After eight o'clock in the evening, the outside of the county town was already plunged into darkness.

And as a nature reserve outside the county seat, you can't even see your fingers in this deep mountain and old forest.

There is no snow in the sky, but the mountain is hesitant at a high altitude, and there is still a lot of snow that has not melted.

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the criminals who are fleeing.

At the foot of the mountain, a large number of armed police officers and soldiers are climbing the mountain with a net-like combat plan.

buzz buzz~

Three drones quickly lifted off and searched for all mammals on the entire mountain around the 3D modeling map.

As long as there is temperature, there is no escape from the latest thermal imaging sensor.

Any time the drone goes deep, the animals in the protected area have nowhere to hide under the infrared ray.

In a cave, a man in black attacked a wild boar with a suppressed pistol.

Seeing the drone approaching with shining lights under the mountain, the man in black didn't dare to hesitate. He immediately opened the wild boar's belly with a dagger, curled up and shrank in, leaving only the nose and eyes exposed. in the air.

The hot temperature quickly relieved the stiffness of the man in black's hands and feet.

The drone passed over the head quickly, and the black-clothed man breathed a sigh of relief when he reached the distance.

But the man in black knew that this was just a tactic to delay the attack.

When the armed police from Search Mountain arrive here, they will definitely smell a strong smell of blood.

Don't stay here for long.

In an armed police vehicle serving as the on-site commander, several technicians looked at the data sent back by the drone scan in doubt.

"Strange, no suspicious humanoid creatures were found."

Several technicians turned their heads to look at the middle-aged man who was sitting in the middle with his eyes closed and kept silent.

In just a few seconds, several technicians seemed to have been waiting for more than ten minutes.

"Another full scan."

"When a cat catches a mouse, the competition is who is more patient."

A few minutes later, a technician said in surprise: "The body temperature of a wild boar has dropped to a critical point, and it continues to drop."

"Wait, the wild boar seems to be dead."

The drone lowered and flew into the cave. The technicians looked at the disemboweled wild second brother in shock.

The middle-aged man who had his eyes closed suddenly opened them at this moment, and a gleam of light flashed in his sharp eyes.

Soon, the drone searched for the target following the bloodstains.

Suddenly, the drone began to falter.

"Report, drone under attack."

At the same time, all the drones from other directions flew towards this direction, chasing after the criminals who were fleeing for their lives.

"Surrender, dispose of with mercy."

"Surrender, dispose of with mercy."

The shouting of the drone not only broke through the psychological defense of the men in black, but also provided a direction for the armed police and policemen in Soshan.

After receiving the assembly order, a large number of armed police and police began to form an encirclement circle.

Ten minutes later, the armed police who arrived first fell silent.

After spending so much energy and using so much manpower, this guy actually killed himself.

At any rate, let's leave a credit and use the remaining heat.

So far, all criminals who attacked the candy technology this time have been killed.

"Report, the target has been confirmed dead."

"Cause of death...drinking bomb."

At night, the employees who had been happy all day were sent back to the Candy Science and Technology Park one after another.

Because the lights at the door were turned off on purpose, the returning employees didn't notice anything unusual.

Until the next morning, the employees who went out to buy things were surprised to find out when the gate building had been renovated.

If I remember correctly, it wasn't there yesterday.

Zhou Xing was the most confused.

He stays in the monitoring room next to the door every day, and it can be said that he can see the gate building when he looks up.

Outside the monitoring room, Zhou Xing was holding a thermos cup with doubts on his face.

Not only has the gate been replaced, but the ground has also been refurbished.

It should have happened yesterday afternoon and evening.

Just then Mo Jingchun's motorcade arrived.

When passing by, Candy rolled down the car window and shouted with a smile: "Uncle, good morning~"

"Okay, good morning."

Looking at the missing front teeth, Zhou Xing was suddenly happy.

The little guy also realized what the uncle was laughing at, and retracted his head angrily.

"Hahaha, this girl is still shy."

Seeing his uncle's reaction, Mo Jingchun knew that his uncle was confused.

After all, a good gate building, why was it suddenly refurbished.

However, there is only one piece of refurbishment.

Until the morning, Zhou Xing was shocked and pulled out a bullet that was no longer formed from the wall outside the monitoring room.

"Hiss~" Zhou Xing gasped, and almost dropped the thermos cup in his hand to the ground.

Where is the renovation? During the annual meeting yesterday, something big happened here.

After observing the surrounding area, Zhou Xing silently put the bullets into his pocket.

When eating at noon, Mo Jingchun looked in surprise at the bullet that his uncle sneakily stuffed into his hand.

"It was cut out of the wall."

The little guy wanted to talk, but Mo Jingchun stuffed the chicken leg into the little guy's mouth.

"I'll have someone go check it out in the afternoon."

"Xiaochun, yesterday..."

Mo Jingchun smiled and said to his uncle: "It's not a big deal, it's already been dealt with."

"No damage was done."

Hearing this, Zhou Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

He muttered to himself, "That's good."

"That's good."

Candy picked the bullet from his brother's hand, and looked at the lump of copper curiously.

Isn't it just a lump of copper, what's the fuss about.

There are not many baa in the brother's laboratory.

"Uncle, tomorrow is the holiday. When do you and your aunt plan to go back?"

After being silent for a while, Zhou Xing sighed and said, "Just tomorrow. I haven't been back for so long. No one has been to your grandfather's grave."

"If you don't go and see it again, it's a bit unreasonable."

Mo Jingchun nodded, but did not speak.

In the evening, the employees who were packing their luggage and preparing to go home tomorrow received a text message.

Year-end bonus arrives!

Excited cheers came from the dormitory buildings.

Compared with emails, this incoming text message is obviously more exciting.

This is the real account!

Although the foggy weather was very cold, their hearts were boiling at this moment.

Inside the villa, Candy, who was watching cartoons, looked at the kitchen in confusion.

For no reason, my sister went crazy again and yelled there.

I don't know how scary it is~

Mo Jingchun, who was sitting by the side, glanced in the direction of the kitchen calmly.

Isn't it just a year-end bonus?

As for being so excited?

In the kitchen, Zhou Yaling stopped cooking.

He walked out and laughed loudly:

"Go, go eat hot pot, I'll treat you."

Hearing this, Candy and Mo Jingchun bounced off the sofa at the same time without saying a word.

It is not easy to squeeze Zhou Yaling's wool.

Invite guests to eat hot pot, this must be organized!

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