As the parties involved, Ling and Mo Jingchun had no idea about the wonders of the universe that were close at hand.

Even Mo Jingchun, who was watching a movie, still had a happy face.

There is a saying that good things are in front of you, but you don't know it.

The next day, Candy happily took the cup with Xiang'er and boarded the school bus to the elementary school.

Seeing the two little guys getting into the car, Mo Jingchun turned and left.

When he first arrived at the office, before Mo Jingchun had time to sit down, the tireless reminders in his mind made Mo Jingchun frown.

This rubbish system started last night, and I don't know why it went crazy, and it kept reminding him to draw a lottery quickly.

That excited tone made it seem like the system itself was the one doing the lottery.

As for it, it's just saving some points.

Mo Jingchun was really annoying. After sitting down on the office chair, he impatiently said:

"Fuck, smoke, hurry up, it's annoying to death."

"Here we come, here comes the lottery draw."

The familiar big turntable appeared in my mind, and a variety of black technologies and products should be in front of my eyes.

Dazzling, Mo Jingchun, who didn't pay much attention, didn't notice any subtle changes on the turntable.

If you observe carefully, Mo Jingchun will find that there are more objects on the turntable this time, and correspondingly, there are fewer black technologies.

As Mo Jingchun silently recited the lottery draw, the turntable began to spin rapidly, and then slowed down when it reached its peak.

When the turntable stopped and Mo Jingchun saw that the pointer had stopped on one of the microcomputers, Mo Jingchun regretted it.

He knew that every time the system urged to draw a lottery, it was a big pit, but every time he jumped into it.


Blossoming beautiful fireworks bloomed in the space, and the voice of the chicken thief surrounded the ears of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for winning a microcomputer, congratulations from all over the world."

Looking at the fireworks, Mo Jingchun somewhat felt that the system was mocking him.

Not to mention 100%, but also 90%.

However, the next moment, the prompt from the system made Mo Jingchun believe in the system again.

"May I ask the host to extract the microcomputer from the third-level civilization now?"

"Third level civilization?" Mo Jingchun's eyes lit up instantly.

Humans are only level 0.7. How strong should a level 3 civilization be? I am afraid that it is already a super civilization with dozens or hundreds of galaxies.

The microcomputer of the third-level civilization is definitely not simple.

You must know that the computing power of the computers made by humans decades ago is not as strong as the computing power of the calculators for children.

With anticipation, Mo Jingchun clenched his hands and said silently:


"The system has been shipped, please check and accept."

The next second, Mo Jingchun opened his eyes and saw an extra thing on the desk.

It looked... a lot like a matchbox I'd only seen when I was a kid.


It depicts patterns and symbols that Mo Jingchun cannot understand, and it is not known whether it is the words of an alien civilization or an artistic picture.

In the system space, the system laughed without any scruples.

With a tiny bit of Zello's built microcomputer, fame paid for a few cents.

The most important thing is that Zello is also picked up for free.

This wave-sure profit but no loss! It's really good luck.

guilt? If it doesn't exist, isn't this microcomputer just for zero.

Everyone is happy, what a beautiful picture.

Creating things out of thin air, Zero is already familiar with it, she is just curious about what appeared this time.

Moving a small bench, Ling leaned close to his head and stared at the gadget in front of him.

It's not a gadget, it's not as big as her hand.

Square and square, it looks like a toy.

Just as he was about to reach out to touch it, Mo Jingchun blocked it.

Mo Jingchun glanced at Zero and said, "Do you know what this is?"

Ling froze for a moment, shook his head, "I don't know."

"You dare to touch it casually without knowing it, so you are not afraid that it is a dangerous object?"

Ling pouted for a while and retracted his hand, but his little eyes and the cameras of the whole office were all aimed at the gadget that suddenly appeared on the desk.

"Boss, what is this?"


"Computer? There are no power ports or data ports. Are you sure this thing is a computer?"

Mo Jingchun was also very confused, the microcomputer in front of him didn't have any gaps, what Zero said didn't exist at all, and it was unrealistic to add an interface to such a small thing.

"It should be wireless."

Mo Jingchun, who was about to reach out to pick up the microcomputer and study it, the moment his fingers touched the microcomputer, the microcomputer emitted blue light, rippling around like ripples.

At this moment, both Mo Jingchun and Ling were stunned.

"Boss, boss, I detected a signal!"

Before Mo Jingchun could say anything, the blue light on the surface of the microcomputer disappeared without a trace.

Just when Mo Jingchun didn't know why, Zero grinned.

"Boss, I successfully took over the microcomputer."

"Big! Super big! This house is super big, I like it very much."

"No, I want to move!"

As he said that, while explaining the relevant data of the microcomputer with the boss, Zero moved from the super quantum computer to the microcomputer.

The speed of the data transfer is really scary.

Although it is definitely not easy to know the things of the third-level civilization, Mo Jingchun was still shocked.

Just such a little thing, just as he guessed, it was just a toy given to children by the third-level civilization.

But it is such a toy, the performance in all aspects is beyond the expectations of human beings.

What's even more powerful is the signal transmission, which is actually compatible with the next generation.

This wave of lottery draw... not a loss!

Mo Jingchun even sighed with emotion that the system is so generous this time, it is rare that there is no secret operation.

A lottery, such a lottery can arouse his interest.

Just put such a big microcomputer in a drawer, hey, who would have guessed that the core data of Zero is in this, not the super quantum computer in the computer room.

At this moment, Zero told Mo Jingchun another piece of good news.

"Boss, I'm going to back up all the valuable data and information on the network."

Mo Jingchun frowned, and said, "Back up all of them? This data is huge, I don't have the ability..."

"Wait, what you mean by super big is the big storage space?"

"Yes!" Candy nodded as a matter of course.

"Backing up all your data takes up one percent of your storage space. And the benefits of that data are enormous."

After pondering for a while, Mo Jingchun asked hesitantly:

"Downloading a large amount of data will attract the attention of various countries, and there are great risks."

"It's okay, with this microcomputer, I can directly use our home's satellite network for data transmission. The only disadvantage is that it costs a bit of satellite."

"Then launch a few more satellites into orbit."

"Hey, boss, I think so too."

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