(Brothers, don’t be so stubborn. After going out for a few laps, my head started to hurt again. I feel like I’m in a sauna. It’s currently 37°6)

high fever!

Students will inevitably get sick while in school. With years of work experience, Qu Weijun has been able to roughly distinguish many common diseases.

The forehead is hot to the touch, and it is estimated to exceed 38°.

"Squad leader, go call the English teacher to watch the class, and I'll take Cheng Pingan to the hospital."

As soon as the words fell, Qu Weijun picked up Cheng Pingan and ran out of the classroom.

Cheng Ping'an, who was only six years old, was a bit struggling for Qu Weijun.

After Qu Weijun left the classroom with Cheng Ping'an in his arms, Xiang'er and Tangtang looked at each other confusedly.

"What's wrong with Cheng Ping'an...couldn't he be in a coma?"

Xiang shook her head, "I don't know, I'll call the English teacher."

Saying that, Xiang'er who was sitting outside ran out of the classroom.

In just a minute, Xiang'er followed a very good-looking young female teacher with long hair back to the classroom.

"Teacher Qu has something to do, everyone previews the content of the next class."

With the English teacher in charge, but unable to restrain the curiosity of the students, there are still whispers in the classroom.

After all, with Cheng Ping'an's appearance, it looked like he was about to die.

On the other side, Qu Weijun's hands were sore as he ran all the way to the parking lot.

No matter how far it was fifty meters away, Qu Weijun couldn't hold Cheng Pingan anymore.

On the way to send Cheng Pingan to school, Qu Weijun immediately called Cheng Pingan's father and asked him to rush to the county hospital.

The first class in the afternoon was quickly spent in the quiet discussions among the students.

During class, everyone discussed more intensely.

Candy even heard someone say that the little fat man is going to die.

Everyone thought that this matter would just pass away, but in the last class, the first grade group was directly blown away.

Every class has a high fever.

Needless to say, the teachers also realized that this time it was the flu virus.

Very contagious.

When Mo Jingchun saw the notice in the parent group, the school had already dismissed early and the school bus was already on its way back.

Mo Jingchun's face was serious, the flu virus was highly contagious.

Mo Jingchun, who grasped the important point, asked Ling to notify the school bus driver immediately, and don't let the children get off the bus when they arrive at the park.

"Xiao Xia, quickly notify the logistics department to disinfect the whole park and distribute masks to all employees."

"Zero, issue an announcement to let all employees rest to prevent flu virus."

Seeing Mo Jingchun's serious face, Xia Xiaomin and Ling didn't dare to delay, and started to arrange work in advance according to their duties.

A few minutes later, Mo Jingchun glanced at the time, put on the N95 mask just sent by the logistics department, and Mo Jingchun went downstairs.

In the elevator, Mo Jingchun suddenly said to Ling:

"Let the parents of all the students go downstairs to pick up their children. Today is exactly Friday. All the students and parents of Chengnan Elementary School will be quarantined in the dormitory for two days. The logistics department will be responsible for arranging their daily necessities."

Others don't know, but Zero is really aware of the seriousness of this flu.

Through big data, Ling already knows that at this moment, the fever clinic of the county hospital has exhausted a long queue.

Fever... not only the students in the south of the city.

On the parking lot in the park, two school buses parked there quietly. The children on the bus looked at the driver uncle in puzzlement, why they didn't open the door even after they arrived.

Candy took a big bite out of the apple and frowned.

Candy didn't know what was going on in the other classes, but they sent off five of them with Cheng Ping'an every afternoon.

At this moment, Xiang'er was a little bit stunned, and the whole person was listless.

"Mo Xiaoxue, do I have a fever too, and I feel a little headache."

Hearing this, Candy touched Xiang'er's forehead, and said with some concern:

"It's cool to the touch."

"Stop joking now, I'll be finished if it's too cold."

Seeing more and more people gathered outside the school bus, Candy took another bite of the apple and said, "Don't be afraid, my brother is here."

At this moment, Candy saw his brother and Ling trotting towards the office building.

"It's brother and zero! Mo Hanhan, don't be afraid, I will tell brother that you are uncomfortable in a while."

"Yeah." Xiang'er leaned her head on the chair and didn't want to move.

On the way back, Xiang'er felt as if a big watermelon was on her head.

"Brother, brother." Candy patted hard on the car window that couldn't be opened.

Seeing Candy anxiously pointing at Xiang'er on the seat next to her, Mo Jingchun nodded to Candy and immediately said to the people in the logistics department: "Open the door and fully disinfect."

The air was filled with the unpleasant smell of disinfectant, Candy frowned and covered her nose.

Fortunately, someone put masks on them.

After the children got off the car one by one, they were disinfected again.

"If there is a fever, the people in the health center will find a way to physically cool the child down, and if it is too serious, give an injection in time."

Seeing the children's parents running over one by one, Mo Jingchun turned around and shouted loudly, "All parents put on masks and go to line up there to take their temperature. Those who have symptoms go directly to the health center in the park for treatment."

"If the body temperature is normal, all parents will take their children back to the dormitory and be quarantined for two days."

Here, Mo Jingchun has the absolute right to speak, not to mention that the parents also know that the boss is concerned about the safety of the children and employees, so everyone is naturally cooperating actively.

After arranging the children, Mo Jingchun lowered his head and found that Candy was wearing a mask, staring blankly at the half apple left.

"Lost it."

"But I'm hungry."

Under the mask, Mo Jingchun's mouth twitched.

"I lost it, take your temperature first, and I'll take you to get some food if it's okay."

Candy hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Milk tea?"

Mo Jingchun glared, and said: "Is it because you are floating, or the chestnut is not hurting anymore."

Candy smiled mischievously, and obediently slipped to line up.

Probably because he ate well and drank well, his body temperature was taken, and there was nothing wrong with the candy.

Among the children who came back, three had abnormal body temperatures, and Xiang'er was one of them.

Seeing that Tangtang was about to ask Xianger if she was feeling better, Mo Jingchun winked and pulled Tangtang with a smile.

"You and wait outside, I'll go in and have a look."

Mo Jingchun is a selfish person, and he doesn't allow his only sister to take risks.

Xiang'er's grandma was sitting on a chair, holding Xiang'er in a daze, with the anti-fever sticker on her head, and her face was anxious.

"Doctor, are the children all right?"

Seeing that the person who came was the boss, the doctor quickly reported: "We are currently dealing with cooling down, and the specific effect will not be known until evening."

"Apart from fever, the three children have no other symptoms."

Mo Jingchun nodded and said, "Report the latest situation of the children to Zero in time, and if it doesn't work, send them to the county hospital."


After comforting Xiang'er and Xiang'er's grandma, Mo Jingchun walked out.

PS: Don't do strenuous exercise or take a bath after you're done, or you'll have a splitting headache.

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