(cough cough, I pulled pork legs yesterday and went to eat pig rice, hehe)

In the villa, Candy was eating durian, looking at her sister suspiciously.

"Sister, brother and Ling don't take both of us with us when we go out."

"Did brother go on a date again?"

"Hmph, turn around and see sister-in-law, I want to complain to sister-in-law!"

Holding a piece of durian in her hand, Zhou Yaling couldn't help but chuckled, "You still complain, aren't you afraid that your brother and sister-in-law will bully you together?"

Hearing this, Tangtang frowned slightly, and seriously thought about the possibility of what her sister said, Tangtang shook her head and said, "My brother likes cheating fruit, sister-in-law doesn't."

"Oh? How to say?"

Candy straightened her waist, said with a smile, "Because I am the boss in this family."

"Cut, you can pull it down."

After a pause, Zhou Yaling said again: "Don't worry, since your brother is going out with Zero, he is busy with work. Your brother hates your light bulb, and also hates Zero's super light bulb."

Hearing what my sister said, Candy nodded in approval, "Sister, what you said makes sense."

"Actually, when my brother and Zero were talking in a low voice, I heard them say that someone reported the crime in some laboratory, and it must have been a thief."

"Laboratory?" Zhou Yaling asked in surprise.


After leaving the police station, Zhu Xingquan felt that he was still dreaming.

Even from the very beginning, Zhu Xingquan never thought that one day a spy would find him.

Fortunately, he chose the most correct path. At this moment, Zhu Xingquan was rather grateful to these spies who found him. If it weren't for them, how could he have jumped up and become the person in charge of the new project.

Looking back at the police station, Zhu Xingquan had a heartfelt smile on his face.

"Good man!"

"Mom is right, there are still good people in this world."

Just then a taxi came from a distance, Zhu Xingquan saw that there were no passengers in the taxi, so he waved.

"Master, go to the Candy Science and Technology Park."

"Okay, please fasten your seat belt."

After the call with Qin Yuzhu ended, Mo Jingchun, who was sitting in the back row, smiled and said to Zero: "I didn't expect that there were actually people who turned against the people in the laboratory, tsk tsk, don't they think that the laboratory will relax its vigilance when the new year is approaching? ?”

"It's not because of profit." Shrugging, Zero smiled and said: "The famous quotes in the book have already given the answer."


With 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere;

If there is a 20% profit, it becomes active;

If there is a 50% profit, it will take risks;

For 100% profit, it dares to trample on all human laws;

With 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even the risk of hanging. "

"Well, if I remember correctly, it should be page 871 of that book."

After finishing speaking, Zero looked at the boss and said, "Boss, which item in the experimental building you said is not worth in units of 100 million, so it's normal for someone to think about it."

"Compared to the past few times, this time it can only be regarded as pediatrics."

Mo Jingchun shook his head and said, "It's a good thing that there are no casualties."

"Let's go, go back."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Peter Pan nodded, started the car and left the police station.

The person caught by the river was very stubborn, and the police station didn't ask any substantive content, but it didn't matter, professional personnel would take over soon.

In fact, Mo Jingchun didn't expect to be able to ask anything.

As soon as I entered the door, a bad smell hit my face.

Covering his nose, Mo Jingchun looked at the two and the cat lying on the sofa with distaste on his face.

"I said you two don't ventilate the house after eating, it stinks to death."

Candy made a grimace, and said with a smile, "It smells very good, how could it stink?"

"And it's very cold to open the door to ventilate."

Mo Jingchun rolled his eyes, knowing to make excuses.

"Zero, quickly use the air conditioner to ventilate, I really can't stand the smell."

"Boss, I'm already taking a breath."

The next day, with yesterday's experience, Candy didn't wake up after sleeping until nine o'clock today, feeling bored by herself again, Candy squinted her eyes, hugged the pillow and slipped into her sister's bed.

"Ah! Why are your hands so cold?"

"You still touch my stomach!"

"Hee hee, sister, your stomach is so warm, let me cover it for a while, it won't be cold after covering it for a while."

Zhou Yaling felt that she was about to go mad with anger. She touched the mobile phone under the pillow and lit the screen to see that it was only after nine o'clock.

"Why don't you get up and play in the snow?"

"It's cold."

Zhou Yaling: "..."

In a daze, Candy, which was held by Zhou Yaling, fell asleep again.

Until eleven o'clock at noon, Mo Jingchun, who had been waiting downstairs watching TV all morning, turned dark looking at the time.

Unexpectedly, the two of them slept until eleven o'clock and no one got up.


Sighing, Mo Jingchun got up and went to the kitchen.

It seems impossible to expect Zhou Yaling to get up and cook today.

"Zero, go and see what's going on, and call them both to get up."


Holding Baozi with a face of reluctance, Zero came to the third floor.

After knocking on the door three times, Zero pushed open the door and walked in.

Looking at the two heads emerging from the bed, Zero is not surprised at all.

"Boss asked me to wake you up."

Zhou Yaling glanced at the time and said with a smile, "Eleven o'clock, brother is cooking."

Looking at the smiling Zhou Yaling, Ling shrugged his shoulders and said, "You know the boss."

"Hey, that's a good thing, it's just right to lie down for another fifteen minutes and get up."

"Is it snowing today?" Candy asked curiously.

"The snow on the road is so thick that we may not have to go to school tomorrow."

"Wow! Is it that good?"

"I said it was only possible."

Ignoring Zero's reiteration, Candy closed her eyes, smiled and made a wish: "God, let's have another snowstorm tonight, thank you."

I don't know why, when Zero watched the candy and made his wish, he couldn't believe the weather forecast for tonight.

According to the supercomputer data analysis of the Meteorological Observatory, the probability of snow tonight is less than 10%.

After going downstairs, he told the boss about the candy wishing one by one.

The corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth couldn't help twitching after hearing this, "Zero, notify all departments to prepare for heavy snowfall and severe cooling."

"Boss, it's really so mysterious."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun said earnestly, "Before Candy was born, I didn't believe in luck."

"But in the past few years, I have been slapped in the face by God again and again, I can't help but not believe it."

"Boss, we have to believe in science."

"I believe it, otherwise how would you come here."

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