down."

When dragging a chair into the boss's desk, Cao Mingxin realized what he was looking at just now.

It's gold, and a lot of it.

The visual estimate is worth one million to two million.

After waiting for both of them to sit down, Mo Jingchun knocked on the table.

"Cao Mingxin, did you see what's on the table?"

Cao Mingxin glanced at the golden gold again, and took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

"I see, boss."

"You arrange for people to buy some back. It's best to disperse them in various countries, and try not to attract others' attention."

"Ah?" Cao Mingxin was full of question marks.

This order from the boss caught Cao Mingxin a little off guard.

Cao Mingxin couldn't help but gasp when he thought of the boss saying that they would be distributed to various countries. The amount of gold the boss wanted was probably not small.

Otherwise, such a big battle is needed?

Didn't see the office doors were closed.

Swallowing, Cao Mingxin asked nervously, "Boss, it's unrealistic if the quantity is too large. Most of the mined gold is in the banks of various countries."

"So don't just buy it in one place."

"The world is so big, don't you want to see it?"

Hearing this, Cao Mingxin gave a mocking smile.

This is not going on a trip, it is easy to lose your life.

"Okay, look at your cowardice."

"I didn't say I really want you to go, you just need to pay in time."

Mo Jingchun who told the truth pouted.

Relieved, Cao Mingxin thought of so much gold, and asked worriedly, "Boss, how much are you planning to pay?"

"Throw in 50 billion to test the waters."

"In this way, even if any organization finds out, it will only think that I am collecting gold personally."

"I have so many assets in my name, isn't it normal to collect a little gold?"

Cao Mingxin felt ashamed at the boss's muttering.

50 billion gold is not a little bit, I am afraid it is a little bit of a billion.

With the current market price, 50 billion can be exchanged for nearly ten tons of gold.

It doesn't sound like much, but this thing is usually calculated in grams!

Cao Mingxin, who had returned to his office, hadn't recovered yet.

Fortunately, his mission is just to ignore it and just pay money.

As for the whereabouts of the funds, it can be summed up in the experimental materials.

Five billion is not too much, and it is not too little. Fortunately, Mo Jingchun is not in a hurry, just arrange for people to come slowly.

Time flies, and it is New Year's Day in a blink of an eye.

With the publicity of candy technology, netizens can't wait to own a Dabai.

There is still one week before Dabai's press conference, and Huo County is already buzzing.

Not to mention that the price of rooms in various hotels in the county has tripled, it is even more difficult to find a room now.

Outside the villa, Mo Jingchun looked up at the snowy sky and smiled.

It's fun on a snowy day, isn't it?

Mo Jingchun stretched out his hand, and the goose feather snow melted quickly as soon as it fell on his hand.

Looking at Tangtang in the distance, Zhou Yaling and Dabai making snowmen, if you ignore the dog paw prints all over the ground, it is definitely a beautiful scene.

"Brother, come and see the snowman we made."

"Here we come." Mo Jingchun smiled slightly, and walked over on the crunching white snow.

"Brother, isn't it beautiful?"

Looking at the snowman as tall as candy, the corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth curled up.

"It's really good, but how to make a big snowman."

"Hmph~ Of course Guo'er is not tall enough."


Wearing a furry rabbit ear hat, coupled with a proud look, made everyone laugh.

After a while, Mo Jingchun pointed to the snowman's nose and said:

"Do you feel like something is missing?"

In the next second, Candy's eyes lit up, and she shouted, "I know!"

Little Candy ran back into the villa not long after.

And Candy has an extra carrot in his hand.

"That's perfect." Sticking the carrot up her nose, Candy looked at the results of a busy morning with joy.

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