"What are you doing stepping back?"

Hearing this, Candy looked at her sister in surprise, and said in shock: "Sister, don't you know that being hit by such a heavy object will hurt?"

Xiaonaoguazi thought for a while, and said with the limited vocabulary in his mind:

"It should be more painful than when my sister spanked |fart|fart| last time."

Zhou Yaling, who had a dark face, glared at Candy. She couldn't get past this dark history, right?

"Dabai, come with me."

Candy is always at least two steps away from Dabai and walks ahead.

After a while, Candy brought Dabai to the second floor. Of course, Zhou Yaling, who came up with bad ideas, wouldn't come down with her even if she was killed.

The door of the study was closed, Candy stood on tiptoe, and pulled the doorknob down, hey! Guess what, the door didn't open!

The unbelieving candy tried twice more, but the door still wouldn't open.

Candy scratched his head with a confused face, and at this moment, the door opened by itself.

Well, it turned out that my brother locked the door and opened the door from the inside.

Mo Jingchun, whose right hand was still on the doorknob, looked down at Candy and then at Dabai who was holding the safe, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Forgot the password?"

Candy froze for a moment, grasping her hair with both hands and fell into deep thought.

963 or so.

Mo Jingchun quietly looked at Candy who was in deep thought, but he just said it casually, but he didn't expect it to be a prophecy.

Damn, if Candy can't remember it for a while, then you have to buy another safe.

What is the combination of the safe, he really does not know.

"Woooooo~ I forgot~ woooooo~"

Hearing the crying, Zhou Yaling, who was in the room on the third floor, came out.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Zhou Yaling picked up Candy, whose tears were streaming down her cheeks, and glared at her brother.

"Brother, why are you messing with candy again?"

Mo Jingchun, with an innocent face, spread his hands and said helplessly, "It's not my fault, I didn't do anything, it was Candy who forgot the password of the safe."

"Woo woo woo~"

Bringing it up again, Candy cried even more sadly.

In just a short while, Baozi and Xiao Huihui had already run over at some point.

Looking at the fried buns, the corner of Mo Jingchun's mouth twitched, what the heck, he wanted to show me a look back.

"Think about it carefully, whether the password you set is related to your birthday or something."

"Woooooo~ I only remember that the first three are 963."

963, Mo Jingchun frowned, thought for a long time, but didn't think of anything that could be related to 963.

At this moment, Zero's faint voice sounded from the speakers above everyone's heads.

"Is it 963852?"

Candy, who was still crying one second, froze for a moment, and cried with joy the next second.

"Woooooo~ Yes, yes, 963852."

To say that girls change faces quickly, without any sense of frustration. In the next second, Candy changed his face again, and shouted fiercely, "Zero, you peeked at my password."

Zero was almost completely broken by candy.

Well, when someone asked you to set a password, that little mouth kept chanting. Of course, Zero would never admit that it heard it.

"963 is a combination of numbers from top to bottom on the right side of the computer's numeric keyboard. According to the law, 963 is followed by 852 naturally."

Suddenly, Candy was shocked.

"Yes, yes, that's what I thought at the time."

Zero: That's great, it's over again.

"Okay, you already know the password, what are you doing with Dabai holding the safe? No one wants you."

To be honest, most of the things in this study are worth more than the safe.

"There's nowhere to put it."

? ? ?

A small safe can't fit in such a huge villa?

Taking a look at Zhou Yaling, who was guilty of treachery, Mo Jingchun finally understood.

Why didn't the candy come sooner or later, but it came at this time. It turned out that this guy was behind the instigation.

The safe was placed in Zhou Yaling's room, how could Mo Jingchun not know about it.

"Okay, you can let it go."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun went back to the study and sat down, watching the performance of the two sisters.

Zhou Yaling, who was holding the candy, whispered in Candy's ear, "Don't forget to change the password."

Candy nodded vigorously, such an important matter, naturally she will not forget it.

Can you speak louder? Rolling his eyes, Mo Jingchun got up and left the study. He could see it. If he didn't go out, Candy must have been watching him.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yaling was also pushed out by Candy.

Mo Jingchun, who was leaning on the fence, sneered, "What a way to bring trouble to the east, little old girl."

"Tch, don't tell me that it wasn't your idea to put the safe in my room."

"Don't lie, you are a puppy."

Seeing that her elder brother chose to remain silent, Zhou Yaling knew she had guessed correctly.

She felt strange, even if Candy put the safe in her room, she probably wouldn't put it directly on the bedside table. It's so obvious.

Wardrobe, under the dressing table, nowhere is it safer than in plain sight.

"Yo, there are already scars on your hands."

Mo Jingchun, who changed the subject, smiled slightly, "Tell me about the topic selection for your graduation thesis, brother, I will help you guide."

"Professor personally guides, how many people are envious of not coming."

"No, it's just an undergraduate thesis. I'm not a student who has wasted three years of study. This kind of undergraduate graduation project is not easy to grasp." This is Zhou Yaling's true heart.

If you are not prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination, you can pass the graduation defense, and you don't need to reach an excellent level.

The two chatted outside for a long time, but no candy came out. Mo Jingchun touched his chin, seriously doubting that the candy would not reset this mechanical code, otherwise, how could it take so long.

Thinking about it, Mo Jingchun chuckled and said, "Candy may not know how to reset the password."

Hearing this, Zhou Yaling raised her head and looked towards the study in surprise, not to mention, it was really possible.

Just then, Candy opened the door.

Candy walked out confidently with her hands behind her back and her head held high.


Candy felt confident in her heart, and she was even more happy.

That's right, the instruction manual has been taken away by the garbage collector. Without the instruction manual, naturally I don't know how to reset the password.

After worrying for a long time, Candy suddenly had a flash of inspiration and patted his head.

Why change the password? As long as she doesn't say anything, my brother and sister will never think that she hasn't changed the password, hehe, she is so smart.

No matter what I say at night, I have to add meals to Xiao Huihui and steamed stuffed buns, and I feel so happy in my heart.

Mo Jingchun and Zhou Yaling looked at each other. Could it be that I guessed wrong?

Forget it, there's nothing to worry about.

Just that little pocket money, nothing to worry about.

Even if Mo Jingchun knew the password, he would not touch Candy's safe.

"By the way, brother, I met Su Wenyan on the way back."

"Su Wenyan came back so soon?" Mo Jingchun said in surprise.

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