Candy, who came back to his senses, was instantly dumbfounded.

Take all precautions, but I didn't expect my brother to go upstairs at this time.

Isn't my brother watching the news every night at this time?

Candy looked down at the thick pile of Grandpa Mao in his hand, Xiaonen couldn't hold any of them. Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that my brother came too suddenly and quietly, and the small money in his hand has already been found, and the biggest problem before him is whether to hide it.

For a while, Candy felt wronged.

I just want to look at my own little money to make my mood more beautiful.

Unexpectedly, when I took out the little golden pig from under the bed, I lost my grip and fell to the ground and broke.

It's too late to feel sorry for the little golden pig. Before Grandpa Mao counted half of them, my brother came.

Seeing her younger sister's tearful and pitiful appearance, Mo Jingchun smiled heartlessly.

"Hey, your treasury is not small, your brother and I don't even have that much cash." Mo Jingchun was telling the truth, he really didn't have that much cash, but he had a lot of gold bars.

"Continue to count?"

The little guy didn't move at all, tears kept rolling in his eyes, and they were about to fall, Mo Jingchun said in surprise:

"What's your expression? Just count, I don't want you."

Hearing this, Candy stopped her tears and looked at her brother suspiciously.

Mo Jingchun, who was already overjoyed in his heart, said again: "Can you count it, it's all worth 10,000 yuan, right? There is a banknote detector in the study, do you want to bring it?"

Hehe, that's the fun of teasing younger sisters, the more frustrated the younger sister is, the happier the older brother will be.

Obviously, Candy was worried about the huge sum of money, so he went downstairs to get the currency detector.

Candy, who was not convinced, raised her neck and said angrily: "It's just counting, it doesn't bother me at all."

"Oh?" Mo Jingchun, whose eyes lit up, immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the online shopping software, and searched for the piggy bank.

"Come here, choose one you like, and after a while you count correctly, my brother will give you a piggy bank, there are all the same style as the little golden pig."

Candy looked at her brother suspiciously. To be honest, she was moved, after all, she didn't want to touch the money in the small treasury.

It's just that the smile on my brother's face looks like a big liar no matter how you look at it?

"Don't you? If you don't want it, forget it."

Saying that, Mo Jingchun made a gesture to take back the phone. What is this called, this is playing hard to get! It's psychological warfare. Of course, Mo Jingchun is Tuyi Lehe, he really won't touch the small coffers of candy.

As long as the small treasury is moved, Mo Jingchun can guarantee that the little guy will be on guard against him in everything in the future. He didn't want to share with his brother if he had something on his mind. This is definitely not what he wants to see.

This is why more and more post-90s parents behave differently from the older generation after going online. After all, how could I let my child go through the things I experienced and the grievances I suffered when I was a child.

"Yes!" Candy hurriedly wanted to get the phone, but he had a lot of money in his hand, so Candy suffered from the difficulty of choosing first.

Seeing the result of playing hard to get, Mo Jingchun said cheerfully: "No hurry, no hurry, you count first, and I'll get the money detector in a while, and you will be rewarded if you count correctly."

Candy thought for a while, and it made sense, so she nodded and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

At this point, Candy already has the new piggy bank in his pocket. Hmph, my brother must not know, she has learned addition and subtraction clearly.

Confident Candy didn't cover up, and started counting in front of his brother.

"One hundred, two hundred, three hundred..." Candy was counting, and Mo Jingchun followed suit.

Candy, who has never experienced routines, didn't take this seriously, thinking that his brother was just worried.

"Six hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand..." The corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth were already slightly raised.

"One thousand and one?" Suddenly, Candy frowned and stopped.

Candy, who is very sensitive to numbers, always feels something is wrong with his little head.

Under Mo Jingchun's astonished eyes, Candy started counting from the beginning again, her small eyes were full of defense.

What made it even more difficult for Mo Jingchun to accept was that this little guy had learned to be smart, and he didn't count aloud, but counted silently the whole time.

Somewhat unwillingly, Mo Jingchun tried to count aloud to disturb the little guy's thinking.

At a certain moment, when Mo Jingchun deliberately counted wrong, Tangtang raised his head and gave him a contemptuous look, with a smug smile on his face.

That look seemed to say, "Hmph, brother smelly, I knew you were a big liar."

The plan failed, and Mo Jingchun's face was full of pity. As for Tangtang's contemptuous eyes, he directly ignored it.

The same routine is useless for candy, and Mo Jingchun, who can't think of a good solution for a while, can only give up.

"Zero, ask Dabai to bring up the banknote detector in my study."

"Okay, boss."

Dabai didn't keep Mo Jingchun waiting for a long time, just like five minutes, Dabai walked over with his head tilted, his big cute eyes blinking non-stop, watching Candy counting the money.

After a long time, Candy put the grandfather who had finished counting behind him and began to count the change.

Compared with Grandpa Mao, the difficulty of counting change has instantly increased by two hearts.

One is just simple counting, and the other is non-stop calculations that require addition.

Still, it's no problem for candy.

It's just a piggy bank, Mo Jingchun doesn't care, Mo Jingchun's purpose is very simple, just want to test the mathematical mastery of candy in this way.

At this moment, Candy's CPU is running crazily, Mo Jingchun dares to guarantee that if he interrupts at this time, Candy's previous efforts may be in vain.

After all, CPU resources are limited, and multi-threading cannot handle problems.

Sitting cross-legged on the blanket, Mo Jingchun held his chin and looked at the candy with a smile. At this time, he would not interrupt the candy foolishly. Interrupting at this time is not funny at all, but an act of disrespecting other people's achievements.

Before he knew it, Candy had counted the last coin.

"Twelve thousand and one plus seven hundred and fifty-two dollars and ten cents, a total of... twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty-two dollars and ten cents!"

"Brother, I'm done counting." After finishing speaking, Candy exhaled deeply.

"Well, let's go check the banknotes."

Compared with candy counting money, the banknote detector is naturally very fast.

The banknotes were rattling in the banknote detector, and Candy clenched her fists, staring nervously at the numbers on it.

Ten seconds later, Candy shouted excitedly: "Yeah! The number of 100 is correct."

Then there are fifty, twenty, and ten dollars.

The smile on the confident Candy's face froze with the beeping sound of the banknote detector.

Candy, who often runs to the finance department, is not familiar with this sound. This is the sound of detecting counterfeit banknotes.

Still a counterfeit fifty-dollar bill.

To be honest, Mo Jingchun was also a little surprised.

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