In the Candy Science and Technology Park, a group of children are no longer satisfied with snowball fights.

The loose white snow on the parking lot has been trampled hard by the trampling of the children.

If you walk on it, you will fall if you are not careful.

At the beginning, I don't know which child fell down while running, and cried out in pain, which made the other children laugh out loud.

Soon, children took the lead in running and skating on the ice.

Looking at the posture and movements, one can tell at a glance that this child has learned to skate.

But what is the child's favorite? It's a comparison!

Others can skate, why can't I!

Don't talk about others, anyway, that's what Candy thinks.

The so-called self-teaching, after two falls, Candy quickly mastered the small skills of balancing the body.

Seeing more and more skating friends, the remaining children who were still hesitant joined the skating competition one after another.

When passers-by pass by, they will cast envious eyes.

This is the beautiful childhood that everyone will never go back to.

At the edge of the parking lot, Dabai sensed that the children were in danger of falling several times, and prepared to step forward to help them.

Without exception, all were rejected by the children.

Afraid of falling, how can I learn to skate.

Besides, the joy of skating is not seeing someone fall.


With a run-up, Candy slid five or six meters away.

There is a happy smile on that cute little face.

Feiyan, who had nothing to do, squatted next to Dabai to build a little snowman.

It was so boring.

"Candy, be careful."

In the next second, Candy, who couldn't stop the car, watched helplessly as she slid towards the stopper on the parking space.

The body leaned forward uncontrollably.


By the time Feiyan and Dabai reacted, it was too late to rush over.

One person and one robot could only watch Candy fall with wide-eyed eyes.

Naturally, a normal fall will not attract the attention of one person and one robot. The problem is that the face is on the ground and it hits the car stopper.

If Candy is disfigured by this, it will be over.

Feeling uneasy, Feiyan ran over immediately and reported the situation to the captain at the same time.

"Candy, are you okay?"

Seeing Tangtang lying on the ground and not getting up for a long time, Feiyan was terrified.

The moment Tangtang raised her head, Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no wound on his face.

Just when Feiyan thought it was just a fall and nothing happened, Dabai suddenly spoke.

"Children's front teeth can grow back if they fall out."

Dabai's words stunned Feiyan.

What's the meaning?

Could it be that the front teeth fell off...


Feiyan looked at Tangtang, who was not crying or fussing, lying on the ground with her mouth pouted, looking for something in the snow with both hands.

At this time, Dabai bent down and squatted down, and pulled out his bloodshot teeth under the car stopper.

Well, it's the front teeth.

Dabai blinked, and handed the teeth to Candy.

I don't know why, but the candy holding the front teeth doesn't feel cute at all at this moment.

I really wanted to cry, but with so many friends and younger brothers watching, Candy resisted crying.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to cry.

At this time, everyone gathered around.

Wang Haoran asked with a concerned face: "Sister, are you okay?"

That look of concern didn't seem fake.

Candy, who was holding the front teeth tightly, pressed her tongue against the front teeth, and she could feel that there was a small tooth inside.


Candy frowned.

What's the matter, why is it leaking when I speak.

Wang Haoran, who was standing directly opposite Candy, was also surprised.

The next moment, Wang Haoran explained: "It's okay, it won't leak when the teeth grow a little bit."

"My mother said that it is normal for children to lose their teeth."

Hearing this, Candy rolled her eyes.

"Pfft... I'm playing, I'm going to find my brother."

After speaking, Candy left without looking back.

This time, Tang Tang, who was walking on the ice, set his feet very carefully, for fear of falling again, and the remaining front teeth would not be covered.

Feiyan, who silently followed Tangtang, looked at Tangtang's cautious look, and couldn't help smiling.

Soon, Feiyan became worried again.

How about explaining to the boss in a while.

The child is fine, but the front teeth are gone.

In the lounge of the office building, Yelang is waiting for you to look at me, and I will look at you.

I was helpless for a while.

Rubbing his forehead, the wild wolf sighed helplessly.

"Okay, after a while Tangtang and Feiyan will come up, I will talk to the boss with Feiyan."

"Feiyan won't be fired, right?" Peter Pan asked worriedly.

Everyone was silent, no one could guess what the boss was thinking.

Anyway, candy is the boss's palm.

How much the boss cares about candy, the four words of candy technology are enough to explain everything.

After about a minute, the elevator door opened.

Tangtang walked out with her head down, and behind Tangtang were Feiyan and Dabai.

In the office, Mo Jingchun looked at Candy who walked in with his head down, and Feiyan and Yelang behind him, without saying a word.

As soon as Candy fell, Zero told him straight up what happened.

To be honest, Mo Jingchun wanted to laugh in his heart.

Worried about hurting the little guy's self-esteem, Mo Jingchun had no choice but to hold back his smile.

Little girl, a little girl, let you be so skinny.

This is all right, the front tooth fell out.

He has been controlling the uncontrolled consumption of candy, because he is worried that the candy will cause tooth decay.

It's fine now, the tooth decay is gone, and the tooth is still falling out.

Fortunately, the kindergarten is on holiday, otherwise the little guy would be even more worried.

Just when Feiyan was about to speak, Mo Jingchun gave Feiyan a wink without making a move, signaling Feiyan not to speak.

When Ling was reporting just now, he didn't avoid Xia Xiaomin.

Not far away, Xia Xiaomin was watching this scene with a pen in his hand.

"Huh? Isn't this the fruit of our family?"

"What's the matter, be happy when you go out, why don't you stop laughing after playing for a while?"

"Come on, look up and let my brother take a closer look, and tell my brother who is bullying our Guoer."

Hearing what the boss said, Feiyan understood that the boss already knew that Tangtang's front teeth fell out.

That's right, the entire Candy Science and Technology Park is within Zero's monitoring range. As soon as something happens, Zero will definitely report the details to the boss.

Candy who raised his head didn't speak, his mouth was pouting aggrieved, and his eyes were full of tears.

The next moment, Candy couldn't hold back any longer, and directly hugged Mo Jingchun's thigh and cried loudly.

"Ah woo woo~"

"Guo'er let it out when she smiled."

Mo Jingchun carefully looked at the position of the missing front teeth.

It's the upper front teeth, not a big problem.

It just takes time to grow new teeth. During this period, the little guy can't eat a lot of delicious food.

really not bad!


"It's okay, new teeth will grow out after a while."

If you have nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world.

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