In the next second, a hand took away the mineral water in Candy's hand.

"Drink less, you won't have time to find the toilet in a while, I'll see what you do." While speaking, Mo Jingchun had passed the candy and continued on.

Candy, who was lagging behind, curled her lips. Didn't she just drink a few more mouthfuls of mineral water?

After sweating so much, I don't feel like going to the toilet.

"Sister-in-law, please walk slowly, I have short legs." Candy knew that calling her brother was useless, but calling her sister-in-law was absolutely fine.

No, Li Xuanyu stopped, and stood there waiting with a smile. They all stopped, and Mo Jingchun had no choice but to give up, waiting for Candy to overtake him and walk ahead.

Who said children's minds are simple? Look, Candy can see the essence at a glance, knowing that Li Xuanyu has the absolute right to speak here.

After walking for another half an hour, Mo Jingchun stood on the platform and took pictures of the beautiful scenery, and then sent them to the old girl who was squatting at home.

On the side, Candy happily ate the popsicle bought by his sister-in-law.

"Tsk tsk, popsicles, which used to taste mediocre, are so delicious today."

"Zero, if you want to have one too, I invite you."

Ling, who is basking in the sun, is too far away to look at the candy.

After posting the photos just taken, Mo Jingchun walked over and asked with a smile: "Have you rested yet, how about we move on?"

At the same time, everyone's eyes turned to Candy who was still holding on to the popsicles. After all, Tangtang was the only one who was tired and wanted to rest.

Being watched intently by the big guy, Candy shyly took a big bite of the popsicle, and then shyly said, "Brother, I want to sit there."

Following the direction of Candy's finger, Mo Jingchun looked at the bearers who had been staring at them and sighed helplessly.

It was their idea that Tangtang wanted to rest here, and those bearers who were also resting there had never left their eyes since Mo Jingchun and his party arrived here.

"I knew it."

Glancing at Candy with his tongue sticking out, Mo Jingchun nodded to the bearer over there.

There was no need for Mo Jingchun to say anything, four bearers came directly.

Looking at this posture, Mo Jingchun can't refuse, and he can't favor one over another. After all, Zero is an artificial intelligence with its own thoughts, and to a certain extent, it is also a life.

"Sit down, both of you."

Zero and Candy looked at each other and smiled in unison.

It wasn't just Zero Sum Candy that was happy, but also the bearers who had been waiting for ten minutes. Everyone knows which is more comfortable to carry a child or an adult.

The most important thing is that the income from this order may be worth a day.

If Mo Jingchun knew what they were thinking, he would definitely laugh. He may give a little more, but that's all, he is not being taken advantage of.

Sitting on the slider, Tang Tang's big eyes narrowed instantly. Not to mention, lying on it was quite comfortable, but it felt a little dangerous when going up the steps, but with Sister Feiyan and the others beside her, the worry in Tangtang's heart completely disappeared.

After paying the money, the bearers didn't stop for a moment, and left directly. It seemed that they might pull another order while it was still early.

When Mo Jingchun looked up again, when he was looking for candy, good guy, this girl didn't wait for his brother, and followed Ling to the top of the mountain.


After a loud roar, Candy patted Zero on the shoulder and asked, "Zero, why don't you shout loudly, it's so cool."

Feeling the eyes of other tourists, Zero hesitated.


"Just like me."

In the next second, Candy regretted it.

Zero One yelled, Candy directly covered his ears.

Looking at the smiling Zero, Candy picked out his ears.

"Zero, I'm going deaf, why is your voice so loud."

"You see, all the uncles and aunts are frightened by you."

Looking at the tourists who retreated, Ling smiled sarcastically.

Just at this time, Mo Jingchun and others also came up. Seeing Mo Jingchun, many tourists secretly picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

Mo Jingchun glanced at it, but didn't say anything.

"You don't look tired at all."

Tangtang rolled her big black eyes, and suddenly said, "Brother, I want to go to the bathroom."

Not giving Mo Jingchun a chance to continue talking, Candy pulled Ling and ran to the public toilet.

"What are you doing with me? I don't go to the toilet."

"Hmph, this is called thirty-six tactics."

"Didn't you see my brother was going to tease me?"

Feiyan looked up at the blue sky and white clouds like a transparent person, as if she didn't hear anything, but the twitching corners of her mouth betrayed Feiyan's true inner thoughts.

At five o'clock in the morning, the top of Guangming Peak is full of tourists watching the sunrise. At a glance, they are all people.

Unlike these people, Mo Jingchun and his party slept in the hotel until after four o'clock and got up.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Mo Jingchun, who was wearing a coat, still felt cold. Seeing the candy wrapped in a blanket, Mo Jingchun was envious. If he knew it, he would have brought two extra blankets.

How hot it is during the day, how cold it is now.

"It's extremely cold at high places."

"What?" Candy, who was playing with her mobile phone, raised her head in confusion and looked at her brother who was muttering to herself.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Candy and said, "It's nothing, just memorizing poems."

"Recite poems, I can too!"

Tangtang, with bright eyes, coughed twice, sat up straight, and when Mo Jingchun and Li Xuanyu were expecting Tangtang to recite some lines, Tangtang spoke.


The song item sings to the sky.

White hair floating in green water,

Anthurium dial clear wave


Mo Jingchun turned his head away, he didn't want to talk, sure enough, as much expectation, so much disappointment.

I thought it was a poem, but in the end there was a song about the goose.

Seeing his brother's eyes, Tangtang coughed again, "There's more, don't worry."

"Two orioles singing green willows,

A group of egrets go up to the blue sky,

The window contains the snow of Xiling Qianqiu,

The door is anchored by the Soochow Wanli Ship. "

"How about it, this time it's amazing! There are no poems in the first-grade textbook that I can't understand."


Candy pouted, "Brother, you are too perfunctory, you don't even have to act."

"Don't look at your brother, he is already very good at reciting ancient poems."

Hearing this, Candy also nodded, "That's right, sister-in-law understands me."

"The teachers praised me for studying well."

Chatting, time passed quickly.

Suddenly, the tourists stood up one after another, all setting up mobile phone holders.

In the originally dark world, a dawn appeared in the east.

Seeing that the sun was about to rise, Candy saw that her big brothers and sisters all had professional mobile phone holders, and couldn't help but slapped her thighs angrily. Why didn't she think of bringing a mobile phone holder.

"What are you doing?" Mo Jingchun looked at Candy who suddenly slapped his leg with a dazed expression.

Holding a mobile phone that was seriously out of size, Candy sighed and said, "Brother, don't you think we're missing something?"

PS: My palms are still sweating, everyone should try to avoid going to crowded places, the feeling of dying is really hard.

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