Jingle bells... jingle bells... jingle bells...

The kindergarten bell rang, and Mo Jingchun and Feiyan looked at the door at the same time.

It's just that Mo Jingchun's face was slightly surprised. The end-of-school bell that has never been changed for a long time did not know when it was changed.

A moment later, a delicate little girl with two ponytails came out bouncing out with her schoolbag on her back.

Seeing his brother standing outside the entrance of the kindergarten, Candy called out his brother in surprise, and then accelerated his running speed.

"elder brother."

Sooner or later, a group of dolls began to pour out of each classroom.

"Let's go."

The little guy happily walked beside Mo Jingchun, looking in all directions.

"Brother, why did you come to pick me up today?"

"Come when you have time, don't you like it?"


Although Sister Feiyan waits outside every day, how can she compare to her elder brother in Tangtang's heart.


"I'll go out tomorrow, and I'll listen to your sister when I come back late, do you understand?"

"Oh, brother, why are you like uncle? I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore. Don't worry, I won't cause trouble."

Mo Jingchun, who wanted to refute the candy, thought about it and still didn't say anything. Children like to say the opposite, and talking too much will have a counterproductive effect.

In the early morning of the second day, not far from the No. 1 laboratory building in the Candy Science and Technology Park, Xu Pengfei and his accompanying secretary waited for the car to go to the kindergarten.

When the boss came back with candy, Xia Xiaomin, who was holding a file box, also came over.

"Boss Xu."

Xu Pengfei nodded and said, "The boss will probably be here in a while."


The three looked at the two cars approaching in the distance.

In the car, Mo Jingchun lowered the window and said to the three of them: "We're all here, let's get in the car and set off."

"Xiao Xia will take Lao Xu's car."

Neither Xu Pengfei nor Xia Xiaomin had any objections to the boss's arrangement.

A minute later, as three vehicles drove out of the park, the railing at the south gate was lowered again.

In Anyang County, Su Wenyan is the chief person in charge, and he went to arrange today's groundbreaking ceremony yesterday morning.

According to Su Wenyan, people from the city and the province will come today.

Looking at the receding scenery outside the car window, Mo Jingchun couldn't help rubbing his temples.

After a long time, Mo Jingchun took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"I'll squint for a while, and wake me up when I'm about to arrive."

"Okay, boss."

After closing his eyes, it didn't take long for Mo Jingchun to really fall asleep while rocking.

There is a high-speed connection between the two counties, and it takes less than half an hour to drive.

However, the winding road from Anyang County to the project base has a speed limit of 60 for the whole journey, and even 30 for some distances.

When the car passed a 270° bend, Mo Jingchun woke up. Simply woken up.

"How far is it?"

"Ten minutes away."

After waking up, Mo Jingchun looked towards the back of the Panshan Highway with surprise on his face.

Those were earth-pulling engineering vehicles, the number of which was too large to estimate. The next moment, the vehicles passed the curve, and the cars behind them were invisible.

Accompanied by a group of people, Mo Jingchun climbed to the top of the mountain that was about to be hollowed out.

The mountain is nameless, and there is a stream passing through the mountain.

The seemingly small stream is also one of the reasons why Mo Jingchun built the space launch center here.

Satellite map and witnessed, the scenery is not the same after all.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Su Wenyan from the corner of his eye. No wonder Su Wenyan yelled after climbing to the top of the mountain. If there were no one around, he would think so too.

"Good mountains, good water and good scenery."

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding area.

A large number of machines were parked on the temporarily dug parking lot a mile away, which was really spectacular.

"Su Wenyan."

After being named, Su Wenyan took a step forward.

"Boss, tell me."

"During the construction period, the surrounding environment will be protected to the greatest extent."


"Well. Let's go down the mountain. The leaders should be here soon."

The so-called groundbreaking ceremony is not complicated.

Mo Jingchun held Xia Xiaomin and handed him the hoe tied with big red flowers, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Mo Jingchun wasn't the only one with a hoe in his hand, on the contrary, there were more than a dozen of them.

Candy Technology alone occupies three spots. Mo Jingchun, Xu Pengfei, Su Wenyan.

When the time came, the fireworks were lit one after another, and Mo Jingchun took the lead in swinging down the hoe.

Mo Jingchun, who has done farm work, still has some experience in using a hoe. When the hoe hit the ground, it was half buried in the soil.

The soil... is very loose. After all, he only used a third of his strength just now.

Looking at the dug out soil, Mo Jingchun understood.

The place where the ground was broken was probably chosen on purpose.

Think about it too, if you choose a place to break ground at random, wouldn't it be embarrassing for leaders like them to have rocks underneath.

The large machinery entered the arena, and Mo Jingchun and his party had retreated to a distance.

Compared with the groundbreaking ceremony in the morning, what troubled Mo Jingchun even more was the activities in the afternoon.

In the private room of the hotel, the big round table was full of people.


In the evening, when she was about to leave work, Zhou Yaling glanced at her brother's office while she was in the bathroom.

The door is still closed. Apparently my brother didn't come back.

"It was really hit by my brother, and I will come back very late at night."

Shaking her head, Zhou Yaling, who came out of the bathroom, packed her things, picked up the bun, kicked Xiao Huihui lying under her desk, then turned and left.

Xiao Huihui was confused for a while, then hurriedly chased after her, wagging her tail again.

It is also a pet, why is there such a big difference in treatment.

Holding a lantern in his hand, Candy with a small red flower on his chest patted Xiao Huihui on the head with a smile.

"Sister, brother hasn't come back yet."

Zhou Yaling yawned and nodded, "Not yet."

"I'm afraid I didn't come back until supper."

Candy, who was sitting in the back row, kept stroking the cat and the dog with both hands, and casually asked: "Sister, brother is not at home, what are we going to have for dinner?"

"There is still a bag of tomato hot pot base in the refrigerator, how about having hot pot at night."

Hearing this, Candy said in surprise, "Okay, okay."

"Brother doesn't take us to eat delicious food, we will secretly eat hot pot, hehe."

Unlike Candy's face full of happiness, Zhou Yaling's face was indifferent.

What's delicious about the tomato hot pot base.

It's a pity that my brother and candy don't like spicy food very much, otherwise the hot pot base wouldn't be tomato-flavored.

For a person like her who loves spicy food, tomato hot pot tastes a bit dull.

She wouldn't tell Tang Candy that she suggested eating hot pot entirely because she was lazy and didn't want to cook.

As night fell, the whole restaurant was filled with the smell of tomatoes.

Just as the sweets were being eaten, the sound of the door opening came from behind.

Candy looked back and shouted loudly: "Brother~"

Mo Jingchun put the cake he brought back on the table and looked at the hot pot in amazement.

"Don't you dislike eating tomato hot pot?"

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