The conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't want to try how the Laba porridge is more delicious, he just wanted to bring some Laba porridge home for candy to taste.

As for other people's eyes, Mo Jingchun didn't care at all.

Anyway, no one dared to say that he was not.

If you eat your own Laba porridge, what reason do others have to make irresponsible remarks.

Seeing the boss come back with a pot of Laba porridge, Ling looked astonished.

Bringing Laba porridge to candy is understandable, but this porcelain basin is enough for candy to eat more than a dozen meals.

"Boss, do you need to bring such a big pot of Laba porridge for Candy to eat?"

Glancing at Zero, Mo Jingchun put the basin sealed with plastic wrap on the desk.

"Isn't it to save cooking at night? Who said it's just for candy."

There was no one there, so Mo Jingchun asked, "How is the satellite going these days?"

"Everything is normal. When the weather is good, the photos taken are rattling and clear."

In order to demonstrate the effect, Zero directly put the enlarged pictures taken when the satellite passed over Candy Technology on the computer.

Zero smiled, pointed to a figure in the photo and said, "Look, boss, the eagle eye lying on the roof was photographed clearly."

"It's a pity that our satellite's orbit is fixed, otherwise I would like to see if there are any secrets hidden in those mysterious areas that are said to be miraculous."

Looking at the picture, Mo Jingchun raised his mouth slightly, "There will be a chance, isn't it just a matter of launching a few more satellites."

"Don't talk about this, I'll let you pay attention to the side of the moon, have you found anything?"

Hearing this, Zero Tuning took out the picture taken by the second camera on the satellite, pointed to a piece of moon base in the picture and said: "Boss, the satellite took these pictures."

"I was worried that the optical remote sensing scan would be discovered, so I didn't start the optical remote sensing."

"However, from the analysis of the unearthed volume, our country has dug a large space under the moon."

After carefully observing the moon base in the picture for a while, Mo Jingchun said, "You did the right thing. It's not good for us to be discovered. Just keep an eye on it. I suspect that the "ship" is under the moon base."

At this time, Zero shook his head and had a different opinion.

"Boss, I don't think so. How could it be possible to transport so many raw materials to the moon?"

What Zero said is not unreasonable, but is it true that so many lunar foundations were built for the purpose of mining new substances? Mo Jingchun frowned even deeper.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside, and Mo Jingchun casually deleted the pictures on the computer.

Before seeing someone coming, Ling said, "It's Zhou Yaling."

Sure enough, Zhou Yaling appeared at the door of the office in the next second.

Seeing that her brother hadn't taken a nap yet, and there was no one else around, Zhou Yaling walked in carelessly.

Seeing a pot of Laba porridge on the desk, Zhou Yaling said with a smile: "Brother, you really took a pot."

"I thought everyone was telling lies."

Mo Jingchun folded his hands, leaned against the desk, and said with a sneer, "Don't eat at night."

"Brother, it's your fault, I'll carry the basin after get off work!"

Scanning Zhou Yaling up and down, Mo Jingchun nodded, "I think it will work."

In the evening, the temperature dropped as soon as the sun set.

Zhou Yaling, who was carrying the pot, stood beside her elder brother and waited for the school bus. In less than a minute, Zhou Yaling, feeling exhausted, simply put the pot on the ground.

Mo Jingchun smiled, "I thought you would just keep holding it foolishly."

Stretching his hand into his pocket, his cold hand felt a little warmth.

"I'm not stupid."

"It's not stupid, it's just that the brain turns a little slowly occasionally."

Zhou Yaling was just about to say something to her elder brother when she heard her elder brother say, "Speaking of which, have you dealt with Uncle?"

"It's Laba today, and it's only half a month."

Glancing in the direction of the monitoring room, Zhou Yaling shrugged her shoulders and said, "I haven't had time to say it yet."

"If you really want to go together, hurry up and say it."

"Ola, don't worry, tomorrow, at noon tomorrow, I will talk to the old man."

The next moment, the school bus drove in from the south gate, and finally stopped at the gate of No. 1 dormitory building.

Just getting off the warm school bus, Candy felt the temperature difference and shrank his neck and said, "Brother, get on the bus, it's cold outside."

Inadvertently, Candy noticed the... basin on the ground.

He reached out and quickly pointed to the basin wrapped in plastic wrap, "Brother, what's in the basin? It looks like eight-treasure porridge."

"It's Laba porridge, let's go, let's talk about it when we go home."

Seeing her sister leave with the basin, Candy had no choice but to drag Ling into the car.

In the car, Candy asked curiously: "Ling, where did you get the Laba porridge?"

"Besides the cafeteria, where else can I come from?"

"Oh~ but I have already eaten at noon, and the taste is so-so."

Zero, who has been paying attention to sweets for 24 hours, knew that Chengnan Primary School also provided Laba porridge at noon today, and ate two bowls of sweets.

Zero extended his fingers to his eyes, and said with a smile: "Is the taste really so-so? I saw you ate two bowls."

"I ate two bowls, but the taste is really average."

Obviously, Ling didn't believe it. It's really not delicious. How could there be so many students queuing up to add Laba porridge.


At dinner, Candy ate two bowls of Laba porridge with tears in his eyes.

Leaning on the chair, Tang Tang hugged her bulging belly, not wanting to move.

"Brother, the Laba porridge you brought back is still delicious."

"it's the same."

After hiccupping, Mo Jingchun also leaned on the chair not wanting to move.

Not to mention Zhou Yaling, she is the one who eats the most.

Looking at each other, the two looked at Ling who was giggling on the sofa while watching TV while petting the cat.

Feeling the gaze, Zero turned his head and looked over.

"What's the matter, look at me anyway."

At this moment, Zhou Yaling smiled and said, "Ling, how about helping me wash the dishes once?"

Zero pointed at himself in disbelief, "I!... Wash the dishes!"



"I don't even eat, so why do I wash the dishes?"

Rubbing his belly, Mo Jingchun spoke.

"One hundred dollars."

Zero was indifferent.

"Two hundred, no more. I can't do it. I'll let Feiyan earn the two hundred."

"make a deal!"

There is no way, it is not easy to earn a little money these days, she has no income for half a month in a row, and even paid for a takeaway for Candy, which is a huge loss.

"Scrub brush~wash brush~"

Hearing Zero's cheerful singing from the kitchen, Mo Jingchun knew he had given too much. If I knew a hundred times earlier, I would have lifted Feiyan out.

The price has been settled, and there will be another time, if there is no two hundred, Zero will definitely not move a finger, and counting on Zero to wash the dishes, don't even think about it.

"Ah... careless."

Sitting opposite Zhou Yaling looked indifferent, anyway, she was not the one who paid for it.

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