Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 944 Analysis and Guessing

Looking at Qin Yuzhu in the real-time monitoring screen on the computer, the corners of Mo Jingchun's mouth rose slightly.

After a while, the security personnel who received the notification immediately opened the door.

The person in front of him is already an old acquaintance.

It's just that they didn't dare to let their relatives into the park easily without receiving the notice, and they still let the vehicles pass.

After all, once the company pursues it, it is certain that it will definitely lose its job.

What's more, they were originally from special backgrounds, so naturally they would not let unauthorized personnel into the park for no reason.

In the outdoor parking lot in the park, after Qin Yuzhu parked the car and got out of the car, she stood beside the car, basking in the warm sun, quietly waiting for Mo Jingchun who rushed over.

In less than ten minutes, Mo Jingchun walked towards the parking lot from the direction of the office building with zero strides.

From a long distance away, Mo Jingchun smiled and waved hello.

"Sister Qin~"

After waiting for Mo Jingchun to approach, Qin Yuzhu joked with a smile: "I'm scared when you shout so kindly."

"This time I brought you the information you have been waiting for for a long time."

Saying that, Qin Yuzhu opened the trunk, and Mo Jingchun raised his head to take a look, good guy, the trunk is full of that kind of file boxes.

Same as last time, the outside of the box was pasted with an airtight seal.

Looking at the smiling Mo Jingchun, Qin Yuzhu said:

"The information this time should satisfy you very much."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun asked in surprise, "Sister Qin, why did you say that?"

Qin Yuzhu glanced at Mo Jingchun meaningfully, and said with a smile:

"Because when I got the materials, all the files were sealed, and I was specifically warned not to open them and read them without permission, otherwise the consequences would be serious."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yuzhu saw excitement and surprise in Mo Jingchun's eyes.

Think about it too, this time there must be something different, even involving a higher level of confidentiality.

Apart from this, Qin Yuzhu couldn't think of any other reasons. After all... last time, she had read the relevant files.

Noticing that there was no one around, Mo Jingchun asked in a low voice: "Sister Qin, do you want me to provide the X-gene optimization fluid this time?"

"If you need it, you may have to wait a little longer, and the preparation will take a certain amount of time."

The breeze blew Qin Yuzhu's bangs, and Qin Yuzhu smiled.

"No, the higher ups haven't told me about it."

Like a thief, Mo Jingchun glanced around secretly again, and then asked very curiously:

"Sister Qin, there should be experiments on animals other than humans, right?"

Qin Yuzhu was stunned, this really stumped her.

"Honestly, I really don't know.

I don't even know where the secret base used for experiments is, but what is certain is that the security and disease monitoring of this secret base are very strong.

After all... you know. In the event of an unexpected situation, the problem can be "solved" at any time.

To put it bluntly, even if a biochemical crisis occurs, as long as the base is closed immediately, casualties and the risk of transmission can be minimized. "

"But you may have the information I brought you this time, you can take a look."

Listening to what you say is like listening to what you say. However, Qin Yuzhu's analysis made a little sense.

Mo Jingchun believed that a small part of the second batch of X-gene optimization solution should be used in other animal experiments.

If it were him, Mo Jingchun would do the same.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Mo Jingchun said that it is only effective on the human body, and it is comparable to poison to other creatures. Would those researchers believe it without practicing it?

After arranging for five Dabai to push all the materials to his private laboratory with a small cart, Mo Jingchun looked at Qin Yuzhu and said with a smile: "Sister Qin, why don't you take a rest overnight and come back tomorrow Beijing."

After waving his hand, Qin Yuzhu said angrily:

"You don't have any sincerity at first glance, you know that I can't have time to rest in Huo County for a night, and you deliberately try to be polite to me.

We have cooperated for so many years, I still don't know you?

Not to mention, my mission has been completed, I returned to the capital to return to my mission, you should study the research materials, I hope that the materials brought this time can help you solve the doubts and problems in your heart. "

Under the watchful eyes of Mo Jingchun and Ling, Qin Yuzhu sat in the driver's seat boldly, and after a short operation, he drove the car and left the park.

After more than half an hour, after scanning all the data, rearranging and analyzing, Zero said in surprise:

"Boss, according to the data, there are still a hundred people participating in the second batch of human experiments."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief:

"That is to say, the researchers above did not conduct other biological experiments, and all the X-gene optimization fluids were used in human experiments!"

Zero nodded quietly.

"Hiss~ It's unbelievable. What do they think? Don't they just wonder about the reactions of other creatures after being injected with the X-gene optimization fluid?"

Mo Jingchun didn't know that this group of scientific researchers had seen the scene of gene collapse long before the X-gene optimization liquid came out, and all participants had signed a confidentiality agreement and were not allowed to mention it again.

It is precisely for this reason that everyone tacitly did not propose to go beyond the scope of application of the X-gene optimization fluid mentioned by Mo Jingchun.

Flipping through the documents that had been sorted out, Mo Jingchun became more and more surprised.

The surprise is not only the one-time success of the X-gene optimization solution, but also the pattern above.

Let a group of experimental subjects with special identities participate in military training.

Although the content of the training is not mentioned in the data, Mo Jingchun can also see that the training intensity is very strong from the changes in the physical data of these personnel!

For this special group of people, it is undoubtedly a challenge, but also an opportunity.

As the saying goes, when some people die, they "die".

It's just that what Mo Jingchun couldn't understand was that people with stronger bodies and special training were not worried about returning to society again?

Mo Jingchun told Zero Queen the doubts and guesses in his heart, and it only took 10 milliseconds. After supercomputing analysis, Zero opened his mouth and said:

"Boss, don't you think that genetically optimized and specially trained people are very suitable to perform missions in space? Especially when the space shuttle has become a reality, and the stars and seas are no longer a dream."

"Space?! Yes, why didn't I think of it. If it is space, it can really explain it."

After entering space, it seems that he has regained his freedom, but in the lonely space, it is another prison.

"It's absolutely amazing! Zero, your guess is more than 80% likely to be correct!"

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