"Candy is back, and I still have to do my homework."

Candy, who had just picked up her schoolbag, curled her lips, and retorted angrily, "I finished my homework at school."

"Brother, I found that since I went to primary school, the most common sentence you say in the evening is homework.

Hehe, don't think I don't know, brother, you never do your homework when you go home from school. "

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun, who just got up, glanced at Zhou Yaling who was full of guilt.

He never wrote extracurricular homework, and probably only Zhou Yaling would tell Candy. Except for Zhou Yaling, he really couldn't think of anyone else who would talk about it.

"Don't learn from me, don't learn from the good ones, and learn from the bad ones."

"You want to use your sister-in-law as an example, you know? Just ask your sister-in-law, when I was in high school, I liked doing homework the most. I guess I did a lot of simulations for the three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation."

Li Xuanyu, who was standing beside Mo Jingchun, twisted Mo Jingchun's waist, and looked at Mo Jingchun with resentful eyes.

Isn't it just that I take the first place every time, why do I remember it.

Looking at sister-in-law's small movements, Tang Tang's eyes showed suspicion. How does Tang Tang feel that her brother and sister-in-law are working together to fool her.

"Sister-in-law, is what brother said true?"

"Really, when I was in high school, I used up a water-based pen refill every day."

After using up a pen, Candy was stunned, how many words would have to be written in a refill to use up.

"Let's go, don't be stupid. You only have a lot of homework now, and you still think about not writing it. When you go to high school, if you have 80% of my strength, I will help you to tell the head teacher whether you can write after-school work or not. Homework as you like, how about it?"

Candy thought for a while and nodded.

High school is still far away. Although this pie is big, it is better to have pie than nothing. Anyway, there is still hope.

On the way back, Candy sat in the middle with zeros on the left and right.

Sandwiched between two zeros, Candy is still a little uncomfortable. Coupled with Baozi and Xiaohuihui, the originally loose back row now looks very crowded.

"Zero, don't you feel crowded?"

The two zeros tilted their heads to look at Candy at the same time, and said with a smile: "It's really crowded, why don't you tell the boss, and let Xiao Huihui take the boss' car in the future."

Candy thought for a while, "I think it's okay, I'll be home in a while, let me tell you."

The journey home is not far, and there are street lights all the way, so it only took eleven minutes to get home from the Candy Science and Technology Park.

After getting out of the car, Candy went straight to his brother. Xiao Huihui behind him still doesn't know that Tangtang is running around for him, so he follows Tangtang's buttocks.

"elder brother."

"Why? What's your plan?" Mo Jingchun opened his mouth vigilantly against the candy lion.

Looking for him right after getting out of the car, there is a good chance that nothing good will happen. These are all experiences accumulated from bloody lessons.

Coupled with the flattering smile on Candy's face, Mo Jingchun was even more convinced that something was going on, something big was going to happen.


Tang Tang rubbed her little hands, looked up at her elder brother eagerly, and said, "Our car is too crowded, let Xiao Huihui come back by car with you and sister-in-law in the future."


Mo Jingchun glanced at the two zeros and suddenly realized.


"Let me tell you, let Baozi and Xiao Huihui stay at home every day, and Dabai will definitely be able to take care of them well. Don't dare to say anything else, you will never be hungry, and the meal order can be accurate to the second."

"No!" Candy put her hands on her hips unhappy.

"Leave Baozi and Xiao Huihui at home, they will be lonely."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun glanced at the sleepy Baozi and Xiao Huihui. As far as they are concerned, no one disturbs their sleep, even if they want to skip a meal.

never mind. If so, these two guys probably won't be alive for a few years.

"Okay, you let Xiao Huihui ride in my car from now on."


At night, the originally bustling city became quiet at this moment. There are only a few barbecue streets where many sleepless people are chatting about life.

At an airport thousands of miles away, Wentian, which had just finished testing its night-time return capability and manned flight, was quietly parked on the apron.

At the brightly lit airport, a group of engineers methodically conducted routine physical examinations on the Wentian.

In the distance, the director of the space agency was wearing myopia glasses looking at the almost perfect Wentian in front of him, and he kept recalling the emails he received from Mo Jingchun in the evening in his mind.

What metal fatigue is false, Mo Jingchun is completely worried that they will easily cause problems if they toss and ask Tianhao like this.

Regarding Mo Jingchun's worry, the director also knew that it was not unreasonable.

If something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret.

The damage of a space shuttle, even he, the director, cannot afford it.

It's too expensive. The price of the Wentian space shuttle is so expensive that even the space agency is very painful.

I am afraid that only a few people know how much money has been invested in the independent research and development of candy technology.

If there is investment, it is necessary to make a profit. It is normal for a new product to be expensive when it is just released, but understanding is understanding, and distress is really distressing.

Is it really as if the money is printed directly?

If there are too many banknotes printed, there will be problems, and it is still a big problem. How terrible the consequences of inflation can be seen from history.

"The original Earth-Moon transportation plan has been postponed, and a meeting will be held at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning to discuss the postponement time."

"Okay, Director, I have written it down."

"Haste makes waste."

Looking at the bright moon above his head, the chief sighed, feeling a little emotional.

For so many years, they never dared to neglect the research of the space shuttle for a moment, for fear that other big countries would be ahead of the Xia country again, bringing comprehensive pressure to the country.

In contrast, candy technology has easily developed a space shuttle.

A combination of work and rest and proper relaxation may trigger more inspiration.

Thinking of this, the director shook his head. Although some ideas are good, it is not easy to implement them like Candy Technology.

the next day.

Xiao Huihui, who was forcibly pulled into the car by Mo Jingchun, was full of reluctance, her small eyes, from the beginning to the end, kept looking at Tangtang eagerly, trying to impress Tangtang with her eyes.

However, Xiao Huihui thought too much.

It's just a change of car, it's like parting from life and death.

Sitting in the car, Mo Jingchun looked at Xiao Huihui, who weighed more than one hundred catties, lying at his feet.

Just putting his head on his feet made Mo Jingchun feel heavy.

"You said that your weight is almost catching up to mine, can you restrain yourself from eating less, or train with the dagger if you have nothing to do?"

"It's also a dog, why is there such a big difference between you and the dagger?"

"When you're free, go and take a look at Dagger's figure, his muscles, and his mighty arrogance. Let's take a look at you... Wait..."

Mo Jingchun seemed to realize that this silly dog ​​was not stupid at all, because just now, he discovered a big secret.

In the past two years, Xiao Huihui seemed to deliberately avoid the dagger. And the reason, he could see now.

He is mighty and domineering, and Xiao Huihui is all flesh.

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