Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 621 Running to deliver food?

Another person who jumped into the study stepped on his companion's body and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. As for the people who were still lying on the outer wall to respond, they almost fell off the wall in fright.

Although no one would be killed if he fell on the second floor, if he fell unprepared, he would definitely be injured. When the police arrived, would Ann have a chance to escape?

In the study room, ten big whites lined up, and their scarlet eyes were staring at the two without blinking.

And one of Dabai's hands was still flickering with electricity, and he could tell at a glance that the voltage was not low, otherwise he wouldn't have touched it lightly, and his companion would have fallen to the ground and fell into a coma.

There were curtains blocking it just now, and it was impossible to see that ten Dabai had been quietly arranged in the study.

I obviously didn't see so many Dabai being transported here, how did so many come here?

Clearly, now is not the time to ponder these questions.

The incident happened suddenly, and he was caught off guard. He had no time to search, and ignored his accomplices. The masked man who was just about to retreat suddenly saw a safe under the window. Surprised and puzzled, the masked man did not hesitate. , reaching for the safe.

Stealing something in front of your face is still something that can make you cry candy, Ling, who was about to make fun of it, immediately controlled Dabai to go forward and stun the intruder.

Seeing the safe in front of him, the masked man threw it out without thinking.

"Yamamoto-kun, leave us alone, retreat..."

Before the words finished, the masked man rolled his eyes.

Seeing the last person who was already holding the safe and preparing to run away, Zero directly controlled the two Dabai to jump down.

"Catch the thief~"

"Catch the thief~"

The two big whites with the volume turned up to the maximum seem to have their own BGM, chasing after them.

However, two legs cannot run on two wheels after all.

The ear-piercing siren was getting closer and closer, and under the high tension, the intruder suddenly found the feeling of being one with the car.

Facing the four oncoming police cars, he even rushed over on his motorcycle.

For a while, the car was full of national quintessence.

Covering his face, he was driving a motorcycle in the neighborhood, with a safe on his chest, and he was clearly not a good person at a glance.

But in order to prevent this person from being just a bait to attract attention, not all police cars turned around to chase the motorcycle.

Right now, it is most correct to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

In the study, the masked crewmember opened his eyes in a daze. Before he could react, he saw a white fist approaching him. The next moment, the person passed out again.

"Boss, one ran. The other two were brought down."

It happened that Xia Xiaomin was not in the office because of something, so Ling directly revealed the information he had discovered.

After listening to Zero's words, Mo Jingchun was thoughtful.

"Not necessarily, maybe they deliberately took the code name i, making me mistake it for someone from Sakura Country?"

Shaking his head, Mo Jingchun muttered to himself again: "However, life and death are at stake, and there may not necessarily be such plans."

“It is too early to draw conclusions on this matter.”

Saying that, Mo Jingchun smiled.

"But then again, what are these people planning?"

Anyone who is organized will generally not do such a thing as invading his study.

Whether he is naive or the other party is naive, he will put important technical information in the study.

"Well~ It's time for me, the rightful lord, to make an appearance."

Mo Jingchun, who laughed at himself, took the coat that was leaning on and put it on, and went out.

But on the side of the villa, ten armed policemen who got off from the police car looked at the cute Dabai in front of them and were stunned for a moment.

It's okay to have a few Dabai, although there is suspicion of waste, but the owner of this villa is the developer of Dabai.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the two people who were tied up by big white and five flowers, one of them stuffed a big apple in their mouths, and their faces were ashes, more precisely, they should be the intruders.

Obviously, the two intruders were very unlucky and fell into Dabai's hands.

Looking at the panda eyes of one of them, the eyeballs were about to protrude, and everyone gasped.

Dabai beat this?

Sure enough, the groundless rumors are all well-founded, and Dabai can change from a personal health assistant to a combat robot in seconds by replacing it with other chips.

"Boss, what do we do now?"

"Take it away directly?"

take away? The corner of Yang Hongan's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Didn't you see that Dabai's force value under the cute appearance is beyond the charts, and the real master hasn't come yet.

"Wait first."

While speaking, the policemen all turned their heads to look behind at the same time.

It's an old acquaintance, an armed police detachment.

The place where the armed police detachment is stationed is much farther away than the police station, but they arrived so quickly, which shows how much the higher ups attach importance to it.

The captain of the armed police who led the team was also stunned for a moment when he saw the two people who were tied up.

"Officer Yang, you are very good."

"But these two big apples are quite unique."

The embarrassed Yang Hong'an told the truth helplessly.

"Dabai caught him."

Hearing this, the armed police captain looked at Dabai who kept blinking in surprise.

That uniform blinking movement looks like a fool no matter how you look at it, it's hard to think that Dabai has controlled the intruder.

Unlike Yang Hongan, who was in trouble, the armed police were relieved.

As for the final whereabouts of the intruders, they must be taken away by relevant departments. Involving Professor Mo, it is likely to involve state secrets.

Ten minutes later, Mo Jingchun, the rightful lord, arrived late.

After getting out of the car, Mo Jingchun thanked the police and armed police, and looked at the window of the study on the second floor, which could no longer be seen, heartbroken.

People think about it every day, even bulletproof glass can't stop thieves, it's really hard to guard against.

After asking Dabai to take the big apple out of one of the intruders' mouths, Mo Jingchun said bluntly, "A native of Sakura Country?"

Looking at this person without changing expression or heartbeat, neither contradicting nor admitting, anyway, he just kept silent, his eyes were full of lifeless anger.


Mo Jingchun sighed, knowing that he couldn't find out why.

"Officer Yang, let's go upstairs and have a look together. I really don't know what is there to steal in my house. I don't have any valuables, not even gold bars."

After finishing speaking, Mo Jingchun glanced at the two tied-up people out of the corner of his eye.

Seeing the astonishment in the eyes of the two, Mo Jingchun felt relieved.

But soon, Mo Jingchun couldn't laugh anymore.

With Mo Jingchun leading the way, Yang Hongan brought several people to the study.

Mo Jingchunzai inspected it carefully, and muttered to himself, somewhat puzzled: "There is nothing missing."

"How many people came here to deliver food?"

Yang Hongan, who couldn't help but want to laugh, suddenly thought of the one running away, his heart sank, and reminded: "Professor Mo, when we came, we saw an intruder running away took a safe, which was silver."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked under the window.

The safe where the candy was kept was indeed missing.

The next moment, Mo Jingchun's face became extremely ugly.

Looking at Mo Jingchun's face, Yang Hong'an was also full of worry, the things in the safe were very important.

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