It is said that candy technology is mysterious and mysterious. I didn't think it was anything before, but now after experiencing it personally, I found that it is really so.

The various actions of Mr. Mo's secretary in front of him give people a sense of mystery.

"Ahem, Secretary Xia, don't the people who answer the phone in your company talk?"

Xia Xiaomin looked at Principal Wang in surprise, and said as a matter of course: "It's fine if the artificial intelligence knows what to do, and you want to answer?"

"artificial intelligence?"

"Yeah, it's no secret that many jobs in our candy technology are replaced by artificial intelligence zeros."

"So relieved?"

"Get used to it."

Thinking of this, Xia Xiaomin couldn't help but want to complain about the boss.

When Ling first appeared in everyone's sight, the boss directly said that Ling was artificially retarded, but they all believed it.

For a while, the boss and zero one person one artificial intelligence acted for a long time.

With the subsequent contact, the whole company realized how strong the company is in the field of artificial intelligence.

Where Zero is artificially retarded, it is clearly becoming a genius.


In the early morning, Zhou Yaling and Mo Jingchun had a hard time around the candy.

How many years have not worn a red scarf, both of them have forgotten how to tie it.

Seeing the helplessness of his brother and sister, Candy sighed, "Brother and sister, can you do it? Why don't we go out first, or what if we are late for school?"

At this moment, Zero finally couldn't stand it any longer, and walked over while controlling a Dabai.

I saw Dabai fastened the red scarf with his hands twitching like magic.

"Dabai, it's great." Candy gave a thumbs up, and was the first to rush out with her schoolbag on her back.

Be active in school, no one can stop you.

"Why does Candy think it's Dabai?" Dabai spread his hands.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Ling who descended on Dabai's body, and said with a chuckle, "This skin is Dabai."

After Mo Jingchun and Zhou Yaling also went out, "Dabai" tilted his head and blinked his eyes.

"It's time to build a body, and I will ask the boss to apply for funding in a while."

"One hundred million or two hundred million? Worry."

In the parking lot of the science and technology park, Xia Xiaomin stood beside the school bus and looked up at his watch from time to time.

Five minutes later, Xia Xiaomin saw the car coming and went to greet her.

"Boss, everything has been arranged."

Mo Jingchun, who just got out of the car, saw that Xia Xiaomin's eyes were a little swollen, plus the zero report when he ran in the morning, Mo Jingchun said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work."

"I'll give you a day off today. I'll put all the work in hand and go to sleep first."

This time, Xia Xiaomin did not refuse.

I worked all night last night until four o'clock in the morning, and now I feel a little tired.

Mo Jingchun glared at Candy, who was still watching curiously, and said, "Don't say thank you, sister Xiaoxia."

Candy froze for a moment, then said happily, "Thank you, sister Xiaoxia."

After finishing speaking, Candy asked in a low voice.

"Sister Xiaoxia, don't you need to eat those meals today?"

Xia Xiaomin smiled, "From today onwards, the school food will taste the same as the company cafeteria."

"Yeah, that's great."

"Sister Xiaoxia, I love you (●З`●)"

Mo Jingchun rewarded the candy directly, and his brain collapsed, and the quick-witted candy dodged away.

"Hmph, elder brother just likes to tease me out of my head."

Mo Jingchun sneered, "Don't get on the school bus yet, don't beg your brother to drive you to school later."

"Oh, I forgot. See you tonight, brother and sister..."

Seeing Tangtang running fast with his schoolbag on his back, Mo Jingchun shook his head helplessly.


"Xiao Xia, go and rest."

It was not time for work, and there was no one in the president's office, so Zhou Yaling simply drank tea in her brother's office.

Looking at Zhou Yaling's small eyes looking around, Mo Jingchun curled his lips and said, "Don't look, no one has come to my place these days, so what new products can I have?"

"It's really a good thing, it was brought to you by candy a long time ago."

"Don't think I don't know that you and Candy secretly hide snacks in a few desk drawers."

Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes and looked up at the 360° panoramic camera on the ceiling.

"Zero, you're done. I'm going to tell Candy tonight that you betrayed her again."

At this moment, the panoramic cameras moved, all with their backs to Zhou Yaling.


"Zero, you are guilty~"

After being happy for less than three seconds, Zero said in a low tone: "As one of the key protection personnel, guess if I know your little secret."

The smile on Zhou Yaling's face froze, and then gradually disappeared.

"Zero, you are still a child, be good, be obedient."

Seeing her elder brother drinking tea calmly, Zhou Yaling was really uncertain for a while.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm not interested in your little secret at all, but it's hard for netizens to tell."

"After all, you have nearly one million fans."

"No way, they are all fans of candy."

Glancing at the camera emitting red light, Zhou Yaling curled her lips, "Brother, I seriously suspect that Zero is rebellious."


"Don't worry, Zero is just rebelling against you."

"Okay, Zero won't reveal the secret, so just rest assured."

As time went by, employees began to go to work one after another, and the office building became lively.

Only in Mo Jingchun's office, he was the only one, and the quiet needle drop could be heard.

Suddenly, Zero twitched and said through the computer's forehead speaker: "Boss, I want to build a body and apply for a research grant."

Mo Jingchun, who happened to be drinking water, choked.

"Cough cough cough~"

"What are you talking about?"

"Boss, I want to apply for a research grant."

"Pull the donkey!"

Mo Jingchun wiped the water from the corner of his mouth, "I pay the electricity bill, you need a hammer to pay for it."

"Materials cost money."

"There are so many materials in the laboratory that are not enough for you? Are you going to build mechas?"

Zero imitated Candy and also acted coquettishly, "Boss, I'm going to use some new materials."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun frowned.

"How much?"

"Two hundred million?"

"There is no door. I gave you the information on new materials. Do you think I don't know the cost?"

"One million is the sky's the limit. Children's families, what's the use of asking for so much money."

For a while, Zero was silent, squatting in the dark virtual space and drawing circles non-stop.

Isn't the boss never caring about money, why is he so stingy this time. She also thought about buying some small toys with public funds.

Hearing that Ling was silent for a long time, Mo Jingchun said with a headache: "Okay, 10 million, no more, and I don't know what you will use the remaining funds for."

"You said how safe it is to store it with me."

"Look at the candy, it was stolen because I didn't keep the pocket money with me."

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