A certain high-security prison in the country, where all kinds of dangerous elements from all over the country are locked up, without exception, all criminals who can enter this prison are the abyss of crime.

In their lifetime, the number of criminals who can walk out of this prison alive, from the beginning of the establishment of the prison to the present, is very small.

Coming here means waiting to die, or dying of old age.

In this rare and uninhabited place, dust suddenly rose in the distance outside the prison, and a military off-road vehicle was driving towards the prison at high speed.

In an instant, all the guarding forces entered a fighting state.

There was a screeching brake, and the military off-road vehicle stopped. Because the report was received in advance, no one attacked the incoming car without an order.

Even so, the guards did not dare to relax for a moment.

It was not until the personnel on both sides had completed identity verification and conducted a security check on the incoming vehicle that the combat warning was given and the vehicle was allowed to pass.

The inquiry room was divided into two through the hard tempered glass.

People sitting on both sides can only communicate through electronic devices.

At this time, one side of the inquiry room was already full, and the other side was empty, with no one there.

"It's time to start."

"Yes, Chief!"

Not long after, the opposite door was opened, and two armed men walked in a criminal in handcuffs and handcuffs.

One by one, most of the criminals who came out of the interrogation room had complicated expressions.

When there is a ray of light in despair, it is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving rope. Normal people want to climb up, even if they are criminals.

Because there was no special call to keep it secret, it didn't take long for the entire prison, except for a very few criminals who enjoyed solitary confinement, to know the news.

Human experimentation may lead to premature death, but if not, the death penalty can be changed to life imprisonment.

As for getting out of this prison, to be honest, they, whose hopes had long been wiped out, hardly thought about it.

Moreover, based on their crimes, it is impossible to be released.

"Hehe, anyway, the day of my execution is coming soon, brothers, I will go first. I can live till now, I always think that my luck is very good."

Under the gaze of a group of criminals, the criminal who just laughed at himself got up and patted his ass, and walked towards the guard not far away.

That action was undoubtedly challenging the nerves of the guards.


"I'm signing up." There was no nonsense, because he knew that there was too much nonsense, and he continued to move forward, and he must be greeted by a tranquilizer gun.


The few people who were still in the inquiry room were not surprised at all when they received the news. It is reasonable for someone to take the initiative to sign up. Not all criminals can face death without any disturbance in their hearts.

"This is a very good start. Those who sign up voluntarily should write it down."

Two days later, under the incredulous eyes of other criminals, the first one hundred people who signed up were taken away and left the prison.

A human experiment unexpectedly broke the historical record of less than ten people walking out of the prison in decades.

Even if they just changed to another place and continued to be detained, they might even face death soon because of the failure of the experiment, but the rest of them still regretted it very much.

Here, one can only wait for death, but after leaving here, there is at least a glimmer of hope.

Four buses, armed police escort, and armed helicopters hovered in the sky, providing air support at any time.

Criminals who can't see the scenery outside the car don't know where these people will take them, only know that they have been sitting in the car for a long time.

When he was escorted out of the car again, he was already in a place that looked like an underground base.

In the next few days, the weather was calm, and one hundred people even ate all kinds of rich delicacies.

Everyone became silent. From the good food, everyone inferred a conclusion that the death rate of the experiment would be very high.

The food for the past few days may be the meal with severed heads.

"Start the experiment according to the predetermined plan, and the relevant personnel record all the data during the experiment to ensure that no detail is overlooked!"

On this day, after everyone was injected with the X-gene optimization solution, the criminal who didn't know what kind of drug experiment he was conducting was already lying on a white hospital bed waiting to die.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after reminiscing about their lives, everyone was surprised to find that they were not dead yet, and even felt warm all over.

Apart from physical sensations, the only external phenomenon is sweating, especially profuse sweating.

"I am Recorder No. 007, please dictate your intuitive feelings."

"It's warm, it feels like the feeling just after the physical training. There is also sweating. Hello, I want to drink water. Excuse me..."

"Wait a minute, now."

Seemingly prepared, No. 007 recorder handed the criminal a glass of water.

"The water doesn't taste right."

Hearing this, the recorder No. 007 did not make a fuss, but recorded in his notebook that "the subject's sense of taste is normal."

"This is sodium chloride with a concentration of 0.9%, which is normal saline, so you don't need to be nervous."

"Sweating is also normal, so normal saline needs to be replenished in time."

"Did you feel dizzy or nauseous?"


"Do you have……"


The heavy rain was still falling, and private cars outside Chengnan Elementary School to pick up the children on vacation blocked the road.

After finishing the last class, Quanquan took a test bag of candies and ran downstairs with Xiang'er.

However, when Candy saw countless parents pouring into the campus, and there was no school bus dedicated to Candy Technology in the parking lot of the campus, Candy and Xianger were dumbfounded.

"Where's the school bus? Three small cars, why didn't you see any of them?"

At this moment, the elusive Ling stood behind Candy at some point, and said calmly: "The school bus is blocked outside, and I can't get in. Just go to the original parking spot and gather there. The drivers are all there." Waiting."

Hearing this, Candy took a closer look in the direction of the parking lot, and indeed, those drivers were all there.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, Tang Tang and Xiang'er finally boarded the first full school bus and headed back to the park.

Walking into the office, Candy saw his brother humming an out-of-key song leisurely, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

Seeing the candy, Mo Jingchun grinned, "Oh, it's a holiday."

"How did you do on the last exam and how do you feel about yourself?"

Candy rolled her eyes, and said, "It's not the junior high school entrance exam, how difficult is the fifth grade of elementary school for me?"

"The less difficult it is, the more careful you need to be, otherwise you will make mistakes in sending sub-questions."

After speaking, Mo Jingchun twisted his neck.

"The company's annual meeting in a few days, do you want to go up and perform one?"

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