"I knock, it must be Mo Xiaoxue talking about me behind my back again."

Cheng Pingan's face was full of indignation, and the rhythm of the piano with emotion also changed.

Holding a half glass of red wine in his hand, the old man who sobered up elegantly heard the change in the voice, raised his brows, and opened his eyes.

Seeing his son muttering something, the old man shook his body and shouted loudly:

"Are you still deserting? Do you know that Mo Xiaoxue has dumped you for more than ten blocks, why do you still have the nerve to desert? Ah! Cheng Ping'an!"

Cheng Pingan was startled when the old man yelled at him.

When Mo Xiaoxue was mentioned, Cheng Ping'an just put it badly.

"Dad, I have a good brother. Isn't it normal to dump me ten blocks?"

"Look at me, I'm still throwing away some classmates. People, you can't compare, there is no harm without comparison.

Dad, if you really want to compare, then you can compare with Mo Xiaoxue's brother. As long as you can always compare with Mo Xiaoxue's brother, your son and I can do it too! "

After finishing speaking in one breath, Cheng Ping'an felt a little guilty, and looked at his father with a little fear.

Even though Cheng Ping'an was mentally prepared to suffer from the seven wolves, he still couldn't stand the fear.

Seeing the old man in a daze, Cheng Pingan had the urge to run away.

Just when Cheng Ping'an was about to take action, the old man looked at him with complicated eyes and said:

"You are right, we don't need to compare ourselves with others."

"As long as you are happy, the second... is all second."

Facing the old man's sudden sex change, Cheng Pingan still couldn't accept it for a while.

It seems that in Cheng Pingan's eyes, he shouldn't be beaten, right?

In the afternoon, Cheng Pingan, who was alone at home, thought for a long time, took out his smart watch and contacted Mo Xiaoxue.

"Mo Xiaoxue, are you going to participate in the school's piano competition?"

Suddenly receiving a voice from the little fat man, Candy raised her eyebrows after listening.

This guy has several meanings.

Candy, who was about to go out with his sister-in-law and sister, didn't think much, and replied a voice message.

"Don't participate, why am I participating in the school piano competition, am I torturing you little rookies?"

"I'm heartbroken, old man."

Cheng Pingan scratched his head, a little surprised that Mo Xiaoxue did not participate in the piano competition organized by the school.

But it seemed reasonable again, although what Mo Xiaoxue said was a bit shocking, it was the truth.

In Mo Xiaoxue's eyes, beginners like them are nothing more than little chickens pecking at each other.

Thinking of this, Cheng Ping'an clenched his fists and his eyes were firm.

"I, Cheng Ping'an, want to take the first place! Even if I'm a rookie, I want to be the strongest one!"

It's a pity that Cheng Ping'an's Second Secondary School declaration was not heard.

Only Ling, who was eavesdropping, rolled his eyes, and suddenly lost interest in eavesdropping.

After a week.

On Friday, the weather turned cloudy to light rain, which is a rare weather suitable for sleeping and sleeping all day.

In the auditorium of Chengnan Primary School, a piano of unknown value is placed on the stage.

Sitting under the stage, Mo Jingchun couldn't tell what kind of material the piano was made of.

Mo Jingchun didn't want to come, but he couldn't resist the "threat" of candy.

In addition, it was the weekend, so Mo Jingchun simply came here with the candy.

I thought there wouldn't be too many spectators, but what Mo Jingchun didn't expect was that the auditorium was full.

There were even many students and parents who came a step late and did not grab a seat.

Before the performance started, Mo Jingchun asked Candy in his ear, "Have everyone from your class come?"

Candy turned her head and looked at her brother with strange eyes, and said, "No, didn't the head teacher post a voluntary activity in the group?"

"Xiang'er didn't come."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun looked around, but he really didn't find Xiang'er.

However, there were a few students from Class 1, Grade 1 in the crowd.

"You didn't participate in the piano competition, so... why are you dragging me here?" Mo Jingchun spread his hands in doubt.

"Come and play."

Saying that, Tang Tang reached out and touched his brother's forehead.

"I don't have a fever. I don't come out to play on Saturdays. Could it be possible to play with my mobile phone at home?"

"Besides, it's also a pleasure to watch the chickens peck each other."

Little chicken... The corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth twitched.

It's fake to come to play, but it's real to come to watch the chickens peck each other.

"Everyone, teachers, classmates, parents and friends, good morning everyone. Here..."

After listening to the host Bala for more than ten minutes, it finally entered the performance session.

The first one to play is - I don't know.

As the melody came, everyone in the auditorium closed their mouths and watched the performance.

A little girl with a ponytail was sitting in front of the piano, her fingers nimbly dancing on the alternating black and white keys.

Contrary to what Mo Jingchun imagined, the piano music played by the girl sounds very good.

In the eyes of people like Mo Jingchun who don't understand the piano, the students' piano competition is not like pecking at each other at all.

Interestingly, Mo Jingchun felt that the level of the contestants seemed to be about the same, and he couldn't figure out why.

Only Candy, from time to time whispered something like "missed a note", "wrong rhythm" and so on.

When Cheng Ping'an's performance ended, Mo Jingchun was surprised to find that Candy rarely spoke.

With curiosity, Mo Jingchun asked in a low voice:

"Why don't you comment on your classmate."

Hearing this, Candy looked up at her brother strangely, and asked:

"What are you commenting on? People have come to a very normal performance. If you have to comment, then I can only say that it is quite satisfactory and lacks the soul of music."

"It's like a very simple twinkle and twinkle. As long as you play it with your heart, the rhythm that pops out will give people a completely different feeling."

"Brother, you often listen to me play the piano, don't you feel it at all?"

Mo Jingchun rubbed his nose, smiled coyly and said:

"Your brother, I don't know much music, but the piano you play is very nice, which makes me feel very relaxed."

"That's right."

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Candy whispered in his brother's ear:

"Actually, sometimes I play randomly, very casually."

"Ahem, don't say this pretending to be an X, it's too shocking."

"I understand!" Candy nodded and blinked.

The smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed.

After the game ended, within a few minutes, the rankings came out.

"Hey, your classmate Cheng Ping'an actually won the first place."

Candy is not surprising at all, the music teacher in the school is still very good. It is easy to tell the piano level of the rookies.

Just like she said, the little fat man's performance today was quite satisfactory and he didn't make any mistakes.

This alone is ahead of more than 80% of the contestants.

In addition, the piano piece selected by the little fat man was a little more difficult, so there was no suspense about who would win the first place.

As for making small moves, it's completely unnecessary.

What's more, the little fat man's family seems to be quite rich?

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