Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 782: The Disappearing Spider Robot

"Strange, there are abnormal fluctuations in the network."

"The network communication between the earth and the moon is more frequent than usual."

All kinds of signs indicate that something extraordinary happened on the moon just now.

After hesitating for a while, taking advantage of the network fluctuations that have spread to the whole world, Zero urgently called the satellite to aim at the Xiaguo base on the moon.

A large amount of scanning information is sent back to the Anyang base from space, and then sent to the supercomputer in the candy science and technology park using the Anyang base as a transfer station.

After continuous data analysis, Zero stood up in shock.

In the 3|D simulation picture, a large area of ​​underground space appears below the Xiaguo Moon Base.

This is nothing, after all, all countries in the world know that Xia Guo is mining underground on the moon.

What really surprised Zero was that the end of the space turned out to be a piece of white.

"What the hell is that? Has our infrastructure madman reached this level?"

Scratching his head in doubt, Ling Hao wanted to decipher the satellite communication between the end of the month, but once he was discovered, it would be over.

The trust established between the top and the boss will collapse in an instant.

Until then, what should the eldest family do.

It is possible to go abroad for development, but don't forget that those people abroad are also wolves in sheep's clothing.

"Do you want to wake up the boss now?"

After analyzing it, Zero shook his head and sat down again.

"Let's wait until tomorrow, anyway, there is no rush."


The personnel of the scientific expedition team evacuated underground in an emergency. After an emergency meeting at the Blue Star Ground Command Center, an hour later, a small team of six fighters in full armor approached the "door" again.

Just like an hour later, the "door" was still standing there.

It looks unremarkable, but it gives people the feeling of being able to devour everything.

Lin Shudong, the captain of the combat team, took a deep breath and waved his hand at the "door".

"Release the detection robot."

The next moment, three spider robots only 20 centimeters high rushed into the "door" in a triangular offensive formation.

"The signal transmission is normal."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the news. The signal can be transmitted normally, which is good news.

It would be best to use a robot to detect danger first.

After all, everyone's life is precious, not to mention that the people who can come to the moon base are all strictly selected talents.

Seeing the pictures sent back by the three spider detection robots, everyone held their breath subconsciously.

At this tense moment, no one reminded everyone to breathe normally.

In the picture, there is an arc-shaped corridor with no end in sight.

Just like the outside, the four sides of the aisle are tightly stitched, and there is no difference.

Just when the three spider robots were more than a hundred meters away from the "door", the three spider robots went offline at the same time.

The spider robot went offline suddenly, and the six members of the combat team were shocked. All of them picked up the laser weapons in their hands and aimed at the "door", ready to fight at any time.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but there was no movement from inside the "door".

"Report, the Wolf Warrior team is applying for wired signal transmission."

Lin Shudong thought that the spider robot might have been interfered by an unknown signal.

That being the case, use the most stable signal transmission method, wired transmission.

"The application has been approved."

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, rolls of cables capable of transmitting data were transported to the side of the wolf battle team.

The new batch of spider robots dragged the line and stopped at the position where the previous batch of spider robots rolled off the line.

The scene in front of them made everyone realize that something big had happened.

The spider robot is gone! As if it had never been there.

Lin Shudong, who felt a little uneasy, manually operated a spider robot to move forward slowly.

Half a meter...

Just when it was about to break through 1.5 meters, the spider robot stopped moving.

No matter how Lin Shudong operates, the spider robot will not move at all.

Immediately afterwards, the second...

Seeing the same ending, the command center issued an order to suspend the investigation.

And the last spider robot stood by to watch how the paralyzed spider robot mysteriously disappeared.

The next morning, the refreshed Mo Jingchun stretched his waist and got up.

It doesn't feel too wonderful to sleep until you wake up naturally every day.

This alone is a life that many people cannot envy.

After simply brushing his teeth and washing his face, Mo Jingchun, who was about to go out for a run, just opened the bedroom door when he saw Ling standing at the door.

"It's raining outside, you don't need to run, boss."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun raised his eyebrows, turned around and went to the window and opened the curtains.

As Zero said, it was raining outside, drizzle.

"It's really raining. Didn't the weather forecast say that it will be overcast and cloudy today?"

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun realized something was wrong.

Even if it's raining, if Zero tells him directly, it's over. Is it necessary to squat him at the door?

There is a problem, there is a big problem!

Looking at Zero's expression, Mo Jingchun looked and looked around Zero.

"Tell me, have you caused me trouble? Your behavior today is very weird."

Zero shrugged and said, "I did find something, but it has nothing to do with causing trouble."

"Boss, why don't you come to the study to see the stuff I took with the satellite, it's a bit scary."

A few minutes later, Mo Jingchun looked at the pictures on the computer and the 3|D model drawing a little confused.

"Damn it, our country is worthy of being an infrastructure madman. We built such a large shelter in just two or three years."

"Tsk tsk tsk, if the space is used reasonably, there will be a lot of people living in it. It seems that the space shuttle may have been developed soon, otherwise, if there is a disaster, how will the citizens be transported to the moon shelter."

"It doesn't seem to work, and not everyone can withstand several times the gravity, I can't figure it out." Mo Jingchun shook his head.

That's right, Mo Jingchun took the blank area pointed out by Zero as Xia Guo's "Noah's Ark", so the boat ticket also made sense.

Zero on the side looked at the boss talking to himself and kept wanting to interrupt, but he just had no chance.

It wasn't until now that the boss didn't speak anymore, and with the emotion on his face, Zero opened his mouth and said:

"Boss, I suspect it's not a refuge. There was a sudden network fluctuation around the world last night, and the communication from the moon back to Blue Star was also extremely frequent. It is because of this that I explored the moon."

Pointing to the blank area in the picture, Zero said with a serious expression:

"I seriously doubt that this huge blank area is the reason why Noah's Ark was built on it. It may be an alien artifact."

Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said:

"Don't be funny, how is it possible."

Zero's expression was still serious, and the smile on Mo Jingchun's face gradually froze.

"It's not so mysterious, is it? The lunar matrix that netizens are joking about really exists?"

Shaking his head, Zero said, "I don't know what it is."

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