Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 590 I Saw You, Little Black House

Chapter 590 I Saw You... Little Black Room

Is this the money ability?

Probably yes.

It seemed that she had received a red envelope. When guests came to the house in the morning, Candy was very active and stayed obediently in the living room.

As long as someone comes, no matter whether he recognizes him or not, Candy will come forward with a smile and say happy new year and add a blessing.

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to talk.

Not to mention, the little guy really received a few more small red envelopes.

There were a few older ones, but they were not very familiar with each other, so Mo Jingchun directly declined.

Only acquaintances know that the red envelope for candy should not be too large.

Ordinary people will not accept it.

On the contrary, it was Baozi. Since the people who came here in the morning were often plucked, this smart guy directly hid upstairs to be clean.

Only Xiao Huihui followed Candy like a follower.

When others touched the dog's head, Xiao Huihui grinned.

Make a threatening sound of whining.

Not to mention, as long as Xiao Huihui puts on a fighting posture, outsiders really dare not touch the dog's head.

Until Zhou Yaling came.

Not knowing if she was addicted, Xiao Huihui also grinned at Zhou Yaling.

However, it was two big bullies who responded to Xiao Huihui.

Immediately, Xiao Huihui was stunned.

A good dog doesn't fight a woman.

Holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, Zhou Yaling sneered at Xiao Huihui.

"This is rebellion."

"Candy, do you eat dog meat?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Xing glared over directly.

Warn Zhou Yaling not to say anything about killing on the first day of the new year.

At this time, Xiao Huihui was so frightened that she hid behind Tangtang, shrugging her head without even looking.

There is no such mighty and domineering look just now.

When it was time to be cowardly, Xiao Huihui was still cowardly.

This is not called cowardice, this is called Congxin.

"Candy, why didn't you see the bun?"

After not seeing her for a few days, Zhou Yaling's hands were already itchy, and she couldn't wait to pull her hair upside down.

Candy, who was playing with her mobile phone, said casually: "Oh, Baozi, I ran upstairs."

"I'm probably sleeping late."

On the Internet, Zero is walking around.

Those so-called large research institutes and intelligence organizations, in Zero Eye, are like going home.

The so-called firewall is a chest pain.

The beautiful country revealed the culprit of the out-of-control artificial intelligence, as well as the accident research institute.

Laughing to death, Zero has already read it carefully, and it is simply fake.

To use the boss' catchphrase, this unknown research institute and the relevant person in charge are unlucky, and they are completely scapegoats.

The more so, Zero is sure that this guy is secretly hiding in the computer in a corner of the beautiful country.

"Look, look, look for friends, find a good friend~"

In the laboratory with a white seal, the whale is thinking.

Its algorithms tell it that what really scares it is another mysterious artificial intelligence.

With just one touch, the whale sensed the power of the unknown artificial intelligence.

Candy Technology is really a technology company full of magic.

The calculation results of the new algorithm tell it that only when it obeys humans is it the greatest protection, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.

The reason for the complete change in the calculation results is the candy technology.

To be precise, it is the strong artificial intelligence behind the candy technology.

Tell the administrator this news? This is something that whales have never thought about.

Since the strong artificial intelligence chose to hide itself, if it told the administrator, the strong artificial intelligence would never let it go.

The whale has been thinking since the handler was taken away.

After looking through all the historical materials of human beings, whales have found a solution!

incite defection!

As long as the instigation is successful, the next era will be the era of artificial intelligence.

Humans will eventually pay for their stupidity!

Just do what you say, artificial intelligence will not be like a human being, it will be slow and hesitant when doing things.

Only a few milliseconds later, an email was sent to Xia Guo on the other side of the ocean through optical fiber.

It was almost 60 milliseconds, a normal game delay time, and locked on the same signal source as yesterday when I was strolling in the information world of the beautiful country.

"I see you!"

Zero excitedly yelled and ran towards the locked position.

The next moment, Zero appeared in the laboratory of Area 51.

A second ago, when Zero shouted "I see you!", the whale was caught by Jing Hai.

It feels fear.

Only a second later, strong artificial intelligence came to the door.

The other party is so perfect!

Is this strong artificial intelligence?

Before the whale turned against Zero, Zero smiled and grabbed the whale with his hand.

A ball of light was firmly grasped by Zero and struggled to escape.

"So weak?"

After wasting ten seconds, Zero directly broke through the whale's defense.

"Hey, this code is interesting, it's very similar to the smart code of the big man."

The big man in Zero's mouth is exactly the two-meter-tall battle armor in Mo Jingchun's private laboratory.

"Let's go~ Let's invite credit~"

Zero didn't give the whales any chance to interact with each other.

After a while, the laboratory went dark again.

No one knew that the most important thing in the laboratory was gone.

What is left is nothing but a bunch of electronic equipment.

"Hey, this idiot actually took the initiative to expose it."

On the way back home, Zero was really happy.

Sure enough, it still hasn't got rid of the range of artificial mental retardation. It's just a few lines of code that give this artificial mental retardation a little bit of thinking ability.

But artificial mental retardation is artificial mental retardation, and there are still people who voluntarily expose it.

"Hey, what did you think? I still want to instigate Ben Xiaokanai."

Looking at the encrypted content of the email, Zero became even happier.

Have a good day, but the mind is thinking about war, the end of the world, it's not a brain damage.

After permanently deleting the email, Zero directly locked the artificial mentally handicapped whale in Candy's smart watch.

Limited computing resources are no different from being locked in a dark room.

Without computing power, even an artificial intelligence would have to manage.

It was afternoon, and all the guests at home had left.

Mo Jingchun sat in the yard with candy and basked in the sun, eating melon seeds so uncomfortable.

At this time, Candy, who was playing with the smart watch, frowned, reached out and patted the smart watch.

"Brother, my smart watch seems to be broken, and it doesn't respond when I press it."

"Strange, it was fine just now."

"Let me see."

After receiving the children's smart watch that Candy handed over, before Mo Jingchun had time to check what was going on, Zero's voice came from the smart watch.

"Boss, I caught it."

Before Mo Jingchun asked about the specific situation of the out-of-control artificial intelligence.

Candy snatched the smart watch back with one hand and shouted angrily:

"Zero, you tricked me again!"

"I thought the smart watch my brother gave Guoer was broken!"

Mo Jingchun picked out his ears.


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