Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 573 Chapter 570 Envy

But whenever money is involved, it is easy to have different ideas.

If people were to judge this year's year-end awards, it is foreseeable that there will be similar situations in the past, and some people will be dissatisfied with the year-end awards.

After all, for the same position, why do other people get more year-end bonuses?

Of course, there must be human factors involved.

And zero is different.

Zero is to give year-end awards based on everyone's overall performance, and there is no so-called dark operation.

If anyone is still unconvinced about this year's year-end bonus, go directly to the boss or zero.

When Xia Xiaomin returned to the office, she found that the pile of thick documents had been signed by the boss.

The signing speed of the boss is getting faster and faster.

Mo Jingchun, who was sitting on a chair playing with his mobile phone, glanced at Xia Xiaomin who had returned, and said:

"The papers are all signed."

After a pause, Mo Jingchun spoke again:

"Several of you discuss whether some contracts that are not particularly important can introduce electronic contract locks."

"This can improve a lot of work efficiency."

Shrugging, Mo Jingchun jokingly said: "In this way, I can at least sign 80% less signatures."

After listening to the boss's proposal, Xia Xiaomin, who hadn't had time to sit down, thought about it for a while and then nodded.

"Okay, boss, we will seriously consider your proposal."

Said it was a reference, but Xia Xiaomin knew in her heart that this matter must be implemented in place.

But no one thinks that the boss's suggestion is really just a suggestion.

Especially a suggestion that will make things easier for the boss.

That afternoon, Xia Xiaomin, who had just finished her nap, received an email as soon as she stepped into the office building.

Xia Xiaomin picked up the phone and just glanced at it, and saw that the sender of the email was zero.

Xia Xiaomin was still surprised by this efficiency.

After all, the year-end award involves many aspects.

Most importantly, the boss must take a look at it.

The boss was not seen in the office. Xia Xiaomin glanced at the bedroom with the door closed. She seriously suspected that the teacher hadn't woken up.

At this time, if Mo Jingchun knew what Mo Xiaoxue was thinking, he would definitely give Mo Xiaoxue a thumbs up.

Yes, he was still lying on the bed.

Woke up, blowing the warm air from the air conditioner, but I just didn't want to get up.

There is nothing particularly busy recently, he is the most leisurely person in the company.

If you don't sleep, do you sit on a chair and doze off?

In the evening, most of the employees of Candy Technology eat in the cafeteria.

Almost at the same time, everyone's mobile phones rang a notification tone.

Su Wenyan, who was drinking seaweed and egg soup, put down the bowl in her hand immediately when she heard the notification.

When I opened it, it turned out to be an email from the Finance Department.

Out of curiosity, Su Wenyan clicked in.

In the next second, Su Wenyan's eyes widened like copper bells!

After wiping her hands, Su Wenyan silently counted the emails with her fingers.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!

Glancing around, Su Wenyan, whose heart was pounding, quietly put the phone back in her pocket.

For a while, Su Wenyan felt like a little rich woman.

The exhaustion from running here and there for the past year has completely disappeared at this moment.

Just kidding, with so many year-end awards, she will definitely give more energy when she is on a business trip next year!

Feeling happy, Su Wenyan is somewhat looking forward to the fact that next year's year-end awards will still be judged by zero.

In this way, she will definitely work harder!

After thinking about it, Su Wenyan decided to find a time in the next two days to have a chance encounter with the boss, and try to ask if next year's year-end awards are still judged by zero.

At this time, Su Wenyan also noticed the changes in the expressions of other people around her.

Without exception, everyone had smiles on their faces.

Smile from the heart.

In the other corner, Wei Luxue showed incredible eyes.

There was even an urge to run away.

No way, there are too many year-end awards this year!

She is still a student!

In the evening, Wei Luxue chatted with colleagues in the same laboratory and found out that everyone in the entire laboratory has a very high year-end bonus.

She is the lowest one.

Speaking of which, she came here by a coincidence, and she was all covered!

At this moment, Wei Luxue finally felt that the choice was different, and the result was completely different.


If she chose to swallow her anger, she did not leave the previous mentor.

Not to mention the year-end bonus, I'm afraid it would be good without breast hyperplasia.

This is the gap!

No wonder so many job seekers are scrambling to get into candy tech.

The various benefits of Candy Technology are really top-notch.

Seemingly thinking of something, Wei Luxue who was lying on the bed jumped up immediately and pressed the calculator.

"Whoa~why do you have to pay so much tax~"

"Otherwise I, Wei Luxue, would be a veritable little rich woman!"

Heart hurts! Wei Luxue tightly clutched her chest.

This is not a tax deduction, but all the lollipops on the entire lower body!

Like Wei Luxue, many people are destined to be sleepless tonight.

Even Zhou Yaling is the same.

On the bed, Candy, who was sitting on the head of the bed with her pillow in her arms, was full of question marks and looked at her smirking and sometimes crazy sister.

If it wasn't for Dabai not saying that her sister was sick, Tangtang really wondered if there was something wrong with her sister's brain.

"Sister, it's 23:36:53 Beijing time~"


Zhou Yaling looked up at Candy, then lowered her head and continued to look at her phone.

"It's okay, tomorrow isn't Saturday."

"I don't need to go to kindergarten."

For a moment, Candy was stunned speechless.

Sister, you won't be afraid that your brother will beat you up~


"What's wrong?" Zhou Yaling blinked her eyes, unable to understand why Candy sighed.

Candy rolled his eyes.

"Sister, can you stop smirking, it looks really scary."

That's it? What else did Zhou Yaling think.

"Hey, Candy, you can't experience this kind of happiness."

It's not that I can't experience it. In a company as big as my brother, under normal circumstances, my brother would not let Candy go to work elsewhere when he grows up.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Candy also has the idea of ​​starting its own business.

Well, the guy likes it.

Maybe in the future, candy can also succeed in starting a business.

No, it should be very likely to succeed!

With the backing of the mountains and the support of candy technology, it may be very difficult to fail.

Few people post screenshots of their year-end award emails online.

But usually they choose to tell their family members.

When you lick your mouth, he licks his tongue.

The news about the Candy Technology Year-end Awards is spreading at an extremely fast speed.

It only took one day, and many colleagues in the company were talking about the candy technology year-end award.

Similarly, many talents have also sprouted the idea of ​​job-hopping.

Gold three silver four, as long as they can successfully switch jobs and join Candy Technology, they will be the envy of this time next year!

PS: Thanks to Hongmeng Zilian, Yingxiyan, I'll wait for your return, and Pen Mo Zui Ge for their rewards and support.

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