Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 566 We Are Different

The next day, there was a drizzle of rain in the sky, which made the already cold weather even colder.

Mo Jingchun at the kindergarten has already issued instructions that the temperature of all air conditioners must not exceed 24 degrees.

It's not that Mo Jingchun cares about such a little electricity bill.

In the past, I didn't consider that kindergarten children are very active.

The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, which will certainly easily cause children to get sick.

Candy, who also got up early in the morning, has been revived with full blood.

But after all, he still didn't escape the bowl of medicine.

Looking at the empty bowl with no drop left, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"Well, it seems to be all right for now."

"I'll let Dabai take a look when I get back from school today. If there's nothing wrong, I don't need to take the medicine."

Candy, who handed the empty bowl to his elder brother, licked his lips, and smacked his mouth.

next second~


Candy burped and touched her belly, blinked at her brother who had been looking at her, and smiled.

On the way to send candies to the kindergarten, Mo Jingchun carefully instructed:

"When sleepiness comes, go to bed and sleep."

"It's a good thing Dabai discovered it early this time, otherwise, if you have a high fever, it won't matter if you are willing to get an injection."

"Yeah~ Guo'er understands."

Walking to the entrance of the kindergarten, Mo Jingchun straightened the hat on Tangtang's head and pinched the two rabbit ears.

"Go, if the teacher asks you, just say it's all right."

"If you still ask, just say I'm not angry."

"I know~"

"Brother, see you this afternoon."

Mo Jingchun waved his hand and watched Candy run into the kindergarten.

Seeing Tangtang running into the classroom, Mo Jingchun called Xia Xiaomin and his party to the new stadium in the county.

It's not that Xu Pengfei didn't think about launching a press conference in other places, it's mainly because launching a press conference in the county can drive a lot of consumption.

Coupled with the fact that the venue of the gymnasium is free, after comprehensive consideration, Xu Pengfei decided to hold the press conference in this small county.

It is said to be a small county, but with the development of the past few years, there has been a vague tendency to withdraw the county and build a city.

The new gymnasium is not too far away, and it also belongs to the new development zone. It is less than three kilometers away from the candy science and technology park.

It's only about ten minutes away by car, and this is still considering the traffic lights.

Just as Mo Jingchun guessed, when the haggard teacher Li saw Candy hopping into the classroom, she couldn't wait to ask about the situation.

After a long time, Teacher Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no major disaster this time. All the children who caught the cold were discovered in time, so there was no particularly serious situation.

Gritting his teeth, Mr. Li thought of the director's ferocious face yesterday, so he decided to go to the director.

If you suffer a loss and gain a wisdom, Teacher Li also sees the importance of Dabai.

As long as there is Dabai in the kindergarten who checks the children frequently, he can definitely reduce all risks to a minimum.

She decided to ask the director to ask the boss for a Dabai!

Ten minutes later, in the principal's office.

The head of the garden holding a thermos in his hand is wearing a furry hat.

After listening to Teacher Li's suggestion, the principal frowned.

Teacher Li's proposal is a good thing, but the price of Dabai is already well known within the company.

The starting price of the lowest matching Dabai is 2.19 million.

The most important thing is that Candy has a private big white!

In this case, if he applies to the boss, will the boss really agree?

He has no idea.

But when he thought about yesterday's situation, he shivered again.

Fortunately, the parents of these children are all high-quality talents, and there is no quarrel.

After listening to the explanation, he just expressed his dissatisfaction and did not pursue responsibility.

He knew that these parents mainly heard a sentence.

The boss didn't say anything.

Take a deep breath, "Okay, I see, I will try my best to apply!"

"Whether it can be done or not depends on what the boss thinks."


In the gymnasium, Mo Jingchun, who had just sat down, received an application email from the principal.

After reading the contents of the email, Mo Jingchun patted his forehead.

Look, why didn't he think of such a simple thing.

The employees below feel that Dabai's price is high, but who is Mo Jingchun?

It's Dabai's maker!

Only he knows that Dabai's cost is not as high as everyone imagined.

After agreeing to the approval, Mo Jingchun, who was wearing a Bluetooth headset, said directly:

"Zero, send No. 1 Dabai from the laboratory to guard the Candy Science and Technology Kindergarten."

"Got it! Boss."

Almost at the same time, in the originally busy laboratory, a Dabai suddenly stopped and put the tools in its hand on the ground.

The next moment, Dabai went straight to the elevator.

The people in the Armed Police Hall on the first floor of the laboratory building glanced at Dabai who came down alone without showing any surprise.

This is not the first time.

Last time, Dabai came down with a big bucket.

When the headmaster saw Dabai who reported to him, he was stunned.

It hasn't been ten minutes since you received the boss's approval, right? Dabai went straight to the door.

There's really nothing to say about this efficiency.

Fortunately, he was worried about whether the boss would approve it.

After class, soon some children found that there was a big figure in the kindergarten.

It's Dabai!

Candy, who ran out of the classroom to play after class, was full of surprise when she saw Dabai, thinking it was her Dabai coming.

The wasn't!

All the big whites look exactly the same, it's really hard to tell them apart~

Looking at Dabai surrounded by a group of children, Candy rolled her dark eyes, and had an idea in her mind.

Don't Dabai all look the same, so put a photo on her Dabai.

Hey, this will tell the difference.

Unlike other children, Wang Haoran did not step forward to watch.

Even though he was also very curious, he obediently stayed beside the elder sister's head.

"You want it too?"

Wang Haoran froze for a moment, and frowned slightly.

Nodded, shook his head again.

"Mom said Dabai is too expensive."

Candy asked in surprise, "Is it very expensive?"

"It's very expensive! A Dabai can buy a house, and it's a very good one."

"Want it?" Candy looked up at the sky.

Wang Haoran at the side heard it, but still shrugged helplessly.

My mother is my mother, and I guessed that this might happen a long time ago.

As early as when Dabai first came out, he was vaccinated.

"Mom said, no."

Scratching her head, Candy asked suspiciously, "Are you afraid of your mother? Just like I am afraid of my brother."

Seemingly recalling something, Wang Haoran smiled awkwardly.

"My mother really hit me."

"Every time I can only fight wits and bravery to escape being beaten."

"It's not like Big Sister grows up with your brother, just to scare Big Sister."

When little brother Ting said this, Candy thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it really was the same thing.

Every time my brother hits her, it's not painful or itchy.

It’s just that it’s very uncomfortable when I’m punished to stand, and my back hurts from standing.

If you move, you will be greeted with stares from your brother.

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